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Coryricxt 1912 By 

All Rights Reserved 
Published June 1912 

Composed and Printed By 
The University of Chicago Press 
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 

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This Catalogue is the result of the conviction that the possession of 
manuscripts of even a moderate antiquity carries with it the responsibility of 
publishing some account of them for the use of scholars. It has also been 
our belief that a descriptive catalogue will make the manuscripts now in the 
University’s possession more useful to the departments to which they relate, 
and that the only way to build up a notable collection of manuscripts in the 
University is to make the most of what we have. 

Not all indeed that the University now possesses in the way of manu- 
scripts is here included. The Greek papyri in Haskell Oriental Museum we 
have been obliged to reserve for separate treatment, although the inclusion 
of those texts from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods, some of them unpub- 
lished, would have enriched this volume. The East Indian and other valuable 
oriental manuscripts belonging to Haskell Museum we have left untouched. 
Since the completion of our work upon this Catalogue, too, new collections 
including valuable autograph letters have been given to the University 
by Mr. Edward B. Butler, Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus, Mrs. Erskine M. 
Phelps, and Mrs. Emma B. Hodge. Such collections of letters and docu- 
ments evidently call for a special catalogue. Further, the mass of manu- 
script fragments from bindings or still in bindings present a large field for 
the manuscript cataloguer. We have made a beginning with these, but 
such pieces are seldom of value, and while a few of the more significant ones 
are described in the present volume, we have not as yet felt justified in 
asking the University’s permission to destroy dozens of fine old bindings 
of unquestioned interest in the history of book-making, in the effort to 
detach parchment fragments of doubtful value. Finally, it is more than 
probable that as the cataloguing of the University’s printed books goes on, 
some manuscripts long since in its possession will come to hand; but while we 
covet these for our Catalogue, and have made such search for them as we 
could, it has seemed wiser to proceed with those we have than to wait for an 
end which will never come, since the University will never cease to acquire 

Of the manuscripts treated in this Catalogue, few have been secured 
through special purchase. Nearly all have come to the University with 
large collections of printed books. The libraries of Hengstenberg, acquired 
in 1869-70, George B. Ide (1873-74), the American Bible Union (1885-86), 
and the Old University of Chicago (1891) brought some manuscripts with 
them. But the great majority of our manuscripts we owe to the purchase 
in 1891 of the Berlin Collection. A concise list of these followed the Berlin 
Collection to Chicago, and while not all the manuscripts there reported have 


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come into our hands, we have found some others not listed there but very 
probably from the same source, and the eight missing ones may yet be found 
as the cataloguing of the great collection approaches completion. The Ovid 
manuscript (no. 99) came to our attention when this Catalogue was already 
in type, and is therefore treated in an Appendix. 

The manuscripts which formed part of the Berlin Collection at the time 
of its acquisition by the University had been gathered from various sources, 
most of which it is no longer possible to identify. In the case of a few 
codices, however, a definite statement of origin and early history can be 
made. The Glycas, Georgius Hamartolus, and De Rancé manuscripts dis- 
play the arms of Pius VI, in whose time and probably for whose library three 
of them were written. Nos. 14 and 99 have on their covers somewhat 
similar arms, perhaps those of Cardinal Braschi before he became Pius VI. 
Of these six manuscripts, three (nos. 14, 65, 99) with five others (nos. 1, 5, 11, 
51, 52) have a rectangular label, numbered in roman. Perhaps this early label 
was that of Pius VI’s collection. Over it in some cases has been pasted the 
oval label which appears on nos. 2, 6, 12, 14, 17, 18, 39, 47, 54, 63, 65, and 
99. It is at least clear that all the manuscripts bearing these labels have 
come with the Berlin Purchase, whether included in its list or not, and the 
labels give us some hint of the probable process of accretion by which the 
principal element in that collection of manuscripts developed. It is not 
indeed impossible that the nineteen manuscripts of the three groups formed 
part of that private papal collection of which Cardinal Braschi’s two manu- 
scripts were the nucleus. At all events they became combined with a group 
of his manuscripts and were catalogued together before they came into the 
possession of the Calvary Brothers in Berlin. Other similar manuscript 
relationships, in so far as we have observed them, we have indicated by 
cross-references in the descriptions that follow. Thus the Lucan and the 
Boccaccio (nos. 33, 57) are bound and lettered alike; the Albertus, the 
Aristotele, and the Leo (nos. 2, 5, 30) are lettered alike on the back; the 
Diodorus and the Ovid (nos. 14, 99), are bound and lettered alike, etc. 

Every manuscript is a human document and presents an individual 
history. The manuscript of Gerard’s Distinctiones (no. 22) states that it 
was copied from his original at Siena by an Augustinian named Martucius, 
who began the task in 1466, when he was Magister Studentium, ‘at a time 
of great persecution and trial,’ and completed it on September 7, 1468, 
“at a time of great tranquillity and peace.” Other subscriptions report its 
subsequent fortunes. It remained at the Convent of Prato until a visitor 
from Naples took possession of it and carried it off to Naples. Brother 
Augustinus of Prato happened to visit Naples some time after, and to him 
the Neopolitan, ‘‘conscientia forte motus,” returned the manuscript. On 
June 19, 1520, Augustinus recorded these facts in the recovered manuscript, 
and expressed the pious intention of examining the whole of it, and at his 
death bequeathing it to his convent at Prato. But a further subscription, 

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dated October 24, 1522, shows that two years later the manuscript passed 
into the hands of Brother Herennius, who had given Augustinus in exchange 
for it the Epistles of Paul, and writings of Thomas of Argentina and Gregory 
of Ariminum, well-known Augustinian authorities. Beyond this point the 
movements of the manuscript are obscure, but this sketch of its fortunes 
for half a century gives curious glimpses of contemporary life. Other 
manuscripts are not less quaintly interesting, and will invite closer study, 
textual or historical, from the departments to which they relate. 

This Catalogue is published in connection with the dedication of the 
Harper Memorial Library, June 11, 1912. Our thanks are due to Karl 
Pietsch, James Westfall Thompson, Charles Henry Beeson, Chester Nathan 
Gould, and Tiemen de Vries, members of the University faculties, for many 
helpful suggestions on various manuscripts, upon which we sought their 
expert opinions. To the President of the University, the Director of the 
Libraries, and the Director of the Press, we are especially indebted for the 
interest they have shown in the publication of the Catalogue at this time, 
when, with the opening of the Harper Memorial Library, the University’s 
manuscripts are at last transferred to secure and permanent quarters in the 
Manuscript Room. 

May, 1912 

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Alberti, De Re Aedificatoria 

Albertus Magnus, De Homine . 

Albertus Theotonicus, Robertus Anglious; etal., Practices 
Sextius Amarcius Gallus, De Virtutibus Palen, ete. 
Aristoteles, De Moribus ad Nicomachum 

Baldus de Perusio, Consilia de Iure 

Benedictus XIV, Iustitie et Pacis 

. Benedictus de Perusio, οὐ al., Rubricae 

. Bernardus Clarevalensis, De Consideratione 

. Blasius de Parma, Questiones super Libro M Dineuvroramn:. 
. Calderinus, Commentaria in Martialem 

. Sextius Clodius, et al., Fasti, etc. , 

. Columna, Baronius, De Monarchia Siciliae 

. Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca : 

. Diogenes Laertius, De Vita et Moribus Phslosonhortn 
. Epistola Conventus Carthusiensis Erffordt 

. Eusebius, Chronica 

. Eusebius, Historia aa: 

. Evangeliorum Quattuor Harmonia 

. Horatius Feltrius, Conatus trritt Ossunae duties: etc . 
. Fides Caietana 

. Girardus de Senis, Distineliones ἈΠ τς 

. Guido de Monte Rotherii, Tractatus, etc. . 

. Hieronymus, Commentaria in Amos 

. Hieronymus, Explanationes in Ysayam 

. Horae . 

. Horatius, Opera : 

. Isidorus Hispalensis, Contra I ΝΕ 

. Iuvenal, Satirae : 

. Leo Magnus, Sermones . : 

. Leonardus Aretinus, De Primo Bello Purieo : 

. Leonardus Aretinus, e¢ al., Opuscula varia. 

. Lucanus, Pharsalia 

. Petrus Veronensis, Rubricae 


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Φῷ οὐ οὐ -ἴ 9 συ ἢ ἢν οὐ ἃ 

35. Poggius, Leonardus, Guarinus, Opuscula . 36 
36. Receptarium de Medicinis 37 
37. Antonius de Raho, In Rubricas Ἑρζωΐο Μ atrimonio 37 
38. 2 Reg. 19:87—22: 18 : 38 
39. Rubricae De Accusationibus, etc. 39 
40. Rubricae, Libellz, ete. 41 
41. Sebastianus Neapolitanus, Declonaiones de Regno Sieiline . 42 
42. Seneca (Pseudo-), De Quatuor Virtutibus, etc. 43 
43. Servetus, De Trinitatis Erroribus 44 
44. Wachter, Elucidarius Cabalisticus . 44 
45. (Gr. 1.) Basilius Magnus, ssi Athanasius, Vita δ. 
Antonit : ; a a A δὰ τῷ. Se AO 
46. (Gr. 2.) Evangelia Graeca : 49 
47. (Gr. 3.) Georgius Hamartolus, Chronicon : 51 
48. (Gr. 4.) Michael Glycas, Epistolae, Vol. I 52 
49. (Gr. 5.) Michael Glycas, Epistolae, Vol. II 54 
50. (Gr. 6.) Lectionarium Epistolarum . i 55 
51. (Gr. 7.) Nicephoras Gregoras, Historia Busantina 56 
52. (Gr. 8. ) Nicetas Serronius, Commentaria in Orationes Gregorii 
Nazianzeni . : 59 
53. (Gr. 9.) Nicetas Serronius, ‘Nonnus, Commentaria in Ora- 
tiones Gregorti Nazianzeni . . 60 
54. (Gr. 10.) Proclus, Elementa Phaslogien. 62 
55. (Gr. 11.) Procopius, Epitome iad in Hepiaiaucdasn et 
Canticum 63 
56. (Gr. 12.) Iohannes Tretzes, Epistolae - : 64 
57. (It. 1.) Boccaccio, 11 Fitocolo 67 
58. (It. 2.) Costumt e Morte di Papa Aleseansiea VI . 67 
59. (It. 3.) Gregorio, Moral : 68 
60. (It. 4.) Documents Relating to Missions in China; 68 
61. (It. 5.) Ore . 69 
62. (It. 6.) Razzi, Vita dé Ρ. Cholene Savonarala 71 
63. (Span. 1.) Breviario de Amor : 75 
64. (Span. 2.) Alexo Salgado Correa, Mi ἜΝ de ΓΕ . 75 

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65. (Fr. 1.) Armand Le B. de Rancé, Examen des Reflexions du 
R. P. Mabillon eo ὦ oo Wed oe aS. Ge 28 
66. (Ger. 1.) Book of Devotions. eh SE BS Me. ee. S85 
67. (Ger. 2.) Hymn, with Inst of Books. » τῷ 87 
68. (Ger. 3.) Mathesius, Kirchenordnung, etc. ΜΕ ΤῈ of 
Rammelsberg Mines é Ἐς He ὮΙ ἃ 88 
69. (Eng. 1.) John Liptrott, Collectanea Curtosa . . . . 98 
70. (Eng. 2.) Joseph Spence, Poems, Latin and English . . . 98 
71. (Dutch 1.) Land Leases . oa. Ge 199 
72. (Dutch 2.) Narrative and Dovibnente of an Embassy to Morocco 100 
73. (Icel. 1.) Saga of St. Οἷα . ; a @ oa Jet cas ve 105 
74. (Heb. 1.) Tracts on Domestic and Ceremonial Matters . 109 
75. (Arab. 1.) TheQuran 2. . . ww ee eee 118 
76-98... τ΄,  « @ 24 Bs. ae τῇ . . 117-122 
99. Regulae Grammaticae—Ovidius, De Remedio Amoris . . 123 
Letters ascribed to Raphael . . 2. 2. 2. 1... 128 

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1. ALBERTI, De Re Aedificatoria. 

Paper, ff. 284, cm. 30.5X20.5, single columns, 25-41 lines. 32 
quires, of 10, except 3d, 9th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 26th, 28th, 30th (8), and 
15th, 18th, 22d, 23d, and 25th (6). Irregular leaf numbering within 
quires. Several hands have worked on the manuscript, the several 
quires being the work of different scribes, and the hand sometimes 
changing in the course of a page. Berlin Purchase no. 34. Probably 
century XV. 

Label: wanting. The tooled and gilded back of the red leather 
binding bears no name, but a rectangular paper label at the bottom is 
marked LXIII; cf. nos. 5, 11, 51, 52, 65. 

Contents: Leone Alberti (1404-72 [80]), De Re Aedificatoria, 
libri X. On the verso of the 3d fly-leaf a later hand has written 
Vitruvii Architectura, but over Vitruvii another hand has written 
Leonis Alberti. 

1. Introduction, ff. la-4a. Incip.: Multas et varias artes que ad 
vitam bene et beate agendum faciant.—Hxplic.: nam primi quidem 
libri titulus. 

2. The treatise De Re Aedificatoria, ten books, ff. 4b-281b. Incip.: 
De lineamentis aedificiorum conscripturi optima et elegantissima.— 
Explic.: ut digniores multoque elegantiores habeantur. Deo Gratias. 

Lib. 1, ff. 40-28a. Incip.: De lineamentis aedificiorum. 

Lib. 2, ff. 28a-53b. Incip.: Opus aedificiorum atque impensam. 
Lib. 3, ff. 5380-826. Incip.: Omnis astruendi operis ratio. 

Lib. 4, ff. 820-1046. Incip.: Edificia .... esse . . constituta. 
Lib. 5, ff. 1046-138a. Incip.: Operum varietates cum intra urbe. 
Lib. 6, ff. 1880-162b. Incip.: [Llineamenta et materiam operum. 
Lib. 7, ff. 162b-1946. Incip.: Rem edificatoriam constare. 

Lib. 8, ff. 194b-218a. Incip.: Ornamenta que operibus adhibeantur. 

Lib. 9, ff. 218a-248a. Incip.: Meminisse oportet privatorum edi- 

Lib. 10, ff. 248a-281b. Incip.: Fide operum vitiis emandandis. 

There are large plain initials in blue at the beginning of the intro- 
duction and of Bk. 1, and spaces have been left for them at the begin- 
nings of the other books. At the foot of f. 150) is written Scriptum 
Manu Cancellarii Ex(cellen?)tis Regni Siciliae Cancellarii. A cor- 
rector’s notes, in a square heavy hand, are found throughout in the 


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margins.. F. 221 is blank except for the words satis conscendendi and a 
cross covering the recto; the text continues with satis conscendendi on 
the following. After this point various scribes have numbered 3 to 10 
leaves of their own quires. 

2. ALBERTUS Maenus, De Homine. 

Paper, ff. 339, cm. 2921.5, single columns, 32-37 lines. 29 quires, 
of 12, except the 1st, a prefatory quire unnumbered (3). The quires, 
except the first, were numbered 1°-28° at the foot of the last verso, but 
some of these have been trimmed away. Occasional marginal rulings. 
Ff. 2a-3b and 339b blank. Berlin Purchase. Probably century XV. 

Label: Albertus de Homine.—Above, 125 and 101; below, Stipo 3. 
Below, an oval label, like that on nos. 6, 12, 14, 17, 18, 39, 47, 54, 
63, 65, numbered 101. On the under edges, Alber(tus) de Homine. 
Remains of two brass clasps. Binding, blue leather over boards. 
Yellow edges. The name-label is like that on nos. 5 and 30. 

Contents: Albertus Magnus, De Homine. 252 chapters. 

Title, in a hand smaller and probably later than the text: Albertus 
de homine, f. 4a. JIncip.: [C]onsequenter transeundum est ad queren- 
dum de homine.—Fzplic.: non est intendi sed in substantia continuari. 

Ff. 1a-2a supply a gap in cap. 51: Incip.: de anima ubi dicitur 
color est.—Explic., f. 2a: sed ut perfectionem visus et visibilis secundum 
quod est visibile et secundum quod est visus adactum. 

At the top of f. 1, a note in another hand reads: Istud vult esse infra 
6. 51 ubi tale signum. A drawing of a face follows. On f. 87a, the same 
face appears, with this note: hic deficit quod est scriptum supra in 
principio libri per unam cartam cum dimidia. Spaces have been left 
for large initials, but these have not been supplied. 

Within the first cover, a modern hand has written Albertus Magnus; 
and inside the last a price mark in lire is penciled. 

The voluminous works of Albertus Magnus (1193-1280), the Doctor 
Universalis of the Schoolmen, were first published by Peter Jammy, 
at Lyons, in 1651. 

ET AL., Tractatus Mathematict et Philosophici. 

Paper, ff. 68, cm. 29.9X22.1, rough edges, 2 columns, 65 (66), 
42-45 lines, in 8 quires, Ist of 4, 2d of 2, 3d and 8th of 12, 4th to 6th of 10, 
and 7th of 8. Column rulings in quires 3-8, sometimes on both sides; 
quire signatures (quires 4-8), lower right-hand corner of last verso. 
Berlin Purchase? Century XV. 

Contents: A collection of mathematical and philosophical treatises. 

1, Tractatus proportionum alberti theotonici (= teutonici ?) (wrongly 
superscribed by a later hand, latitudines formarum, ef. the Explic. f. 4 

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(41)a, col. 2): ff. 1-4a (88-41a). Incip.: Proportio communiter accepta 
est.—Explic.: corolaria ad quorum illustrationem supersedeo causam 
brevitatis et est finis huius deo gratias Amen. 

2. Latitudines formarum, ff. 4a, col. 2,—6a (4la—48a). Incip.: 
[Qluia latitudines formarum multipliciter variantur—Explic.: occurrere 
et ideo transeo etc. deo gratias Amen Amen. 

3. Compilatio super tractatu de spera edita a fratre roberto anglico 
ordinis praedicatorum qui super totam loycam (=logicam) scripsit 
qui fuit magister in theologia postea archiepiscopus cartusiens(is?) et 
demum cardinalis (cf. the Explic. f. 180 -- 666), ff. 7-18 (45-56). Prob- 
ably Robert Grosseteste (Capito). Incip.: Una scientia est nobilior 
alia.—Ezplic.: idem satis declaratus etc. Deo gratias Amen. 

4. A collection of notabilia dicta averroys, ff. 19-64 (57-128). 
A. From his commentary super primo de anima, ff. 19-28 (57-66). 
Incip.: [A]rtes. Incomplete, Explic.: Actiuum et passiuum viden- 
tur(?) esse quodammodo opposita. Commento 33.—In the lower 
right-hand corner the beginning of the next quire is written: Innuit, etc. 
But the next quire begins dicta. 

B. From his commentary super 2° metaphisiae ff. 29-52 (77-100). 
Incip.: Commentum primum. [Quia] ista scientia perscrutatur. The 
colophon at the end of this section, f. 81b, col. 1, makes these dicta 
come from Averrhoes super primum et 2™, li. metha®°, quos in commen- 
tando intermiscuit. There follow in order the comments on Lib. 3-7.— 
Explic.: substantiales generales et . . . . commento 9°. 

C. Super libro coligeth ff. 58-64 (122-128). Incip.: [E]t dicimus 
quod ars medicinae.—Explic.: ramificate sicut arterie co. ca’. 

There are three different hands, one in the Tractatus proportionum 
and Latitudines formarum, another in the Compilatio, the third in the 
Dicta of Averrhoes. These were probably written as separate manu- 
scripts; the watermarks, too, differ. Moreover on the verso of f. 6 
(43) at the top is written: Iste carte omnes sunt numero 60. But a 
folio numbering inserted before the loss of the quire from the Averrhoes 
material, in the same hand throughout binds this heterogeneous ma- 
terial together into one volume. It runs from 38-43, 45-66, 77-104, 
121-128. Probably between 104 and 121 another quire of similar ma- 
terial (Averrhoes) has been lost. Another hand has numbered ff. 3-6 
in the lower right-hand corner of the verso (f. 3) or recto (4-6) from 
96-99. Marginal notes are inserted sometimes by the writer, sometimes 
(in the Compilatio) by another hand. Ff. numbered 101-104, 121 
and two ff. after 128 are left entirely blank. On the verso of the 
next to the last and the recto of the last ff. a later hand than any in 
the manuscript has written a number of Latin verses on various subj- 
ects. Space has been left for large initials, but few of these have been 

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4. Sextius Amarcius Gaius, De Virtutibus Patrum et Posteriorum 

Vitiis, libri IV. 

Paper, ff. 66, cm. 21X17.5, pages numbered (1, 2) 3-131 (132). 
9 quires, of 8, except the 5th (6) and 9th (4), single columns, 23-25 lines. 
Both margins ruled. Century XVIII. 

Label: Amarcius.—Pasteboard binding. Numbered 2509 on upper 
right-hand corner of front cover. 

Contents: Title: Sexti Amarcii Galli Libri IV De virtutibus patrum 
et posteriorum vitiis, f. la— Below, in a later hand, De opere et codice 
ef. Eberti notitia ms. codicum Dresdensium p. 239-241.—Below, in 
pencil, Iterum conferatur cum codice ms. m. Apr. 1834. 

Incip.: Incipit epistola Sexti Amarcii Galli Piosistrati ad candidum 
Theopystium alchimum. Virtutem norma theopysti culte decora, f. 2a 
(=p. 3). 

Incipit liber primus Sexti Amarcii Epilogus: De virtutibus patrum 
et posteriorum vitiis. Quem bis natorum semel ex genitrice fecundo 
(f. 3a=p. 5).—Ezplic.: Carmina vocalis justorum concio pangit. 
Explicit Liber Amarcii f. 650, p. 130 (181). 

The manuscript is concluded with 22 lines, De quatripartita con- 
punctione (ff. 65b, 66a=pp. 130, 131). JIncip.: Est quatripartita 
cordis conpunctio tota, p. 130.—zplic.: Commemorans saepe talia 
sollicitae, p. 131. 

On the inner front cover, 208 is written in red pencil. Sections of 
lines and portions of words omitted probably because illegible in the 
exemplar, are marked by pencil strokes in the margin. 

. ARISTOTELES, De Moribus ad Nicomachum. 

Paper, heavy and handsome, ff. 79, cm. 28.722, single columns, 
33 to 36 lines, 8 quires, of 10, except the 8th (9). Ff. 760-796 blank. 
Quire letters A~H and f. numbers 1-5 at lower right-hand corner of 
first five rectos of each quire. There is a continuous leaf numbering 
from a later hand. Rulings on both sides. Name-label as on nos. 2, 
30. Berlin Purchase no. 10. Probably century XV. 

Label: Aristotelis Moralia.—Old library numbers, 150, and in a 
later hand, CXII, stand on the back; cf. nos. 1, 11, 51, 52, 65. 

_ Contents: Aristotle’s Ethics, ten books, in the Latin version of 
Iohannes A(r)gyropylus. Incip.: [O]mnis ars omnisque doctrina atque 
actus.—Ezplic.: Hee itaque aggredientes deinceps dicamus. (Lib. 10, 
Tract. 2, Cap. 4.) At the head of f. la, stands this title in red: Liber 
aristotilis de moribus ad nichomachum quem iohannes Agyropylus 
byzantius gratia magnifici cosme medicis florentini traduxit. The 
reference is to Cosimo de’ Medici, 1389-1464. 

Spaces have been left for large initials, but these have not been 
supplied. Book, treatise, and chapter headings are in red. 

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The books occupy the following folia: 

Lib. 1, ff. la- 8a. Lib. 6, ff. 376-430. 
Lib. 2, ff. 8α-18α. Lib. 7, ff. 436-520. 
Lib. 3, ff. 18α-21α. Lib. 8, ff. 52b-60a. 
Lib. 4, ff. 21a-29a. Lib. 9, ff. θ0α- 670. 
Lib. 5, ff. 29a-37b. Lib. 10, ff. 67b-76a. 

There are various notes: on the inside of the front cover, in pencil, 
in German script, 76 beschr(iebene) Bl(atter). On the last verso, in 
pencil, a price-mark in Marks. On the same page, in red, Questo libro 
e di Gi. . . Japrato. The name has been crossed out. 

. BaLpus DE Perusio, Consilia de Iure. 

Paper, ff. xiii+151, cm. 30X22.5, double columns, 40-42 lines. 
8 quires, of 20, except the Ist (12) and 6th, 7th, and 8th (18). Margin 
rulings on both sides. Ff. ixa—xiiib, 149a-1516 blank. Berlin Purchase 
no. 32. Century XV. 

Label: wanting. The manuscript has lost its cover—At the foot 
of the back is an oval paper label, like that on nos. 2, 12, 14, 17, 18, 39, 
47, 54, 63, 65, inscribed .41. 

Contents: Baldus de Perusio, Consilia de Iure. 

1. Repertorium Infra scriptorum consiliorum eminentissimi utrius- 
que iuris doctoris domini Baldi de Perusio dum in facto occurrerent de 
jure consulentis, in summa referens quid unumquidque consiliorum 
ipsorum in effectu contineat videlicet.—clx titles follow, ff. iia—viiib. 

2. Incipiunt conscilia domini Baldi de perusio et aliorum quam pluri- 
morum doctorum, ff. 1a-148b. Incip.: Factum Intelligo sub ista 
forma.—Exzplic.: de tutela. Baldus deo gratias Amen Amen Amen. 

Ff. i-iv have suffered some mutilation, through damp and neglect. 
A later hand has annotated the text at many points. In the formulas 
the name of Baldus occurs most frequently; et ita dico ego Baldus; 
but other names appear; Petrus de Perusio, f. 13b; Honofrius de Perusio, 
legum doctor, f. 13); Angelus de Perusio (i.e., de Ubaldis? flor. 1423) 
legum doctor, f. 14a; Angelus de Merianis decretorum doctor, f. 33a; 
Tacobus de Belviso (i.e., Belloviso? flor. 1270) f. 430; Franciscus de 
Altergotis, f. 370, and again in the form Franciscus de Altergoctis de 
Arecio (Francesco Accolti, 1418-83), ff. 55b, 84a, 93a; Franciscus de 
Ramporibus, f. 109a; Iohannes de Lignano, (flor. 1380) ib., and f. 117a; 
Antonius de Praesebris, f. 109a; Iohannes de Casali, ib.; Paganinus de 
Sala, ff. 123a, 144a; Bartholus de Saxoferrato (11855), ff. 81a, 93), 
118α; cf. f. 108a; Angelus de Castillono, f. 144a; Iacobus Bructicarius 
(i.e., de Bugtrigariis? flor. 1320) f. 1376; and some others. F. 180 has 
adate: In Anno domini M° CCC° LXXXX de mense Iulii 26, along 
with others. References to Extracta de casibus legis longobarde are 
made on f. 5a. 

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7. Benepictus XIV, Iustitie et Pacis. 

Parchment, ff. 38, em. 3424.5, single columns, 21 lines. 3 quires, 
1st and 2d of 12, 3d of 14. The writing extends to the insides of both 
parchment covers. Berlin Purchase no. 44. 1746. 

Label: none. At top of front cover, Num. 64. In middle of back 
cover, Registrata in Secretaria Brevium. 

Contents: Bull of Benedict XIV, Lustitie et Pacis. Incip. (front 
cover, verso): Benedictus ep(iscopu)s Servus Servorum Dei Ad Per- 
petuam Rei Memoriam. Lustitie et Pacis Custodes et Adsertores non 
solum in Universa Ecclesia Christi—EFzplic. (f. 38b): Datum Rome 
apud sanctam Mariam Maiorem anno incarnationis Dominice millesimo 
septingentesimo quadragesimo sexto, Sexto Nonas Octobris Pontificatus 
Nostri Anno Septimo. 

Signatures follow: 

X: subdatarius 

Visa, Pro D(omi)no Cardinali Passioneo 
De curia I. C. Boschi Toannes Florius Substitutus 
Ib. Eugenius 

Ducat(i) Decem et Iul(hatum ?) Unum. 

Of the last two lines, the first is in the elaborate hand of the manu- 
script, the second in ordinary cursive. This last is perhaps the copyist’s 
fee. The great leaden seal (bulla) of Benedict XIV is attached to the 
book by a silken cord of red and yellow, the Papal colors, marking the 
document as “in forma gratiosa.”’ Cardinal Passioneo was at this 
time Librarian of the Holy See. Benedict became pope in 1740. The 
hand is of the most exaggerated type, and great florid pen and ink 
capitals stand at the head of every page. Similar signatures appear in 
Bullarium Romanum, Acta Benedicti XIV, vols. I and 11. 


Paper, ff. 148, em. 31.5 21.5, single columns, 46-48 lines. Leaves 
numbered 99-238; nos. 122, 123, after being given to blank leaves, 
are repeated. 16 quires of 12, except nos. 1, 9, 14, 15 (10); 2 (9); 8, 10, 
16 (8); 3 (6); 4,5 (2). Ff. 1186-1176, 121a-123'B, 1250, 167b, 179b- 
1870, 2386-2396 are blank. Century XV (probably 1400-1450). 

Label: wanting. 

Contents: Rubricae, mostly testamentary: Benedictus de Perusio, 
De Testamentis, ff. 99b (a?)-107a; De Heredibus Instituendis, ff. 107b- 
108a; De Contrariis Tabulis, ff. 109a-113a; De Codicillis, ff. 118a-1200; 
Angelus de Arecio, De Legatis, ff. 122a-179a; (the same?) Ad Tre- 
bellia, ff. 188a-238a. Incip.: Furiosum iri suis iri. Furiosus habens 
dillucida intervalla.—Ezplic.: ita voluit Baldus in dicta auct(oritativa ?) 
contra (?) rogat(um?) in principio secunda collumna. 

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The parchment reinforcement in the folds of the later quires is from 
a Latin Psalter, beautifully written in two very narrow columns. 

Some names are given in headings and colophons written in capitals 
by the first hand. On f. 1200, at the close of the section of text: Hic 
tractatus codicillorum co<m)pilat(us) est per D. Meum Benedictum de 
Parmis de Perusio Utriusque Monarcham (Benedetto Capra, ca. 1400 3). 
—At the head of f. 122a: De Legatis Et Fidey Conmissis Primo.—At 
the head of f. 126a: Rubrica de Fidey Conmissis et 1 c. 1°.—At the end 
of the section of text, f. 179a: Hic Est Finis Hujus Legis. Nemo 
Potest. De Legatis Primo Repetite Per D. Meum A(n)gelum De 
Arecio Famosissimum Legum Doctorem (Angelo Gambiglioni, [1461 ἢ). 
—At the head of f. 188a: Rub(ri)ca.—In the upper right-hand corner of 
this, and many later rectos, is minutely written: Ad Trebellia, usually 
much abbreviated.—Another hand has written at the head of f. 99a: 
Hic incipiunt collecte ἃ. benedicti de perusio. In a smaller hand, 
at the head of f. 109a, dominus Alafrancus de ariano repetii.... . 
This must be Chevalier’s Lanfranc d’Oriano, 1472, and this note of 
his fixes the general period of the manuscript. In another hand, opposite 
the title De Legatis, etc., f. 122a: Angelide Aretio. There are occasional 
marginal notes in early hands. 


Paper, ff. 42, cm. 21.315, single columns, 36-40 lines. 5 quires, 
of 8 except the 5th (10). Quire signatures have been for the most 
part trimmed away in rebinding. No rulings. Century XV. 

Label: Ms. XIII s[aec(uli)].—The binding, brown leather over 
boards, is tooled all over with a stag, an agnus dei, and a fleur-de-lis. 
There are two brass clasps. 

Contents: Bernard of Clairvaux, De Consideratione, five books. 

Title: Incipit tractatus Bernardi abbatis clarevalensis de consideraci- 
one. ad eugenium papam. L. 1.—Incip.: Subit animum dictantem 
aliquid quod te papa beatissime eugenium vel edificet vel delectet.— 
Explic.: Proinde is sit finis libri sed non finis querendi. 

Lib. 1, ff. la—-7b. 

Lib. 2, ff. 7b-16a. 

Lib. 3, ff. 16a-23a. 

Lib. 4, ff. 23a-300. 

Lib. 5, ff. 30b-42a. 

There are various notes in later hands: on f. 420, at the top, Mss du 
13° siécle; at the bottom, 86, and a name (F. Marcel ?).—Within the 
front cover, xiv® Siécle. 1 vol. manss. 36#.—In another hand, G, and 
below D.—In another hand, F. Franciscus Martin Minor Coclericus (?) 
Theologus Parisiensis qui supra 1719. 

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10. Buastus ΡΒ Parma, Questiones super Libro Methaurorum. 


Paper, ff. ii+37, cm. 3022.5, double columns, 46-48 lines, 3 quires, 
the 1st of 14, 2d of 8, 84 of 22. Margin rulings on both sides. . Ff. 16 
and 20 are blank. Berlin Purchase no. 25. Century XV. 

Label: wanting. The manuscript has lost its cover. 

Contents: Title (in a late hand) Blasius de Parma. Incip.: f. 1a: 
Cirea principium libri methaurorum Queritur primo Utrum mundus 
generabilium et corporabilium gubernetur a celo—Hxplic., f. 870: Et 
sit finis omnium questionum circa librum methaurorum et omnium 
aliorum librorum methaurorum Aristotelis cum laude et gloria christi 
qui vivit et regnat in secula seculorum amen amen amen. 

Expliciunt questiones super libro methaurorum aristotelis quas 
compilavit Magister Blasius de parma complete et scripte per Magistrum 
Iohannem de medicis de yt°.: 

Ff. 1a—5b, questiones 1-4, super libro primo. 

Ff. 6a-17a, questiones 16-8, super libro secundo. 

Ff. 17a-31a, questiones 1-9, super libro tertio. 

Ff. 31a-37b, questiones 1-7, super libro quarto. 

There is a gap, covering perhaps 2 ff., in the middle of the first quire, 
between ff. 5b and 6a. The scribe began the text on f. iia, but stopped 
after 23 lines, and began afresh on f. la. In the outer upper corner of 
f. iia stands a note in four short lines. On f. ia a late hand has written, 
Vidit Celius Riccardus. 

This discussion of the Meteorologica of Aristotle is anti-Aristotelian 
in tone, and probably represents the Platonist reaction fostered by the 

CaLpERINvus, Commentaria in Martialem. 

Parchment, ff. 182, em. 32.624.5. Single columns, 30 lines. 
13 gatherings of 10, except the 3d (4) which has lost 3, and the 12th (8) 
which has lost its fifth pair. The 2d and 3d were wrongly bound, the 
leaves running 21, 20, 11-19, 22-24; they have now (1910) been cor- 
rectly rearranged. The loss in quire 12 is noted in no very late hand in 
the margin, f. 119: deficiunt duo paginae. Some gatherings are lost 
before f. 1 and probably 3 quires between ff. 10 and 11. From f. 25 the 
manuscript is continuous to f. 90, most of which leaf has been cut out; 
thence again through f. 118, after which 2 leaves are wanting; and thence 
again to the end, from which other quires may have been lost. The 
manuscript is properly made, flesh sides facing flesh sides. Rulings on 
the hair side. Berlin Purchase no. 18. Probably century XV. 

Label: XXXII on a paper slip at the foot of the back, as in nos. 1, 
5, 51, 52, 65. 

Contents: Domitii Calderini Commentaria in Martialem ab epi- 

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grammato XLI libri III ad epigramma XXX libri XTII. (So ἃ modern 
hand on inside of cover.) More exactly, the manuscript covers in 
whole or in part Epigrams 3:34, 40 (41)—4:3; 5:78-6:45; 7:4-12; 
7:26-35; 7:53—(11:9-17 mutilated) 12:78; 13:1-31; 14:127-207 in 
the order given below. The missing portions are 1:1-3:33; 1:35-39; 
4:45:77; 6:46—7:3; 7:138-52; 12:79-98; 13:32-127; 14:1-126; 
14:208-223. Incip.: ut nix, sed non esse chionem quia nigra est et non 
candida, f. la.—Explic.: De grege vestino. id est ex ovibus vestinis, 
f. 1320. 

In more detail: ff. 1-10 deal with 3:34, 40 (41)—4:3; ff. 11-20, 
with 5:78—6:45; f. 21 with 7:4-12; ff. 22, 23 with 7:26-35; f. 24 
with 7:53-58. From this point the Commentary continues without 
interruption to f. 90 (11:9-17), most of which has been cut out; 
thence again without interruption through f. 118 (12:78). While only 
2 leaves seem to be lost at this point, there is a much larger gap in the 
Commentary, 12:79-98, and the exemplar may have been defective or 
disordered here, for ff. 119a-127b supply 14:127-207, which is followed 
on ff. 128a-132b by 18:1-31. The hand and finish suggest an Italian 

The quoted words from the Epigrams are in red. There are now 
733 large marginal initials, illuminated in colors and gold leaf. A few 
have been cut out of the manuscript. The parchment is of good quality. 
The wrong initials have in many cases been supplied by the illuminator, 
and the order of epigrams is not always the same as that, e.g., of W. M. 
Lindsay’s edition (Oxford, 1902) which we have followed in the number- 
ing of the epigrams above. The second printed edition of Martial 
(Rome 1473, fol.) was accompanied by the Commentary of D. Calderini 
who in 1475 produced a commentary on Juvenal (cf. Friedlander, D. 
Iunii Iuvenalis Saturarum Libri V, 1895, p. 96). 

Sextus Crioptivs, Fast. 
M. Messata, De Bello Troiano. 
Sextus Rurus, De urbe opusculum. 
Lronarpus ARETINUS, Vita Ciceronts. 
Paper, ff. 46, cm. 33X23, single columns, 28 lines, 6 gatherings, of 
8. The last two leaves have been torn from the last quire, being prob- 
ably blank. Berlin Purchase no. 20. Probably century XV-XVI. 
Label: Sexti Clodii Fasti M. Messala. Sextus Rufus. Leonardus 
Aretinus.—Below (on a paper slip like that on nos. 2, 6, 14, 17, 18, 39, 
47, 54, 63, 65), 171. On the front parchment cover, at the top, 

Sex. Clodi Fasti. 
Sex. Rufi de urbe opusculum. 
Leonardi Aretini Vita Ciceronis. 

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Contents: Sextus Clodius, Fasti, Parts of Lib. 6and7. M. Messala, 
De bello Troiano. Sextus Rufus, De urbe opusculum. Leonardus 
Aretinus, Vita Ciceronis. 

On fly-leaf 1a: Sex. Clodius Fastos graece scripsit: un(de?) testi- 
monium Citat inst. divinarum libro primo Lactantius agens de Fatua. 
The same again on fly-leaf 2b (Lactanctius). 

At the foot of f. 1a, a hand later than that of the manuscript has 

added this 

Sexti Clodii Fasti M. Messalae liber de bello Trojano 

Sexti Rufi de urbe opusculum. Leonardi Aretini Praefatio in Cicerone 
novo ad Nicolaum, sive Ciceronis vita 
ab Aretino scripta. 

Nicolaus is doubtless Pope Nicholas V, 1389-1455, the patron of 
the humanists. 

1. Sextus Clodius, Fasti. Lib. 6, ff. la-12b. Incip.: De nominibus 
Worum qui civitatem romanam primitus condiderunt. Et primo de 
Noe primo urbis conditore rubrica. [M]odum constructionis et dis- 
positionis Urbis Romanae demonstrat. 

Lib. 7, ff. 18a-14a. Incip.: Explicit liber sextus. Incipit septimus. 
Prohemium. Inter alios antiqui operis lectionarios——Exzplic.: Unde 
illum poeta capitolii..........2.. reliqua desiderantur. 

2. M. Messala, De bello Troiano. Ff. 15a-22b. Incip.: M. 
Messala De bello Troiano ad Caesarem Augustum liber incipit. Cum 
frequenter me digna moveat.—Ezplic.: Aeternum Vale saeculi perenne 
ac immortale decus Caesar Auguste: Finis. 

8. Sextus Rufus, De urbe opusculum. Ff. 285-250. Incip.: 
Sexti Ruffi de urbe opusculum. Regio prima porta Capena continet 
aedem Honoris.—Explic.: mensae oleariae per totam urbem duo 
M. CCCC: Finis. 

4. Leonardus Aretinus, Vita Ciceronis. Ff. 26a-46b. Incip.: 
Leonardi Aretini Orat. Clariss. Praefatio in Cicerone novo ad Nicolaum. 
Ocioso mihi nuper.—Explic.: ignominioseque perierunt. Ciceronis 
Vita per Leonardum Aretinum contexta. 

The interior of the manuscript has been much injured by damp and 
pressure. There are many notes in the margins, especially copious 
for the last work, which have been partially trimmed away in a former 
rebinding. ‘Two fragments of an annotated legal(?) work in Latin have 
been used in the binding, and Professor Beeson has recognized their 
script as that of Monte Cassino. 

Ascanius CoLUMNA AND CaEsar Barontus, De Monarchia Siciliae. 

Paper, ff. 88, cm. 26X20. (FY. 1-3 and 33 being blank, the leaves 
have been numbered beginning with the 4th; 200 is numbered 30. 

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This numbering we have followed below.) Single columns, 23 lines, 
8 quires of 4, preceded by a fly-leaf. Rulings for side margins, for the 
inner margins on the recto, for the outer on the verso. Berlin Purchase 
no. 48. Century XVII. 

Label: none. The leaves are without a cover. 

Contents: Opinion of Cardinal Colonna upon views expressed by 
Baronius de Monarchia Siciliae, in the 11th volume of his Annales, 
with Baronius’ reply and defense. 

1. Ascanii Cardinalis Columnae, eorum quae Caesar Cardinalis 
Baronius de Monarchia Siciliae scripsit iudicium, ff. la—4b. After this 
title, Incip.: Obtulisti mihi ex hispania redeunti, xi. ac postremum typis 
impressum historiarum tuarum Thomum. Plurimis rogasti precibus, 
ut quae de Siciliae Monarchia scripseras, excurrerem attentius, et quae 
mea de illis esset sententia, libere declararem.—Ezplic.: speroque fore ut 
ea quae ego amore ac christiana pietate, et legi et scripsi, eadem tu, 
et oblata excipias, et legas excepta. 

2. Cardinalis Baronii respontio apologetica adversus Cardinalis 
Columnae iudicium de Siciliae Monarchia in xi. Annal. tom., ff. 5a—26b. 
After this title, Incip.: Lubrica res est concordia fratrum.—Explic.: 
etiam quotidiani foeneris cumulanda perpetuo servaturum. 

3. Letter of Baronius to Philip III of Spain, ff. 27a-29b (numbered 
30-). Incip.: Sacra Regia Catholica Maiestas. Non ante creationem 
Summi Pontif(icis) eiusdemque aetate—EHzplic.: valeat semper Deo 
placens, hominibusque proficiens Catholica Maiestas vestra. Datum 
in Tusculano. Idibus Iunii 1605. Catholicae Maiestati vestrae addi- 
tissimus servus Caesar Cardinalis Baronius. 

Baronius (1538-1607) undertook his Annales Ecclesiastici at the 
order of his superior Philip Neri, and published them in twelve volumes, 
1588-1607. His attitude on the Spanish pretensions to the possession 
of Sicily offended Spain, and Spanish opposition prevented his election 
as Pope, 1607. 

Watermark: An agnus dei within a double circle: on the outer circle 
above the lamb, the letter A.—In the fly-leaf: a fowl within a circle. 

Dioporus Sicutus, Bibliotheca. 

Paper, ff. 200, cm. 28.3 20.5, in 20 quires, of 10; single columns 
of 30 lines. The hand that numbered the leaves made an error at f. 52, 
which is numbered 51. Rulings on one side only. Berlin Purchase 
no. 11. Probably century XV. 

Label: Diodor. Sic. Poggii Florentin. Codex Cartac. Below, 94, 
on a paper label like that of nos. 2, 6, 12, 17, 18, 39, 47, 54, 63, 65. 

Contents: Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, six books, in the 
Latin version of Poggio of Florence. 

1. Prohemium in libros Diodori Siculi quos Poggius Florentinus 

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latinos fecit ad Nicolaum Quintum Summum Pontificem. Ff. la-2a. 
Incip.: [IJulius antea quantum vis praeclarus rerum scriptor fuit, 
sanctissime pater.—Explic.: Sed iam ipse diodorus loquatur. 

2. Diodori Siculi Historiarum Priscarum a Poggio in latinum tra- 
ducti incipit liber primus. F. 2a. 

Lib. 1, ff. 2a-23a. Incip.: [MJagnas merito gratias rerum scripto- 
ribus homines debent. 

Lib. 2, ff. 28a-50a. This and the remaining books have a table 
of contents prefixed to each. 

Lib. 8, ff. 50a-770. 

Lib. 4, ff. 78a-114. 

Lib. 5, ff. 114b-157a. 

Lib. 6, ff. 157a-2000. Explic.: Quibus de rebus suo loco scribetur a 
nobis. Finis. 

A later hand has supplied frequent marginal notes designed as 
guides to the contents. Space has occasionally been left for large initials, 
which have not been supplied. There are small marginal capitals, 
which have been touched up in red. The manuscript is probably some 
little time later than the time of Pope Nicholas V (1447-55) to whom the 
translation is addressed, f. la. A cardinal’s arms (those of Pius VI 
halved [‘‘impaled’’] with a lion rampant) are stamped upon the binding; 
cf. the arms of Pius VI, on the bindings of Glycas, Georgius Hamartolus, 
and de Rancé (nos. 47-49, 65). 

Diogenes LaErtivs, De Vita et Moribus Philosophorum. 

Paper, ff. 192, cm. 2921.7, single columns, 34 lines. 20 quires of 
10, except the 20th (2). Rulings on one side only. A single parch- 
ment fly-leaf at the beginning gives a table of contents, in a less care- 
ful hand (double columns). Handsomely illuminated initials on ff. la, 
2a. Berlin Purchase no. 12. Probably century XV. 

Label: wanting. 

Contents: Diogenes Laertius, De Vita et Moribus Philosophorum, 
ten books, in a Latin version of Ambrose of Camaldoli. 

1. The parchment fly-leaf gives the contents in detail and by pages. 
Incip.: Diogenis Laertii Tabula, librorum decem, de vitis ac sententiis, 
eorum qui in philosophia claruerunt.—Zxzplic.: Finis huiuscae operis 
tabulae a me camillo brunello Theri scriptae atque compositae, etc. 
vale. In another hand, Saeculi XIV aut]] XV. Another hand has 
deleted XIV aut, and added a flourish. 

2. Incipit Prefatio Ambrosii monachi Chamaldulensis in libro 
Laertii Diogenis de vita et moribus philosophorum ad Cosmam Medicem. 
(Doubtless Cosimo de’ Medici, 1389-1464.) 

Volventi mihi quedam greca volumina venit ad manus Laertii 
Diogenis de philosophis prolixum opus, ff. 1a-2a. 

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3. Laertii Diogenis vite atque sententiae eorum qui in philosophia 
claruerunt. Philosophiam a barbaris initia sumpsisse plerique autum- 
ant, ff. 2a-5a. There follow, Lib. 1, ff. 5a—20b, lives of Thales Milesius, 
Solon Salaminus, Chilo, Pittacus, Bias Prieneus, Cleobolus, Periander, 
Anacharsis, Myson, Epimenides, Pherecides. 

Lib. 2, ff. 2la-44a: Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Arche- 
laus, Socrates, Xenophon, Aeschines, Aristippus, Theodorii, Phedon, 
Euclides, Stilpo, Crito, Simon, Glaucus, Simmias, Cebes, Menedemus. 

Lib. 3, ff. 44a-60a: Plato. 

Lib. 4, ff. 60a-7la: Speusippus, Xenocrates, Polemo, Crates, 
Crantor, Archesilaus, Bion, Lacides, Carneades, Clitomachus. 

Lib. 5, ff. 71a-85b: Aristoteles, Theophrastus, Strato, Lycon, Deme- 
trius Phalereus, Heraclides. 

Lib. 6, ff. 86a-102b: Antisthenes, Diogenes, Monimus Syracusanus, 
Enesicretus (al. Onesicratus), Crates, Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus, 

Lib. 7, ff. 102b-134b: Zeno, Cleanthes, Crysippus. 

Lib. 8, ff. 185a-148b: Pithagoras, Empedocles, Epicharmus, Archi- 
tas, Alemeon, Hippasus, Philolaus, Eudoxus. 

Lib. 9, ff. 149a-168a: Heraclitus, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Melissus, 
Zeno Eleates, Leucippus, Democritus, Protagoras, Diogenes, Anax- 
archus, Pyrro, Timon. 

Lib. 10, ff. 168a-192b: Epicurus. 

Ezplic.: lamentis prosecuti non sunt defuncti celeriorem obitum. 

Laertii diogenis de vitis atque sententiis eorum qui in philosophia 
claruerunt liber decimus et ultimus explicit feliciter. Finis. 

Some spaces are left for words which the scribe probably found 
illegible in his exemplar, e.g., ff. 106b-109b, 112b-113a, 1146, etc. Some 
marginal notes. One, in red like the titles and superscriptions, after the 
conclusion of Lib. 7 on f. 1340 reads: Deesse videtur multum in septimo 
libro, sed ita habetur in greco exemplari. On the inside of the first cover, 
a hand different from those of the manuscript has written traversavi. 
On the inside of the last cover is penciled a price mark in lire; also a 
note of six lines in ink: Al mio magnifico 6 honorando Sa!™ a li chi 
passati Io pier martiro stichi In . . . monte Santo Martino, etc. 

Epistola Conventus Carthusiensis Sancti Salvatoris Erffordi. 

Parchment. f. 1, cm. 1814.3, once glued face downward as a guard 
inside the back cover of Hieronymus in Ysayam (no. 25). One wide 
column, 12 lines, mutilated at beginnings by trimming. Written in 
1441, at Erfurt, the sheet was used probably in 1442 in the binding of 
the Hieronymus manuscript, which was written in 1442, and belonged 
to the same convent. 

Label: wanting. 

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Contents: Address by the Carthusian Convent of The Holy Savior, 
at Erfurt, 1441.—As this is brief, and has the ἰαιξεγέϑὺ of an original 
document, its text is given in full. 

].. ulis Prior Totusque Conventus senile Sancti Salva- 
os Erffordi ordinis Carthus(iensis) 
]b . . er eius legitime ac filie. In Bremen commora(n)tibus 
Salutemetp........ suffragia 
] . sempiterna vestre meretur devotionis affectus quod ad 
ordinem nostrum et specialiter ad domum 
Js quatenus quibusdam spiritualibus roboretur fulcimentis ut eo 
amplius crescat in fervore 
Js aput deum piis fuerit suffragiis adiutus. Hine est per vos om- 
nium missarum orationum 
] . vigiliarum abstinenciarum et ele(m)osinarum ceterorumque 
religiosorum exercicorum ac bonorum spiritualia 
]. . . . et domino nostro Ihesu Christo in domo nostra fiunt et quem- 
libet fient in futurum partici 
|... pariter et in morte Addicientes de gratia speciali quod cum obitus 
vester quem dominus felicem 
] Et conventui nuncciatus. per animam ‘vestram in remedio. 
tales iniungens orationes celebrari. quae 
] principibus fieri consueverunt In cuius testimonium Sigillum 
domus nostre praesentibus durius (?) 
] anno domini millesimo cece. ΧΙ]. In crastino beate Agathe virginis 
ΙΝ et martyris 
Dicatis (or Dicatur?) singulis diebus pro 
ordine nostro tria pater noster et ave maria 

17. Evusrstus, Chronica. 

Paper, ff. 44, em. 40.528.5, in 5 quires, of 10, except the 5th (4). 
Ff. 1-6, double columns; ff. 7-44, chronicle form; 38-50 lines. Line 
rulings on one side, column rulings on both sides. Berlin Purchase no. 
14. 1455. 

Label: Euseb. Hiero. et Prosp. Chron. Mss. 1455.—On the back at 
the bottom no. 164, on a paper label, like that on nos. 2, 6, 12, 14, 18, 
39, 47, 54, 63, 65. 

Contents: The Chronicle of Eusebius, in the Latin version of Jerome, 
with his continuation and that of Prosper of Aquitaine. Incip.: Incipit 
Cronica Eusebii Hyeronimi cum superadditis Prosperi—Ezplic.: 
Ab adam vero usque in praesentem annum domini 1455 quo hoc opus 
felicissime extitit, 6654, 

The contents in detail are: 

1. The so-called Obtestatio Eusebii, beginning Adiuro te quicum- 

que hos descripseris libros, etc. F. la. 

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2. Prefatio Hyeronimi: Eusebius Hyeronimus Vincentio et Galieno 
suis salutem. Ff. la—2a. 

3. Incipit Eusebii interpretata prefatio. Ff. 2a-3b. 

4. Interpretatio sancti Hyeronimi De nominibus gentium felicissime 
Amen sic ordiens. Ff. 3b-4b. 

5. Exordium libri feliciter incipit. Ff. 4b-7a. 

6. The Chronicle. Ff. 7a-44b. (The “Series Regum” usual at 
the beginning does not appear.) From Anno Mundi ca. 3100 to 5646. 
Incip.: Regnum assiriorum. Primus omni asie regnavit Ninus. F. 7a. 
—Explic.: Valentiniano vi et Nono consulibus. (Anno Mundi) 5646. 
Hic finit prosper post hieronimum. Explicit cronica Eusebii Hieronimi 

Gratias Domino nostro Iesu Christo Amen 
Fifteen lines following give lengths and limits of various periods, and 
last of all the date of the manuscript as above, A.D. 1455, a.m. 6654. 

The Chronica falls into three parts: 

(1) Eusebius, ff. 7a-36a (a.m. 5520). Hactenus Eusebius. Dein- 
ceps Hyeronimus. 

(2) Hieronymus, ff. 360-380 (ca. a.M. 5520-5580). Hucusque 

(8) Prosper of Aquitaine, ff. 88b-44b (ca. a.m. 5580-5646). Hic 
finit prosper post hieronimum. 

F. la exhibits two interesting capitals, of no great elegance. The 
fly-leaf in the back shows a penciled pricemark in lire. 

Evsesius, Historia Ecclesiastica. 

Paper, ff. 272, cm. 25.819, single columns, 30-33 lines. 23 quires 
of 12, except the Ist (11), 22d (10), and 23d (11). Ff. 10, 11 blank. 
Rulings on one side. Berlin Purchase no. 13. Probably century XV 
or XVI. 

Label: Eusebii Caesarie(nsis) Historia Ecclesia(stica) M.S. Below, 
no. 72, on a paper label like that on nos. 2, 6, 12, 14, 17, 39, 47, 54, 63, 65. 

Contents: Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, eleven books, in the 
Latin version of Rufinus. Incip.: Quod deus et dominus et creator 
(f. 2a). Ezxplic.: cum piissimis principibus percepturus premia meri- 
torum (f. 272b).—On f. la: Historia Ecclesiastica Eusebii Caesariensis, 
in a late hand. 

1. Chapter titles of Lib. 1-11. Ff. 2a-9a. 

2. In red: Incipit hystoria ecc(lesi)astica eusebii cesariensis episcopi 
translata a ruffino presbytero de greco in latinum ad Cromatium epis- 
copum. Incipit prologus. F. 12a.—The prologue begins Meritorum, 
instead of Peritorum, the illuminator having supplied the wrong capital. 
Rufinus’ digression on Gregory Thaumaturgus is present after 7:28:2, 
(ff. 177b-180b), as well as his form of Lib. 10, and his Lib. 11. Initials 
are in red or blue, and sometimes handsomely illuminated. Quire indi- 

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cations have been mostly trimmed away in rebinding. Each book after 
the first is preceded by a list of chapter titles. The arms of a bishop 
(Cardinal Fieschi 3), illuminated, appear at the foot of f. 12a. 

3. The Ecclesiastical History, in 11 books, ff. 13a-272b. The books 
occupy the following ff.: 

Lib. 1, ff. 186-828. Lib. 6, ff. 1336-1645. 
Lib. 2, ff. 32b-52b. Lib. 7, ff. 1650-1876. 
Lib. 3, ff. 520-780. Lib. 8, ff. 187b-207a. 
Lib. 4, ff. 188-1080 Lib. 9, ff. 207b-224a. 
Lib. 5, ff. 1036-1336. Lib. 10, ff. 2240-2505. 

Lib. 11, ff. 2506-2726. 

There are scholia, as well as a few corrections by a later hand in the 
margin. The scholia, written with a fine pen, have in part been trimmed 
away, and so must be older than the binding. On the inside of the back 
cover is a pricemark in lire. 

Evangeliorum Quattuor Harmonia. 

Paper, ff. 117, em. 13.4X10.2, single columns, 22-24 lines. 10 
quires, of 12, except the 10th (8). Quire signatures (first word follow- 
ing) stand at the foot of the last versos of quires 1-9. The leaf-openings 
are numbered in red, 1-111, f. la being numbered 1, ff. 1b, 2a, 2, ete. 
Hengstenberg Collection. Century XV. 

Label: wanting. The binding is of parchment, parts of two missals 
having been used for it. 

Contents: A Latin Harmony of the Four Gospels. Incip.: -yhs. 
L. 1 
Fuit in diebus herodis regis iude sacerdos quidam (f. 1a).—Ezplic.: 
domino cooperante et sermonem confirmante sequentibus signis.— 
Then, in red: Yhesus dulcis memoria da nobis te in tua gloria Amen 
(f. 1118). 

Ff. 112a-115d, a table of contents, now incomplete, showing what 
chapters of the gospels are used in each section. This and the para- 
graphs following (f. 116a, ὃ) evidently stood originally at the beginning, 
before the main text. JIncip.: Reliquit yhesus judeam terram et abiit 
in galilia M m L J, 1. 112a.—Ezplic.: Hiecit vendentes et ementes de 
templo cum introisset in eo. 21 11 19 (f. 1150). 

Ff. 116a, ὃ, (1) Explanation of preceding table and (2) prologue to 
the Harmony, Incip.: Explicit tabula super evvangelium domini 
nostri et salvatoris yhesu christi filii dei et virginis marie domine nostre. 
Sequitur rubricha ad intelligendum ipsam tabulam, f. 116a. (This and 
the rubric following in red.)—The prologue follows the rubric. Incip.: 
Cum evvangelistarum legissem volumina reperissemque in eis signa 
multa ac verba domini yhesu, f. 116a.—Ezplic.: Qui non studiosse sed 

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ignoranter composui credems ac firmiter tenens que mater ecclesia per 
omnia tenet: (in red) Explicit argumentum Incipit liber feliciter: f. 1160. 

In the Harmony, the materials of the four Gospels are minutely 
interwoven. The desire to omit as little as possible has led to much 
repetition, but the work has been painstakingly and apparently inde- 
pendently done. The source of each portion of text is indicated by the 
initial of the evangelist (Μ m L J) and the chapter number, in red above 
the first word of the quotation. The use of the present chapter numbers, 
devised by Stephen Langton at the end of the thirteenth century, shows 
that not only the manuscript but very probably the harmony itself 
originated after the thirteenth century. Indeed it is probable that the 
Harmony is not much if at all older than this copy of it. The water 
marks, abbreviations, and style of writing point to a date for the 
manuscript in the fifteenth century (ca. 1450). The margins have 
been much reduced in trimming, the red section titles having been partly 
trimmed away. 

The guards and fly-leaves contain a number of notes in early hands. 
On the first fly-leaf 

jadi 17 marzo 1550 io do zuav (... ) 
] {maria di nargarado]] 
] ego iohanes + Caminus(?) 

On the last fly-leaf, recto, este liber est mei—Verso, Adi 17 marzo 
1550 io do...... ...( )o.—Within, on the last cover, ] hec 
sine numine domini(?) eveniunt (the last word in a more formal hand).— 
Below, badly blotted, ] este liber est mei domini..... ..... At 
the end of the text, f. 1110, a later hand has written, Carissimo aman- 
t(issim)o m(esser) barba Sariti contento di mandarmi. 

Horatius Fettrivs, Conatus irriti Ossunae ducts ne a regimine 
Neapolitani regni amoveretur Liber Unus. 

Paper, ff. 32, em. 2620.3, single columns, 21 lines. 5 quires, of 8, 
except 1 (6) and 2 (2). 1625. 

Contents: f. 1, Conatus irriti Ossunae ducis ne a regimine Neapolitani 
regni amoveretur liber unus. Ad lectorem. Auctore Horatio Feltrio 
Neapolitano Viro Patritio—F. 2 contains a preface. The history 
occupies ff. 3-32. Incip., f. 3a: Neapolitanum Regnum, in extremis 
Italiae finibus situm. .. Ezplic., f. 32 (numbered 31): a Borgia 
retentus perficere non valuit. Underneath this the beginning of a 
colophon [| Usque hue scribebat]] is deleted. Under this deletion 
another colophon is written: Cuncta, quae in hoc opusculo perleguntur, 
aut propriis oculis inspexit, aut a quamplurimis audivit, ac bona fide 
posteris tradidit, Horatius Feltrius Ant. fil. Marci Nepos. An 

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The folio numbering (old) omits a blank leaf after no. 7, now the 
second leaf in quire 2, which was probably originally meant to fold the 
other way, to serve as cover and at the same time as f. 1 of quire 1, 
making this, as well as quires 3-5 a quaternion. The mistake is the 
binder’s. The folio numbering must of course have been written 
before the binding was done. Scholia and corrections by a hand not 
much later than the writer’s appear throughout, in the margin. 

Fides Caietana. 

Paper, ff. 142, cm. 27X20, single columns, 27-29 lines. 15 quires, of 
10, except 1st (8), 14th (12), and 15th (2). The leaves are numbered 
1-140. Berlin Purchase no. 45. Century XVII. 

Label: Fides Caietana in Controversia Conceptionis B. Mariae V. 
Above this a square paper label numbered 23, with fragment of a later 
label. Flexible parchment binding, with gilded tooling. 

Contents: Fides Caietana In Controversia Conceptionis Beatae 
Mariae Virginis Vindicata a nullitatis Iniuria hominis mendacis in 
statera sua reperti: f. la. A Defense of Caietan’s doctrine of the 
Conception of the Blessed Virgin, against Marracius. IJncip.: Cum in 
sacrosancta Lateranensi Synodo Sub Leone X° de Conceptione Beatae 
Virginis Controversia a praesentibus ageretur, f. la—Exzplic.: quis ita 
iudicet, nisi temerarius ? 

Fidem Caietanam expertus sum plenam, et si non expertus essem, 
plenam credidissem, non obstantibus quibuscumque in contra adducit 
Marracius, f. 140d. 

An “Index” (Table of Contents) occupies f. 14la, ὃ. Incip.: 
Index Paragraphorum contentorum in hoc opere, cui titulus Fides 
Caietana in Controversia Conceptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis vindicata 
ἃ nullitatis Iniuria hominis mendacis in statera sua reperti, f. 141α.--- 
Explic.: Paragraphus 8s De Revelatione sanctae Caterinae Virginis 
Senensis. pag. 106. (F. 141b.) F. 142 is blank. 

At the head of the fly-leaf at the beginning: Vide in hoc 
man(uscripto), etc. In the outer margin of f. la, a stamp: A leaping 
hound above three bars (i.e., a fess gules and three bendlets purpure); 
around it *Ex. MSS. RA. GA.D GENTILI*. At the foot of f. 1a, 
Mss. IDi Carte 140 (the number of the manuscript 501, and of its 
leaves, without the index quire). A price mark in lire is penciled on the 
last guard. 

GIRARDUS DE SEnIs, Distinctiones. 

Paper, ff. 160, em. 31.223.4 (except ff. 1 and 10, a parchment 
pair), double columns, 60-66 lines, 18 quires, of 10, except the 15th, 

16th (6), 17th, and 18th (4). Rulings usually on both sides. Berlin 
Purchase? 1466-69. 

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Label: wanting. 

Contents: Girardus of Siena, 48 Distinctiones.—Errores Philoso- 

1. Distinctiones, ff. la-146b. a) Prologus, ff. 1la-21b. Incip.: 
Testatur Pater Noster Aurelius Aug(ustinus) 4 de Trinitate. Capitulo 
15 (the reference is written over an erasure) quod sunt nonnulli qui 
potuerunt aciem mentis ultra omnem creaturam transmittere et lucem 
incommutabilis veritatis quantulacumque ex parte attingere quod 
Christianos ex sola fide viventes non dum potuissent derident. Ex 
quibus verbis potest habere evidenter quod etiam ipsi philosophi naturali 
lumini innitentes ad cognitionem divinae veritatis pertingere potuerunt. 
—Exzplic.: Ad argumenta principalia patent per ea quae dicta sunt in 
articulis et hic(?) est finis. 

Explicit prologus Eximii doctoris G[irardi de Senis]] in libro sententi- 
arum ordinis fratrum heremitarum Sancti Aug(ustin)i Padue scriptus 
In vigilia sancte crucis 1466 die 13 septembris deo gratias Amen. 

b) Distinctiones 1-48, ff. 22a-146b. Incip.: Circa Primam Dis- 
tinctionem Primi Libri. Quero Primo Utrum frui(ti)o sit essentialiter 
unus actus.—Explic.: cui Christo cum suo patre et sancto spiritu sit 
honor et gloria in secula seculorum Amen. 

Prima Augusti Die Prima 

Explicit hoc opus cum dei laude quod quidem inceptum fuit 1466 dum 
essem magister studencium Et tempore magne persecutionis et tempta- 
tionis. Expletum vero cum essem lector secundus licet immeritus 1468 
tempore Magne tranquillitatis et pacis quam no[]s|]bis 116 qui sine fine 
vivit et regnat Amen concedat. Amen. ὶ 

7 die Septembris 

Ad santum antonium et sanctum Iacobum eundo X. die Aprilis 
[[accessi[] iter incepi. Perfeci autem 26 Augusti et eadem hora qua 
praecysse Recessi Reversus sum incarnationis (or incolumis?) 1469. 

c) Table of Contents of the five Questiones of the Prologue and the 
48 Distinctiones of the text, ff. 147a-148a. Incip.: Questio prima 
Utrum cognitio divine veritatis acquisita in theologia possit haberi per 
scientias a philosophis adinventas.—Ezplic.: Quadragesime octava 
distinctio questio Utrum voluntas nostra debeat esse conformis volun- 
tati divine. Deo gratias Amen. 

2. Title: In another hand: Incipiunt Errores Philosophorum Aristo- 
telis Averrois Avicenne A(l)gazelis Alkandi Rabi moises. A fratre 
Egidio col(e)c(tor)i(?) ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti Augustini 
Et primo de compilatione errorum Aristotelis, capitulum primum (red), 
ff. 148b-150b. Incip.: [Q]uoniam uno incon(sequent)i dato multa 

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contingunt sine secundo ex uno malo fundamento pertulit philosophus 
multos errores.—Ezplic.: capitulum 14™ in quo inponitur finis prime 
parti(s?) huius operis (red). 

There is appended a note of ten lines: Incip.: O bone ihesu ad 
laudem tuam.—Ezplic.: cui sit hono(r) et gloria in secula seculorum 
Amen. 1469 die 24 septembris (the date in red). 

This first part alone, De Compilatione errorum, in 14 chapters was 
inscribed in the manuscript. This Augustinian Aegidius was perhaps 
the Augustinian Aegidius Columna or de Roma, archbishop of Bourges 
({December 22, 1316). 

Ff. 151a-152a are left blank. 

3. Puncta in quibus communiter reprobatur et a doctoribus magister 
non tenetur In primo libro sentenciarum. F. 152b.—Exzplic.: hane 
incipit excusari per hobedientiam et timorem de hoc quod poscenti 
mulieri debitum reddidit a qua ipse numquam poscere debet. 

4. The Letter of Lentulus to the Senate: (In still another very fine 
hand.) Lentulus habens officium in partibus Iudeae herodis ad sena- 
tores romanos hance epistolam deferre iussit—In a coarser hand, 23 
lines. Jncip.: Apparuit temporibus nostris et ad huc est homo magne 
virtutis nominatus Ihesus Christus.—F7zplic.: et brachia visu delecta- 
bilia In colloquio gratus vivit et modestus inter filios hominum (Cf. v. 
Dobschiitz, Christusbilder, p. 308**, where a list of manuscripts of this 
letter is given.) Below, in a coarser hand, the ink much faded, this 
note is written: 

Hunc librum quem composuit Reverendus Magister Girardus 
senensis Ex suo originali senis [| . . |] existente Reverendus Magister 
Martucius de prata extraxit ac propria manu scripsit cum esset 
senis tunc baccalaureus: quem quidam magister neapolitanus ex con- 
ventu pratensi accepit; postea vero conscientia forte motus: mihi fratri 
Augustino de prata neapoli cursori (corr.) existenti reddidit quem deo 
duce: ac auxilio virginis marie: et beati patris nostri Augustini nec 
non virginis Caterine: totum videbo ac iuxta me retinebo et conventui 
nostro pratensi meo in recessu ex hoc mundo relinquam: habui ipsum(?) 
Anno Domini 1520: 19: Iunii hane scripturam scripsi sole existente in 
septimo gradu canceris: luna vero in septimo gradu virginis: quapropter 
deo et virgini gloriosissime mariae immortales gratias ago: ut mihi 
semper auxilium praestent: ut in mundo tranquillitatem (or -tis?) 
vitam (or -vam ?) postea vero eternam tribuant: per christum dominum 
nostrum amen. 

(In a finer hand): 

Die 24  Istum librum habui ego frater Herennius a fratre augus- 

Octobris 15. tino pratensi lectori simul cum ego super epistulas pauli 
22. quibus g67(?) dedi ei thomam de argentina et gregorium 

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Thomas of Argentina (Strassburg) ({1357) and Gregory of Ariminum 
(flourished 1358) were eminent Augustinians. 

5. Index to the Distinctiones, ff. 153a-155b. (In another hand): 
Tabula super rescriptum girardi per alphabetum (corr.) collecta quae 
incipit a litera . A. The Index is accordingly alphabetical running 
from Abas to Universis. 

In what is probably another hand, a note of 10 lines; Incip.: Et in 
hoe completur hec tabula facta et ordinata [[8 words crossed out]| cum 
dei laude.—Exzplic.: 1470 In octava beati Augustini patris nostri aurelii. 

Ff. 1566-1600 are blank except that a price-mark in lire is penciled at 
the top of f. 1596, and a very fine hand has written at the top of f. 157a 
three lines; Incitp.: Queritur utrum Theologia sit practica vel speculativa 
et arguitur primo quod sit practica.—Explic.: vacat quia scripsi illam 
in alio quinterno. 

Three fly-leaves at the beginning of the codex, of smaller size and 
whiter paper, are blank and are not included in our reckoning of leaves. 
At the head of f. 153a Ih(es)us is written in a fine hand. Gerard of 
Siena flourished in 1330 (tca. 1336). 

Gu1po DE Monts Rortuertt, Tractatus, etc. 

Paper, ff. (16+) 108, cm. 21.3X15.5, single columns, 33-35 lines; 
in 11 quires, of 10 except the 11th (8). The leaves are numbered in 
mixed Roman and Arabic 1-c4, 1040-108) having originally been left 
blank. At the beginning now stand 2 quires of prefatory and other 
material, the Ist of 12, the 2d of 4. These are irregularly numbered 
(1-9 and 13). The second, ff. 185-140, gives table of contents. 1461. 

Label: wanting. 

Contents: Guido de Monte Rotherii (Mt. Roteil), Tractatus. With 
other material. 

The two prefatory quires, ff. 1-16, contain: 

1. Utilissimo modo de confessare secundo frate Nicholo da Osino 
(Osmo?) del ordine de la observanza de sam Francescho, ff. la-12b 
(including the commandments and seven deadly sins). Incip.: Primo 
la persona che se vole ben confessare.—Explic.: Quilibet observet 
anime medicamina dando, ete. For the most part in Italian, but with 
some Latin interspersed. 

2. Table of Contents of Guido’s Tractatus, ff. 18a-14b. Incip.: 
[IJn isto libello sunt tres particule. Hzplic.: Quartum de dotibus glorie 
paradisi C. 4. This quire of 4 leaves, thus inscribed, was the original 
prefatory quire of the manuscript. On its blank portions has been 
written in a hand not much later: 

3. De Interdicto, ff. 140-100. Incip.: Interdictum aliud est 
generale aliud particulare—Ezxplic.: vel totaliter relassatur coniura- 
mento ut ex( )e. alma ἢ. vi°. etc. 

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The body of the manuscript contains certain tractates of Guido 
de Monte Rotherii, in three parts: I, De sacramentis, etc., deals with 
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Mass, etc.; II, De paenitentiis, etc.; 
III, De fidei articulis, etc. 

Prohemium. Incip., f. la: Reverendo in christo patri ac domino 
domino Raimundo divina providentia sancte sedis valentie Episcopo 
suorum devotorum minimus Guido de monte Rotherii—Ezplic., f. 10: 
Scriptum Turoli m. ccc. xxxiii. 

Prologus, ff. 1b, 2a. Pars 1, Tract. 1, cap. 1. Incip., f. 2a: Scien- 
dum ergo quod omnia sacramenta nove legisf uerunt.—Exzplic., f. 104a: 
pro me peccatore ad dominum preces fundat: Laus deo. finitus anno 
domini 1461. die. xi. Septembr. hora nona. 

The text is followed (1) by a note in an early hand, f. 104a; Incip.: 
Nolentes et a(). Licet secundum Legem mosaicam certi dies determinati 
fuissent.—Ezplic.: non credimus improbandam. Alexander iij, f. 104α. 
(2) by various forms of absolution, ff. 104b-106d, in a large handsome 
hand. Incip.: Forma Absolutionis a culpa . et pena. Dominus yhesus 
christus per suam sanctam piissimam misericordiam te absolvat.— 
Explic.: possent enim ab iniustis iniquis ac iracionabilibus appellari —Ff. 
107a-108b blank, except for two geometrical figures on f. 108b. 

Various hands have annotated the margins here and there. A 
note in a late hand stands at the foot of prefatory f. 1a: Collg. Mut. 
Soc. Jesu—This suggests Modena as a former home of the manuscript.— 
“Guido de Monte Rotherii vixit anno 1030”? (Du Cange). 

Hieronymus, Commentaria in Amos. 

Parchment, f. 1, almost complete (in 2 pieces); cm. 33.2X20.5, 
2 columns, line and column rulings in ink on both sides. 28 lines. 
Century XV? 

Used as coverguards in binding Widmanstadt, Novum Testa- 
mentum Syriace, Vienna, 1555 (Editio princeps) (accession 15018), 
Am. Bible Union. Pp. em. 21X14.3. 

Contents: Recto: At the top: amos propheta (in red). Incip.: 
autem infirma. Senectus quidem multa.—Ezplic.: Iuravit dominus 
deus in sancto suo quia ecce venient. Verso: Incip.: dies super vos. 
et levabunt vos in contis.—Explic.: captivitatis miseriis opprimendas 
Quodque se[quitur. 

A magnificent capital A in red and green on frag. 2. 

On frag. 2, successive possessors of the printed book have written 
their names with dates 1601, 1620, 1662, 1730. 

Cf. ed. Vallarsi, VI, coll. 263-66. 

Hizronymus, Explanationes in Ysayam, Excerpta. 

Paper, ff. 420, cm. 14.8X10.8. Single columns, 27-29 lines, in 
27 quires (including two prefatory) of 16, except nos. 1 (14) and 27 (6). 

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Front guard and fly-leaf of parchment. A similar guard (no. 15) has 
been removed from back cover, leaving its writing printed off on the 
wooden board. Column rulings in ink. Probably written at Erfurt, 
in the Carthusian convent; cf. no. 16, used in the binding of this 
manuscript. Hengstenberg? 1442. 

Label: wanting.—Remains of one brass clasp. 

Contents: Hieronymus, Explanationes in Isaiam, Excerpta. 

1. Registrum in 18. libros explanacionum sancti Ieronimi in ysayam, 
ff. la-30a. Alphabetically arranged. 

2. Ex Dictis sancti Ieronimi super ysaiam, ff. 3la-416a. Incip.: 
[Yhesus] Christus virtus dei est, deique sapientia.—Ezplic.: mixtam 
clemencie suarum indicum Explicit commentariolum excerptum ex 18. 
libris explanacionum beati Ieronimi super ysaiam. 1442. Deo gratias 
aleluya (these three words with musical notes above them). Below, 
in a hand perhaps later: Carbunculus significat ignitum sermonem 
doctrine Saphirus doctissimus disputator propugnaculum est ecclesie 
laspis est diversi generis. Cristallus est munditia cordis. 

3. Appendix: Ex libro 8. explanacionum beati Ieronimi super 
ysaiam quaedam notabilia: Incip.: Clemencia dei patris, ff. 417a, ὃ. 
—Kindred material from Lyra, etc., ff. 418a, ὃ. Ezplic.: locutus est 
de(?) populo ysrael sub nomine unice. 

In a fine late hand, foot of f. la: Ex Libris Cartusiae Erfor(diensis?). 

The front guard is from an older parchment manuscript, a lection- 
ary, and preserves parts of Matt. 25:31-37. JIncip.: ihs discipulis 
suis—Ezplic.: te vidimus esurientem et non.—On the parchment 
fly-leaf, Kirchenvater 181, and various Latin and German notes; an 
early one, on the verso, reads: libellus iste pertinet ad fratres carthu- 
sienses prope erffordeam. Continetur hic registrum et extracta libro- 
rum sancti Ieronimi super Isayam. 

Horae, Latin and French. 

Parchment, ff. 126, cm. 12.3X9.4, single columns of 14 lines. 19 
quires, of 8, except 12th and 16th (2), 19th (3), Ist, 2d, 7th, and 18th 
(6), 5th, 6th, and 15th (7), and 14th (10). There is one quire-signature 
(foot of f. 57b); the rest were probably trimmed away when the manu- 
script received its present green velvet binding. The pages are elabo- 
rately decorated with borders and illuminations, and there are ten 
remarkable miniatures in the French (Burgundian 7) style, cm. 5.5X5, 
as follows: 

F. 13a, The Annunciation. 

F, 24a, The Visitation. 

F. 36a, The Angels and the Shepherds. 
F. 40a, The Adoration of the Magi. 

F, 44a, The Holy Family. 

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F. 50a, The Flight into Egypt. 

F. 54a, The Circumcision. 

F. 60a, The Coronation of the Virgin. 

F. 65a, Christ Supreme. 

F. 83a, Requiem. 

Rulings on both sides in red. Berlin Purchase no. 43. University 
of Chicago accession 250961. Probably century XV. Professor 
Thompson favors a date between 1400 and 1450. 

Contents: Latin and French Prayers. 

1. Calendar, in French, ff. la—12b. Incip.: Ianwier a xxxi iours.— 
Explic.: xii| a | kl’ | Saint sevestre. 

2. Latin prayers, ff. 13a-100b. Incip.: f. 13a, Domine labia mea 

. 24a, Incip.: Deus in adiutorium meum intende. 
. 86a, Incip.: Deus in, etc. 

. 40a, Incip.: Deus in, etc. 

. 44a, Incip.: Deus in, etc. 

50a, Incip.: Deus in, ete. 

. 54a, Incip.: Deus in, ete. 

. 60a, Incip.: Converte nos deus salutaris noster. 
. 65a, Incip.: Domine ne in furore tuo arguas. 

. 77a letania: Incip.: Kyrie eleyson. 

. 83a, Incip.: ant(iphona) Placebo Dilexi quoniam exaudiet domi- 
nus.—Erplic.: in vitam eternam amen. 

3. French prayers, evidently those of a lady, ff. 100b-1220. Incip.: 

Oroison a notre Seigneur. 
Tres doulx dieux sire glorieux 
Vray ih(es)u crist humbles et piteux. 
F. 110a, Incip.: Kyrieleyson Xpisteleyson 
Kyrieleyson Letanie en fra(n)cois. 
F. 117a, Incip.: Oroison du saint esperit 
Veni creator sains esperis. 
F. 118a, Incip.: 1 ave maria en fra(n)cois 
Ave gracieuse lumiere 
Qui tous les desuoyés avoyé. 

Explic., f. 1226: Diront ceste ave marie. Amen. 

4. Latin prayers and scriptures, ff. 122b-126a. Incip., f. 122d: 
O Intemerata et in eternum benedicta singularis et in eternum incom- 
parabilis virgo dei genitrix maria. 

F. 124a, Incip.: Oratio. Fidelium deus omnium conditor. 

F. 125a, Incip.: Inicium sancti evvangelii secundum iohannem 
Gloria tibi domine In principio erat verbum.—Exzplic., f. 126a: 
plenum gracie et veritatis. Deo gracias. 

bas Ff [πὶ Pf ta} [πὶ [πῇ 

On the front guard 8195 is written; on the back guard(.... ) 

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R.P.P.—A clipping from a (Berlin?) printed catalogue, with a 
description of the manuscript, is attached to the front paper. 

The manuscript is said to have come from Chalons-sur-Marne 
(Berlin list) and this may be correct, as the occasional use of w for v 
points to northeastern France—Picardy, Artois, Champagne. 

Horattvus, Opera. 

Paper, ff. 131, cm. 21 Χ 14.5, single columns of 31 lines, in 13 quires, 
of 10, except the 13th (originally 12, but the last leaf, probably origin- 
ally blank, has been torn out). A pair of fly-leaves at beginning and 
end. Titles in red. Capital line-initials. University of Chicago 
accession 241962. Century XV. 

Label: Horatius MS. 

Contents: Horatius, Opera. 

1. Odae, Libri IV, ff. la-52a. Oratii venusini poetae Lirici odae 
incipiunt (red). Incip.: ad Mecinatem. [Mloecenas atavis edite 

2. Epodi, ff. 52a-62b. Libri Carminum finiunt. Incipit Epodon. 
Ad Mecenatem (red). Jncip.: Ibis Liburnis inter alta navium. 

3. Carmen Saeculare, ff. 62b-63b. Incipit Carmen Seculare (red). 
Incip.: Phoebe silvarum potensque Diana. 

4. Ars Poetica, ff. 64a-71b. Incipit liber artis poetice Ad Pisonem 
et Filios eius (red). Incip.: humano capite cervicem pictor equinam. 

5. Epistolae, ff. 72a-96b. Incipit Liber Epistolarum (red). Incip.: 
prima dict|[a]]e mihi summa dicende camena. 

6. Sermones, ff. 97a-131b. Incipit Liber Sermonum (red). Incip.: 
quo (qui corr.) fit Moecenas ut nemo quam sibi sorte——Ezplic.: 
Canidior afflasset peior serpentibus afris. τέλως 

Spaces have been left for large initials, but have not been filled. The 
Carmina, Epodi, Carmen Saeculare, and parts of the Epistolae have 
been copiously annotated in an early hand. Inside the first cover, is a 
book plate: a coat of arms, supported by female figures with anchors, 
surmounted by a coronet, a bar, globe, and rainbow: the mottoes, 
Tria juncta in uno; and, below, At spes non fracta. T-15 is written 
on the book plate; P. 4. 9. on fly-leaf i a. 

Istporus Hispauensis, Contra Iudaeos. 

Paper, ff. 55, em. 21.515.5, single columns, 25 lines. 7 quires of 
10, except Ist (2), and 7th (3). F.1lablank. Rulings on ff. 16, 2a only. 
Quire signatures below the middle of last line of last versos. 1543. 

Label: wanting. The manuscript is without a binding. 

Contents: Isidori Toletani Episcopi, Contra Iudaeos, libri duo. 

1. Chapter titles, Lib. 1, ff. 10-26. Incip.: [Qluia Christus a deo 

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patre genitus est, ii (the prologue is numbered i).—Ezplic.: Super- 
dictio premissi operis lviij. 

2. Lib. 1, ff. 3a-30b. Incip.: Prologus .1. Quedam divans: tempori- 
bus in veteris testamenti libris prenuntiata sunt de nativitate domini.— 
Explic.: regnum atque iudicium declaravimus. Explicit liber primus. 

3. Chapter titles, Lib. 2, ff. 30b-3la. JIncip.: Incipiunt capitula 
secundi libri. De gentium vocatione .1.—EHyzplic.: Quia panis et 
calicis testimonium futurum esset in holocaustum xxv. 

4. Lib. 2, ff. 31a-55b. Incip.: Prologus. Quedam experte domini 
atque salvatoris nativitatem—Hzplic.: Tabernaculum dei sancti 
eius sunt in quibus habitat in eternum. Amen. Explicit liber Ysidori 
Toletani episcopi contra iudeos. Amen. 1543. die 22° Iunii. 

The Idisore meant is of course Isidore of Seville, born ca. 560, died 
636. Toletani Episcopi is a mistake, possibly due to the fact that he 
presided over several synods held at Toledo, or to the treatment of his 
life and writings in the Viri Illustres of his pupil Ildefonso of Toledo, or 
to the fact that copious use of Isidore’s booklet was made in a book of 
the same title, Contra Iudaeos, written by Julian of Toledo. On 
Isidore’s life and writings, cf. R. Schmid, Isidor von Sevilla, in P.R.E.?, 
and Kaulen, art. ‘“Isidor,” in the Kirchenlexikon. The best edition 
of Isidore’s complete works is that of Faustinus Arevalus, Rome, 1797- 
1803, reprinted in Migne, S.L. 81-83, where the Contra Iudaeos is 
treated in the “Isidoriana,” II, LXVI, vol. 81, coll. 429-433, and the 
text printed in vol. 83, coll. 449-538. The text of the present manuscript 
is not of the best. The error Toletanus for Hispalensis (or Spalensis) 
is found in a number of manuscripts of Contra Iudaeos (cf. Arevalus, 
in Migne, 8.L. 81, col. 433, and 83, col. 450, note), e.g., in Arevalus’ 
Cod. MS. Florentin. I. 

IvvENaL, Satirae. 

Parchment, ff. 98, cm. 17.6X11.6, single columns, 20 lines, rulings 
on the hair side. 10 quires, of 10, except the 10th (8). The manuscript 
is properly made, hair sides facing hair sides. A carefully illuminated 
initial begins Satire 1 of Lib. 1., f. la. Lesser illuminations at the 
beginning of each satire. Berlin Purchase no. 22. Dated at Florence, 
November 28, 1441. 

Label: Juvenalis MS.—The old binding of beautifully tooled leather, 
over boards, has been strengthened at the back with a piece of leather 
from another binding previously inscribed Testam. Vet. tom. I. 

Contents: D. Iunii Iuvenalis Aquinatis Libri V. Incip.: D. Iunii 
Tuvenalis Aquinatis, Liber Satirarum Incipit. Semper ego auditor.— 
Explic.: Quis nescit volusci. crudeles ultima mores. τέλος 

Lib. 1, ff. 1α-2θα. 

Lib. 2, ff. 26b-42b. 

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Lib. 3, ff. 42b-59a. 

Lib. 4, ff. 59a-77a. 

Lib. 5, ff. 77a-97b. 

At the end of the text, f. 97b: Iunii iuvenalis Aquinatis liber quintus 
et ultimus, quod bono sit omine, finit florentiae 1441 xxviii novembris.— 
Following this, a table of contents, ff. 970, 98a, as follows: 

Liber primus 
Semper ego auditor. castigat prima poetas 
Ultra sauromathas. fictos virtute secunda. 
Quamvis digressu. magna terna pericula romae 
Ecce iterum crispinus. mundanos quarta nitentes 
Si te propositi. parasitum quinta voracem. 

Liber Secundus 
Credo pudicitiam. cupientem sexta pudicem. 

Liber Tercius 
Et spes et ratio. spernentes septima vates 
Stemata quid faciunt. octava parente superbos. 
Scire velim quare. sodomitum nevola nona 

Liber Quartus 
Omnibus in terris. bis quina nocentia vota. 
Atticus eximiae. caenas undena voraces. 
Natali corvine die. bissena pusillos 

Liber Quintus 
Exemplo flentes. rem tercia dena negatam. 
Plurima sunt fusine. bisseptima prava sequentes. 
Quis numerare queat. sevos tarquina quirites. 
Quis nescit volusci. crudeles ultima mores. 


On the rectos a modern hand has penciled page numbers, 1, 3, 5, etc., 
to 199. 77 and 79 are omitted. A fly-leaf of thicker parchment, 
preceding the first quire, bears the name of a former owner, Weglewski 


Zygmunt, and the mark age. The last fly-leaf has at the top of the 

verso: Ruberto ferr 8. Ercole Cori(?). On the inside of the last 
cover: salma, partly erased, and in a diminutive hand, Comes. 

Scholia, not quite of the usual type, are written in the margins in 
many places, in a fine, regular hand, much like that of the text. 

Lzo Maenus, Sermones. 

Parchment, ff. 135, with fly-leaf at beginning and end, em. 27.3 
18.5, single columns, 37 lines, 14 quires, of 10, except 11th (8). Quires 
1 and 3 have lost the first leaf, that before f. 1, and that after f. 19; 

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quire 14 has lost its last leaf, that which followed f. 188. Edges gilt. 
Binding shows remains of four brass clasps. At lower right hand of 
rectos an old leaf-numbering appears, 60-65, on ff. 31-36, also 92 on f. 73. 
At upper right-hand corner of rectos is a later leaf-numbering, made 
before the first leaf was lost, and meant to be continuous, but in fact 
inaccurate and misleading. The first hand, round and open, gives way 
with the turn of f. 118 to (f. 118) a much more compact and angular 
hand, which completes the manuscript. Rulings on the flesh side. 
Berlin Purchase no. 19. Probably century XV. 

Label: Sermones S. Lleo[nlis Mafgni. (In style like nos. 2 and 5.) 

Contents: Sermones divi Leonis papae (in an old hand at head of 
f. 1a). The only gaps are where the first or last leaves of quires are 
wanting, one before f. 1, one after f. 19, and one after f. 133. Incip.: 
dei nostri clementiam supplices obsecrare.—Ezplic.: non possunt quid 
humanitati ascribere quid. 

The first sermon of this collection, De Natali ipsius 8. Leonis 1, 
evidently corresponded to sermons 1 and 2 in Migne’s edition, and 
occupied the first leaf, now wanting. The present f. la preserves the 
closing eight lines of this sermon—dei nostri clementiam supplices— 
Per christum dominum nostrum. The 93 sermons are in general those 
that appear in the Migne edition and stand with few exceptions in the 
order of that edition; thus Migne’s 64 and 66 stand between his 62 and 
63. Sermons numbered 5, 11, and 20 in Migne were not included in 
this collection. The loss of one leaf between ff. 19 and 20 has removed 
part of Sermon 18 (Migne’s 22), ch. 4, 5a, omnipotensque [Salvator 

. commoda] utentibus. Sermon 93 (Migne’s 96) breaks off with: 
humanitati ascribere quid[ , the last leaf of the manuscript being 
wanting. The rest of Sermon 93, ch. 2 fin. and 3, would fill but half 
a page, and leave room for another short sermon, but the collection 
probably closed with 93. There are a few marginal notes referring to 
Cicero, Seneca, Jerome, etc. Ih(es)us is written at the head of the 
verso of the first fly-leaf. Each sermon begins with an illuminated 

At the top of the recto of the last fly-leaf is a note: Qui studium agri- 
colandi dederit: antiquissima sciat haec sibi advocanda [ ] facultatem 
impendendi: voluntatem agendi: nam is demum cultissimum rus. 
[ ] Tremellius: qui et colere sciet: et poterit: et volet: 

Lronarpus ARETINUS, De Primo Bello Punico. 

Paper, ff. 113, cm. 21.2X14.3, single columns, 27 lines, 12 quires, of 
10, except the Ist (8) and 12th (5), which serve as fly-leaves and form 
no part of the manuscript proper. Rulings on the verso. The usual 
quire signatures. Ff. i-vii, 98a-105b blank. F. viiia scribbled over 
with a hard point. Berlin Purchase no. 39. Probably century XV. 

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Label: Aretini De Bello Punico.—The binding is of boards, with 
parchment guards and leather back, and remains of a brass and leather 
clasp. At the foot of the back, on a paper label cm. 1.9 square, ὅν. 
Inside front cover, on the parchment guard, Leonardi arretini de primo 
bello punico Thome de Vicentiis de Fano 1560. 

Contents: Leonardi Aretini, De primo Bello Punico, libri tres. 

1. Leonardi Aretini de primo bello punico: Liber primus. Ff. 1a-63b. 
Incip.: [VJereor ne qui me putent antiqua nimium consertari—Ezplic.: 
numquam maioribus copiis quam hoc bello mari pugnatum intelligent. 

2. Incipit Liber Secundus (red). Ff. 630-806. Incip.: [Flinito 
Primo punico bello quod viginti quatuor annos terra marique gestum 
ostendimus.—Exzplic.: Matho captivique alii in triumphum ducti et 
supplitio affecti sunt. 

3. Incipit Liber Tertius (red). Ff. 800-976. Incip.: [Plost pacem 
igitur in Sicilia cum Romanis factam.—Ezplic.: regione tota praeter 
admodum pauca loca excedere iussi sunt. Finis. 

Space has been left for a few large initials which have not been 
supplied. F. viiid has this note, in a much later hand. Leonardo Bruni 
di Arezzo che va sotto il nome di Leonardo Aretino mori nel 1444 in 
Firenze essendo Camelliere Della Republica Fiorentina. Occasional 
marginal captions serve as guides to the contents. On f. 1130 in the 
upper left-hand corner is a mark, probably a dealer’s: de o-bot zo. 

Opuscula Varia. 

Paper, ff. 49, cm. 29.5 22, single columns, 35-49 lines, in 5 quires of 
10, except Ist (9), in nine different hands. The quires are continuous. 
Berlin Purchase no. 87. Century XV-XVI. 

Label: wanting. 

Contents: 1. An address (of Ser Bellus Angeli de Callio?) to the 
members of some body at Assisi, f. ia. Incip.: Magnifici et Excelsi 
Segnori quantumquam Inspecto de tanta magnificentia conosca se 
convenisse parlare per leteram Niente da meno.—Ezplic.: Adonqua 
per mostrare voglia pigliare de larie senza penne. 

2. Address of Ser Bellus Angeli de Callio, ff. la-2b. Incip.: Mil- 
lesimo cccc®. xi die primo mensis Septembris Inscripta diceria fuit 
conpillata et Recitata per me Bellum S(e)r Angeli de Callio In civitate 
assisii in In(t)roitu dominorum priorum dicte civitatis 

Ipsique in puppibus altis 
Ductores longe effulgent aureque decori 
Virgilius in v®. 

Magnifici Segnori et voy Altri Nobili et Egregie [[Citadini]] et Spechi- 
osi Citadini—Ezplic.: ad morte extriminio et perpetuo confusione de 
chi volesse el contrario et cussy piacci a dio che sya Amen. 

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3. Address of Ser Bellus Angeli de Callio, ff. 3a-4a. Incip.: Alla 
diceria conpillata et Recitata per me Bellum Antedictum eodem anno 
die prima mensis novembris in Introitu aliorum novorum priorum 
Assisii. Ecce constitui te super gentes.—Ezplic.: E cusy piaccia dio 
che sya per infinita saecula saeculorum Amen. 

4, Three Latin addresses, probably of Laurentius de Pensauro, 
delivered at Florence, ff. 4b-5b. Incip.: Magnificorum astantium con- 
spectus frequens.—Ezplic.: Iustis muneribus decorabit. Ad laudem dey 

5. Address of Laurentius de Pensauro to the Florentines, ff. 6a-. 
Incip.: Quando Ego Laurentius de pensauro Intravi po(r)tas (potestas?) 
Florentie. In nomine patris filii et spiritus sa(n)cti ac beate marie 
semper virginis et Johannis baptiste nominibus invocatis.—Ezplic.: Ad 
laudem dei excelsi Amen. 

6. Five paragraphs: De Justitia, Fide, etc., f. 6b. 

7. Sermo. Incip.: Soleo heroes praestantissimi civesque conspicui, 
f. 7a. 

8. Resposta [[f]] de la Signoria de fiorenze facta ad li ambasciadori 
de Re de ragona fece dicta Resposta leonardo bruni in uno grandissimo 
consiglio de Citadini, ff. 7b-9b. 

9. De Laudibus florentinis libellus per Leonardum aretinum editus, 
ff. 90-200. 

10. Leonardus aretinus ex historia heliogabali augusti, ff. 21a-23b. 
—Argumentum.—Oratio Heliogabali Augusti ad Meretrices. 

11. Leonardus aretinus, On Leading Men of His Times, ff. 
24a-43a. Incip.: Qui per Italiam homines excelluerint aetate mea. 
—To it is appended Leonardi Arretini epitaphium, in 16 lines of 
verse. " 

12. Sermo domini Laurentii de Terentiis de pensauro. In Introitu 
dominorum florentinorum dum essem in potestam, ff. 43b-45a. Incip.: 
Euripides poeta, patres conscripti et clarissimi cives. 

13. Address to the Florentines by d(ominus) L(aurentius), ff. 46a- 
47a. Incip.: Quotiens jocundissimum conspectum vestrum intueor 
patres conscripti—Ezplic.: Ad laudem et gloriam eius qui est trinus et 
unus in secula seculorum Amen. Another similar address follows, ff. 
47a-49a. The two addresses are separated by a prayer in Italian and 
by a note at the head of the second, f. 47a: Quia praedicatus sermo non 
fuit recitatus per dictum d(ominum) L(aurentium) cum ad officium 
capitanei spectet confaloneria dare ideo dictus d(ominus) Laurentius 
in novo prioratu infra scriptum sermonem recitavit. Incip.: Quotiens 
iocundissimum conspectum vestrum intueor Magnifici(?) domini ac 
prestantissimi cives.—Ezplic.: Ad Laudem sempiterni dei qui est 
trinus et unus per infinita secula. There are occasional marginal notes 
in different hands. 

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Lucanus, Pharsalia. 

Paper, ff. 146, cm. 29X21.5, single columns, 27-32 lines, in 15 
quires of 10, except 2d (8), 9th (11), 12th (8), 15th (9). Rulings on 
both sides. Berlin Purchase no.17. Probably century XV. 

Label: Lucan. Phars. MSS. SOE. XV. 

Contents: Lucan’s Pharsalia, ten books, complete, with scholia on 
Lib. 1-3. Incip.: Bella per emathios plusquam civilia campos.— 
Ezplic.: Obscedit muris calcentem menia magni. At the head of f. 1a, 
in another hand, is the Epitaphion Lucani: 

Corduba me genuit: rapuit nero: prelia dixi 
Que gessere pares hinc socer. inde gener. 
Continuo nunquam direxi carmina ductu: 
Que tractim serpant. plus mihi coma placet. 

The books occupy the following folia: 

Lib. 1, ff. 1a-13b. Lib. 6, ff. 72 a- 870. 
Lib. 2, ff. 130-274. Lib. 7, ff. 876-1030. 

Lib. 3, ff. 27a-42a, Lib. 8, ff. 1036-1190. 
Lib. 4, ff. 42a-57a. Lib. 9, ff. 1190-137a. 
Lib. 5, ff. 57a-72a. Lib. 10, ff. 137a-146b. 

There is a continuous leaf-numbering in red in a later hand. A price 
mark in lire has been penciled inside the last cover. Occasional variants 
are noted beside the text. 

Petrus. VERONENSIS, Rubricae. 

Paper, ff. ii+647, cm. 22X16, single columns, 22-31 lines, 57 quires, 
of 12, except Ist, 2d, and 6th (of 2), 52d (8), and 57th (11). An old 
quire lettering A-Z, aa—wu, begins with quire 15, f. 137a, and continues 
to the end. The letter stands at the lower outer corner of the first 
rectos. On f. 2 an old leaf numbering begins to appear with 174, 
continuing to 469 (=296) then omitting 20 nos. and passing to 490 
(=297) thence continuing to 837 (=644). Over this a later leaf 
numbering 1-644 has been written. This later leaf-numbering is on the 
whole correct, the omission of 189 making up for the repetition of 146. 
The three remaining leaves (645a-647b) are blank, as is f. iia, ὃ. No 
rulings. Berlin Purchase no. 30. 1519. 

Label: Ὁ. Petrus Veron(onensis) C. R. Super 4™ et 5" Decr(etalium). 
The binding is pigskin, and there were two pairs of thongs for tying the 
book shut. 

Contents: Petrus Veronensis, Rubricae super quartum et quintum 

I. Index titulorum, ff. ia-b. Incip.: Accusatoribus 138.—Exzplic.: 
Usuris 307. Finis. The table is imperfectly alphabetical, and includes 
short titles of 63 rubrics. 

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11. Super 4° et 5° Decretalium. F. 1a. De Sponsalibus et Matri- 
moniis. Incipit Liber Quartus Decretalium. (These four words 
written over a line in a smaller hand.) Rubrica de Sponsalibus et 
Matrimoniis. Incip.: Sponsalia sive futurarum nuptiarum promissio, 
f. 1b.—Ezplic.: ut decla(rat?) Car(olus) Alexa(ndrinus) in d. c. gg. 
(=Gregorii?). Another hand has added: Finis Decretalium. Percurri 
has ann(otation)es in decretali(a) et videntur conformare fidei catholicae 
In cuius rei fidem es Neap(olis) xxx Junii 1519 

Jo(hannes) Fr. Comb(efius) 

pro Reverendissimo Vicario 
In the references below we have followed the fol. numbering of the 
manuscript. The rubrics are not numbered in the manuscript. 

Incipit Liber Quartus Decretalium. 

. De Sponsalibus et Matrimoniis, ff. 1b-26d. 
. De Observatione jeiuniorum, ff. 27a—29b. 
. De desponsatione impuberum, ff. 30a—41a. 
. De clandestina Desponsatione, ff. 41a—43b. 
. De Sponsa duorum, ff. 44a-47a. 
De Condicionibus Appositis, etc., ff. 47a-52b. 
- Qui clerici vel voventes Matr(imonium) contr(ahere) pos(sint), 
ff. 52b-59a. 
8. De eo qui duxit in matri(monium) quam pol(luit) per adulte- 
r(iam), ff. 59a-65a. 
9. De Coniugio Leprosorum, ff. 65a-67a. 
10. De coniugio Servorum, ff. 674-700. 
11. De Natis ex libero ventre, ff. 70b—71a. 
12. De cognatione spirituali, ff. 71a—-77b. 
13. De Cognatione legali, ff. 77b-78b. 
14. De eo qui cognovit consanguineam uxoris su(a)e vel spons(a)e, 
ff. 78b-85a. 
15. De Consang(uinitate) et affinitate, ff. 85a-92b. 
16. De frigidis et maleficiatis et impotentia coeundi, ff. 920-980. 
17. De Matrimonio contrac(to) cont(ra) inter(dictum) eccl(esiae), 
ff. 98b-102a. 
18. Qui filii sint Legitimi, ff. 102a-118b. 
19. Qui matrimonium accusare possunt, etc., ff. 118b-124b. 
20. De Divortiis, ff. 1246-130a. 
21. De donationibus inter virum et uxorem, etc., ff. 130a—-135a. 
22. De Secundis nuptiis, ff. 135a-137b. 
Incipit Liber Quintus: 
23. De Accusationibus Inquisitionibus et Denunciationibus, ff. 138a- 
24. De Calumniatoribus, ff. 156a-157a. - 
25. De Simonia, ff. 1576-1946. 


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Ne prelati vices (id est iurisdictionem suppl.) suas vel ecclesias 
sub annuo censu concedant, ff. 194b-197a. 

De Magistris et ne aliquid exigatur pro Licentia docendi, ff. 197b- 

De iudeis et Saracenis et eorum Servis, ff. 203a—216d. 

De Hereticis, ff. 217a-235b. 

De Schismaticis, etc., ff. 235b-2380. 

De Apostatis et reiteran(tibus) bap(tisma?), ff. 238b-244a. 
De his qui filios occiderunt, ff. 244a-246a. 

De Infantibus et Languidis expositis, ff. 246a-247a. 

De Homicidio casuali vel voluntario, ff. 2476-276. 

De Torneamentis, ff. 276a-278b. 

De Clericis pugnantibus in d(u)ello, ff. 279a-281b. 

De Sagittariis, ff. 281b-283a. 

De adulteriis et stupro, ff. 283a—-292b. 

De Raptoribus, incendiariis et violatoribus ecclesiarum, ff. 

De Furtis, ff. 301a-307a. 

De Usuris, ff. 307a-326b. 

De Crimine falsi, ff. 3266-3370. 

De Sortilegiis, ff. 337b-342a. 

De Collusione detegenda, ff. 342a-345b. 

De Delictis puerorum, ff. 345b-347b. 

De Clerico Venatore, ff. 348a-349b. 

De Clerico percussore, ff. 350a-352a. 

De Maledicis, ff. 352b-355a. 

De clerico exco(mmun)icato, deposito, vel interdicto ministrante, 
ff. 355a-369a. 

De clerico non ordina(to) ministra(nte), ff. 369a-371b. 

De clerico per saltum promoto, ff. 371b-372b. 

De eo qui furtive ordi(nem) sus(cepit), ff. 372b-375a. 

De Excessibus prelatorum et subditorum, ff. 375b-397a. 
De Novi operis nunciatione, ff. 397a-401a. 

De privilegiis et excessibus privilegiatorum, ff. 401a-435b. 
De Purgatione Cano(nica), ff. 436a—450a. 

De Purgatione Vulga(ri), ff. 4506-4540. 

De Iniuriis et damno dato, ff. 455a-466a. 

De Penis, ff. 466b-481a. 

De Penitentiis οὐ Remissionibus, ff. 4816-5170. 

De sententia excommunicationis, ff. 517b-5938a. 

De verborum Significatione, ff. 593a-633a. 

De regulis iuris, ff. 633a-6440. 

The manuscript is very irregularly written, and is doubtless the 
original writing of Petrus Veronensis. On f. 1a, below the title, a later 

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hand has written Vincentius Paganus, which has been crossed out. A 
price mark in lire is penciled on the last verso. 

Pocaius, Lronarpus, Guarinus, Opuscula Varia. 

Paper, ff. 128, cm. 28.8 20.4, single columns, 24 lines, in 17 quires, 
of 8, except 12th (6), and 13th (2). The quire lettering, A, B, etc., 
beginning again with the 14th, shows that we have here two manuscripts 
from the same hand, and at some time bound up as one. To the second 
of these quire 13 served as fly-leaves. Rulings on one side. Berlin 
Purchase no. 36. Century XV. 

Label: (On the edges as in the Escorial manuscripts) Pog. Invect. 
in. Val.—On the back of the one remaining (rear) wooden cover: Poggii 
Invectivae Contra Laurentium. 

Contents: Latin Works of Various Humanists: Poggio, Leonardo, 

1. Poggii Florentini Oratio Prima in Laurentium Vallam incipit. 
Si quibus in rebus honestum est consensuque omnium permissum 
iniuriam propulsare, ff. 1α-21α. 

Oratio secunda, ff. 21b-54a. Oratio quarta, ff. 636-77. 

Oratio tertia, ff. 540-63d. Oratio quinta, ff. 78b-89b. 
Explic.: in quos ego sinu ibi innotuerint liberius ac licentius eva- 
gabor. Poggii Florentini oratio quinta et ultima in Laurentium Vallam 

2. Epistola Leonardi Aretini ad ilustrem mulierem Baptistam de 
Malatis (es corr.) de {[in]] litteris ac studiis humanitatis, ff. 97a-109b. 
Incip.: Compulsus crebro rumore admirabilium virtutem tuarum 
scribere ad te constitui—Explic.: conferre tecum volui opinionem meam 
et currentem ut aiunt ad gloriam cohortari. vale. Finis. 

3. Incipit Prefatio Guarini Veronensis in Plutarcum, ff. 110a, ὃ. 
Maiores nostros Angelemi suavissime non admirari et maximis pro- 
sequi laudibus non possum.—Exzplic.: Sed de his alias. Plutarcum 

4. De liberis educandis incipit e Greco in latinum a Guarino viro 
veronense doctissimo traduct(us?), ff. 11la-128a. Incip.: Quid nam 
est quod de ingenuorum educatione liberorum dicere quispiam posset.— 
Explic.: at humano effici posse constat ingenio. Finis. 

A handsomely illuminated capital stands at the beginning of each 
oration or treatise, that at the beginning of the manuscript being espe- 
cially elaborate. The marginal notes on Poggius exhibit a different 
hand from that which annotated the other works. Inside the rear and 
only remaining cover are three notes in other hands. At the top: 
historia [| pog]] Laurentii Valle de gestis Aragonum regis. At the bottom: 
Io(hann)is Antonii de Benedictis de Neap(oli) emptus de mense Julio 
1579 a Io(hann)e Bap(tis)ta Ruffo bibliopola Neap(olita)no. Beside it, 
perhaps as a price mark: carlenis quindecim. 

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Receptarium de Medicinis, with miscellaneous remedies and pre- 

Paper, ff. 195, em. 25.319, two columns, 25-27 lines, 25 quires, of 
8, except the Ist (4), 22d (6), and 23d (9). Leaves numbered 1-8, of 
which ff. 1-5 were originally left blank. A new numbering begins with 
f. 6, thence continuing (1—(191, though with occasional confusions and 
transpositions after f. 163, the manuscript’s folio (158, with which the 
original Latin text comes to an end. Rough rulings, or rather under- 
linings, on both sides. Ff. 175 and 182 are half torn away. Berlin 
Purchase no. 26. Century XV-XVI. 

Label: ...... ] Segreti Antichi. 

Contents: Receptarium De Medicinis, ff. 6a—163a. The margins of 
this text and the originally blank leaves before and after it, ff. 1-5, 
1636-195b, have been written over in numerous cursive hands with 
recipes, remedies, and prescriptions of all sorts, for the most part in 
Italian. Recipes are given for ink, soap, white sugar, hair-restorers 
and dyes, cosmetics, colors, etc., and remedies for dog-bite and a host of 
complaints. Incip.: Sequitur receptarium De medicinis communiter 
usitatis per medicos, tam phisicos quam cirurgicos, que communiter 
reperiuntur penes aromatarios, preparatae, et hoc secundum mesue, 
nicolaum, galienum, rasim, avicennam, et aliorum auctorum Dicta Et 
prime De electuariis secundum antidotarium Domini mesue, f. 6a.— 
Explic.: et subito recepit tantum sudorem ut venenum totum exalet 
evacuationi universali prius facta. Finis. Εἰ. 163q. 

Added material, Incip., f. la: Recipe Corti ligni guainei—z 4.— 
Explic.: chi sia como ung(?). There are some hundreds of these mis- 
cellaneous prescriptions, in a great variety of hands, written prob- 
ably by successive owners or at least users of the book. A bit of Hebrew 
appears on f. 176b. A list of 49 famous medical authorities from Hip- 
pocrates to Platina occupies f. 5a. At the head of f. 170a In Napoli is 
written. Ff. 1685-1696 are occupied with a series of Latin paragraphs 
entitled, Quid est medicina que medetur egris. Among the miscella- 
neous marginal titles are Da far’ gelo, f. 8b; Per far’ una Copeta come 
se fa In ferrara cosa eletta, f. 12b; A fare azurro oltra marino, f. 21a; 
Per far’ nascier’ li pili dove non nascie, f. 24a; per le cubebe la cassia, 
f. 30a; ad seccar’ porri delle mani, f. 330; Per far’ pasta da marzapani 
fina et bona, f. 48b; A dolor de podagre, f. 58a; Uno oglio de semo de 
Cino, f. 62a; per la memoria bona, f. 146b. Un acqua molta nobilis- 
sima per far’ belle le donne, f. 192a. 

Fly-leaf 1a is inscribed 51 at the top, and, in the same hand, 1571 
at the bottom. 

ANTONIUS DE Rano, In Rubricas Soluto Matrimonio. 

Paper, ff. 152, cm. 43X28, double columns, 50-64 lines, 16 quires, of 
10, except the Ist and 2d (9), 6th, 7th, 8th, and 10th (8). Quire signa- 

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tures of six or more words stand at right angles to the lines, at the lower 
right-hand corner of last versos. There is a leaf-numbering, probably 
contemporary. Rulings usually on both sides. Ff. 7b and 8a left 
blank. Berlin Purchase no. 29. 1482. 

Label: Antonius De Raho super Rubr. Sol. Matri—On the recto of 
the fly-leaf, in a later hand, Antonius de Raho Auditor Generalis et 
Consiliarius Regis Federici Aragonii In Rubricas Soluto Matrimonio 
In Auditorio Sa(n)cti Laurentii Doctor et Lector Anno Domini MCD 

‘LXXXII 1482 Omnia in calce operis——Soluto Matrimonio, in a small 

hand, stands near the leaf-number on most of the rectos of the manu- 

Contents: Antonio de Raho, In Rubricas Soluto Matrimonio, De 
Liberis et Postumis. Occasional headings stand out in rude capitals: 
Causa Dotis. f. θα, Soluto Ma(trimonio), f. 11a, Quod Si In Patris, f. 14a, 
Voluntatem f. 170, Non solum, f. 19b, De Divisione, f. 21b, ete. Incip.: 
In glossa rubrice praesens glossa [[dividi?]] potest in quinque partes In 
prima enim ponitur duplex continuatio—Explic.: in legitimacione quae 
fit per comitem palatinum vide hoc per eum in ultima columpna. 

The Matrimonio Soluto occupies ff. la-141b. At the foot of f. 1410 
another hand has written: Die ultimo Iunii xv Ind(ictionis) in(carna- 
tionis) 1482: dominus antonius de raho complevit Institutiones prae- 
sentes, titulum soluto matrimonio sed in voce ante multos dies eum 

Rubrica de liberis et postumis, ff. 142a-152b, concludes the volume. 

At the foot of the last verso, another hand has written: Die 6 mensis 
Julii 15e Ind. 1482 sub augusta regis ferdinandi pace dominus antonius 
de raho in auditorio sancti laurentii hic punctavit qui habuit concurren- 
tem dominum petrum de fundis qui paucis diebus legit et postea ob 
paucitatem studencium demisit et [[am{|amplius non legit—This may 
be Pietro di Fondi, poet at Naples in the fifteenth century. 

The wide margins accommodate numerous notes in various hands. 
The book was probably the lecture book of de Raho, or possibly a stu- 
dent’s copy of his lectures. On f. 1000, in the lower margin a hand of 
the same period as the rest of the volume has indited a scurrilous poem 
of 8 lines after the style of Martial: “Ad antonium de raho amicum 

A printed pamphlet dealing with the de Raho family has been bound 
into the back of the manuscript: Subsidiariae Velitationes adversus 
Molossos mordentes lapidem. Auctore D. Olao Chardero. Neapoli, 
MDCXCVI.—Pp. 28. Mention of Antonio de Raho on p. 18. 

2 Reg. 19:37—22:18. 

Parchment, 1 f., mutilated at top and outer side through use in 
binding, cm. 30.2 26.6, double columns, now of 37 lines, but originally 

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of 55 or 56, 17 or 18 lines being lost from the top of each column. 
Rulings on the hair side. The hand is large and shapely, with three 
marginal capitals in red. There are the usual abbreviations. Berlin 
Purchase no. 24. Probably century XV. 

Contents: Parts of 11 Kings 19:37-22:13, in the Latin Vulgate. 

Col. 1: 19:37—20:10, nijJneve cumque adoraret in templo neserach 
. - ~~ nec hoe volo ut faciat’ sed αὐ 

Col. 2: 20:14—21:5, venelrunt de babylone .. . . universae 
militiae caeli in duobus atriis [ 

Col. 3: 21:106-21, diceJ]n[s] Quia fecit manases rex .. . per 
quam ambulaverat pater eius [ 

Col. 4: 22:2-13, ]d(omi)no’ et ambulavit per [omnes vias david] 
patris sui’ . . . . magna enim ira d(omi)ni [ 

After 19:37 a somewhat later hand has written: omnia xxv. Oppo- 
site 21:18 a still later hand has written: Tanta nequitia ad aures meas 
de tua senectute pervenit. vi. 

Rubricae De accusationibus, etc. 

Paper, ff. 190, em. 31X21.4, double columns, 37-39 lines, in 16 
quires, of 12, except the 2d, 9th, and 16th, (10), 7th (6), and 13th (22). 
Quire signatures below middle margin of last versos. A leaf-numbering 
at the upper right-hand corner of each recto, and near it usually a brief 
title, De accusa(tionibus), De Symonia, etc. Rulings on both sides. 
Ff. 66a, 76a, ὃ, are blank. Berlin Purchase. Probably century XV. 

Label: wanting. The quires are still stitched together, but have 
lost their cover. An oval slip printed in blue, like those on nos. 2, 6, 
12, 14, 17, 18, 47, 54, 63, 65, is at the foot of the back. 

Contents: Rubricae de Accusationibus, Simonia, etc. 

Title: De Accusationibus Inquisitionibus et Denuntiationibus 
Rubrica. Above, in a finer hand, Iacobus de Rochis super(?)...... 
Incip.: Ista rubrica habet tres partes, primo de accusa(tionibus), 
f. la.—Exzplic.: consuetudinem contrariam G. . . de consue. ὁ. 1. et 
ul., f. 189a@ (on the note f. 1890 see below). 

1. De accusationibus, inquisitionibus, et denuntiationibus, ff. le- 

. De calumpniatoribus, ff. 26), 27a. 

De symonia, ff. 27a—41a. 

. Ne prelati vices suas sub annuo censu concedant, ff. 41a—42b. 

De magistris, ff. 42b-43b. 

. De Iudeis et Saracenis et eorum servis, ff. 430-46a. 

. De hereticis, ff. 460-540. 

. De scismaticis, ff. 540-55b. 

. De apostatis et reiterantibus baptismum, ff. 550-57b. After 
the close of the 9th rubric, f. 57b, col. 1, the subsequent rubrics are intro- 


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duced by this note: Supra primis 4° rubricis visum est de h(ominib)us 
qui peccant in deo videndum erat subsequenter de h(ominib)us qui 
peccant in homine et subsequenter in deo, i.e., de homicidio. Et quia 
inter omnia alia genera homicidiorum gravius est filii homicidium 
ideo primo subicitur hec Rubrica. vel secundo sic et brevius quia post 
preceptum de colendo deum et honorando parentes. primum est nega- 
tivum non occides deuteronomii 3°—etc., habetur materia ..... 4, 
3a consuluisti. 

10. (Without heading.) Incip.: Veniens. Mulier sponte occidens 
filium, ff. 57b-58a. This and the following on ff. 576-59a, as well as 
61a, ὃ, and 66b ff. are in a clearer, more open hand. 

11. De Infantibus et Languidis expositis, ff. 58a-59a. 

12. De homicidio voluntario vel casuali, ff. 59b-65b. 

13. De adulterio et stupro, ff. 66b-68a. 

14. De raptoribus et violatoribus ecclesiarum, ff. 68b-69b. 

15. De furtis, ff. 69b-70a. 

16. De usuris, ff. 70a-75b. A marginal note on f. 75b indicates 
that the paragraphs on that page should precede the paragraph begin- 
ning Naviganti, f. 74b; f. 76 is blank. 

17. De crimine falsi, ff. 77a-78b. In a different hand, heavier than 
either of those preceding. Under the heading is a note, which connects 
these rubrics with the preceding, as follows: Continuatur hoc modo 
Quia in decalogo post praeceptum negativum non furtum facies sequitur 
etiam non falsum testimonium dicas, etc. 

18. De sortilegis, ff. 78b-79b. 

19. De collusione detegenda, ff. 79b-80b. 

20. De delicto puerorum, ff. 80b-81a. 

21. De clerico venatore, ff. 8la-81b. 

22. De clerico percussore, ff. 81b-82a. 

23. De maledicis, ff. 82a—82b. 

24. De clerico excommunicato vel deposito ministrante, ff. 82b-85a. 

25. De clerico per saltum promoto, ff. 850-86b; a marginal note 
refers f. 85b, col. 2 to a Rubrica de eo qui ordinem furtive suscepit. 

26. De excessibus prelatorum, etc., ff. 87a—94b. 

27. De novi operis nuntiatione, ff. 94b-97a. 

28. De privilegiis et excessibus privilegiatorum, ff. 97a-114b(?). 

29. De purgatione canonica, ff. 114b(?)-120a. 

30. De purgatione vulgari, ff. 120a-121a. 

31. De iniuria et danno d., ff. 121a-124a. 

32. De penis, ff. 124-130. 

33. De penitentiis et remissionibus, ff. 1830a—152b. 

34. De sententia excommunicationis, ff. 153a-170a; most of f. 158, 
all of 159, more than one half of 167, paid a portion of 168 are blank. 

35. De verborum significatione, ff. 170a-181b; f. 182 is blank. 

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36. De regulis juriis (for juris?), ff. 183a-189a. F. 189) bears a 
note similar to that on f. 75b under the caption: Adde ad Ab. in col. 
in glo. super v°. in οἷ. decernimus. Incip.: In hac opinionum varietate 
mihi placet ea opinio.—Ezplic.: Et ibi simile de materia. In ea: F. 190 
is blank. 

Various changes of hand appear throughout the volume, a few of 
which have been indicated at points deserving special notice. The mar- 

‘ginal notes are often in a different hand from the text. On the lower 
edges the name Jacobus de Rohis may be read; cf. f. la. 

40. Rubricae, Libelli, etc. 

Paper, ff. 269, cm. 28.2X21.2, numbered 1-268, 269 being blank, 
and a half leaf following f. 84 not included. 28 quires, of 10, except 
1, 25 (9), 9, 27 (6), 10, 14 (8), 12, 13 (12); single and double columns, 
31-35 lines. An earlier double-leaf numbering appears at foot of the 
last versos of certain quires, ff. 1740 (81), 184b (88 2), 1940 (96), 2040 
(100), 2140 (105), 2246 (109?). Column rulings often on both sides. 
Berlin Purchase nos. 27, 28. 1473-89. 

Label: wanting. 

Contents: Rubrics, Legal Treatises and Forms. Incip.: In glossa 
Rubrice imprimo Baldus continuat.—Ezplic.: prae formatis videlicet 

1. Rubrica De Liberis et Posthumis, ff. 1-35a. 

2. On modes of legal procedure, ff. 36a—52a. 

3. Antonius de Raho de Neapoli, De Testamentis, ff. 53a—78a. 

4. Ordo Judiciarius, ff. 80a-83b. With extended marginal com- 

δ. De Vulgari et Pupilari sub(stitutione), ff. 86a—102b. 

6. Recollecte Date per Doctissimum Virum Franciscum Steam de 
Neapoli sub anno Domini M473, vit. Ind(ictionis) rengnante rege 
Fer(dinando), ff. 104a-1245. 

7. Lectura famosissimi utriusque doctoris domini christofori porchi 
super primo secundo tertio Insti., ff. 127a-133a. A chart of family 
relationships, in the form of a grotesque human figure, occupies f. 134b. 

8. De Publicis Judiciis Instituta: (ἢ another ink) Per dominum 
Vincencium pico . . de neapolisub anon., ff. 135a-159a. 

9. Singularia Data ac Conposita per Utriusque Juris doctorem 
dominum Johannem Spata Fo: sub Anno domini 1489. Ff. 165a-2530. 
The sections of this work are numbered in the margin, 1-874. 

10. A legal treatise in three hands, 15 sections, ff. 254a-256a. 
Incip.: Cum veritas de terra sit orta ut ait dominus.—Ezplic.: nullum 
effectum sortitur patet exemplum. 

11. Various Libelli, ff. 257a-268b, in a variety of hands. 

A note beginning quia prope est dominus, heads f. 269a; f. 2690, 

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columns of figures. Ff. 78b-79b, 84a, ὃ, 103a, ὃ, 1330, 134a, 1596-1648, 
256b are blank. 

Yhesus stands at the head of some pages. A note, rather like 
a quire signature, at the foot of f. 2530: Sequuntur singularia Ad hoc 
ut possit. : 

The penciled numbers 54 (f. 1a) 58 (f. 93a) were given the various 
parts of the unassembled manuscripts by its former owner. 4 (in ink) 
stands at the head of f.175a. There are occasional notes in various 

SepastTianus Neapouitanus, Declarationes de Regno Siciliae 
(relating to the Anjou dynasty of Naples). 

Paper, ff. 72, cm. 43.529, single columns, 43-48 lines, in 3 quires of 
20, 22, and 30 leaves, numbered 1-73 (71 has been torn out). Ff. 660- 
73b were left blank, but ff. 67a-68a have been written over by a later 
hand. Column rulings on both sides. Two fly-leaves at the beginning, 
blank. Berlin Purchase no. 31. Century XV, XVI. 

Label: wanting. Cover of unlined parchment, remains of thongs 
(4 pairs) at ends and side. “90” at top of back. 

Contents: Declarationes supplectiones ac remissiones Domini 
Neap: Sebasti: super capitulis Regni utiles ac necessarie. 

1. Et primo super capitulis (regis?) Karoli primi, ff. la-16a. Incip.: 
De violentiis puniendis. Pridem ibi Aratorii boves etiam. 

2. Rubrica: Capitula regia edita et confirmata Neapoli post quedam 
alia capitula primo edita per regem carolum 2™ tunc principem et regni 
vicarium In planitie sancti martini et subsequenter Neapoli confirmata 
similiter super pacifico statu regni composita et dictata per bone memorie 
dominum andream de yser(nia) iuris civilis eximium professorem Ac 
tune magne regie curie magistrum rationalem, ff. 16b-29a. 

8. Capitula Regis Roberti, ff. 29b-54a. 

These include among other documents: 

a) Consultum Gulielmi de pernuo Siculi, ff. 39a-40a. On f. 40a 
he appears as Gulielmus de pernuo doctor Siculus. In this consultum, 
Andreas de yser(nia) (1353) is quoted, f. 40a, 1. 8. 

b) A genealogical chronicle (without title) chiefly of the Anjou 
dynasty, beginning with the fall of the Hohenstaufen, 1263 (1168)—1390, 
ff. 40b-44a. 

c) A list of counts created by the Kings of Naples, ff. 440, 45a. 

d) Decrees of Robertus and his son Carolus, Dux Calabriae (+1332) 
ff. 45b-54a. 

A second hand begins with f. 39a, 1. 5, and continues through f. 66a. 

4. Capitula Pape honorii, ff. 54a-60a. (A bull of Honorius IV, 
dated Oct. 1285.) 

5. Memoriae as to judicial procedure, ff. 60b-62a. 

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6. Tractatus de quibusdam pertinentibus Ad Fescum, ff. 62b-65b. 

7. Quot sunt forme frequentis concessionis feudorum, ff. 66a.— 
Explic.: naturales si de feud. fue. contro. In the margin, in the same 
hand, Ultimo script(?) 1522 per me meren. exempla. At the head of 
f. 660, as though marking the end of the manuscript, Cartae 66 scripte. 

8. (In a later hand) Legal forms: Forma Mandati ad Informandum, 
etc., ff. 67a-68a. The date given in the first of these, 4 Januarii 1575, 
suggests the general period of this hand. References to a parallel text 
—carte 213-237, 250—run through ff. 1-37, apparently in the hand of 
ff. 39-66. The Capitula Regni referred to in the first title (f. la) are 
perhaps meant. In the margin of f. 455, Ista capitula regni non sunt 
in capitulis impressis in libro meo. There are markings in a late hand 
on the cover: Illustrissimo S(ignor?) mio cesarone. The Sebastianus 
Neapolitanus to whom this collection is ascribed, f. la, may be the 
jurisconsult of the name of the fourteenth century (11362), but is more 
probably he of the fifteenth century (flor. 1482). 

Psreupo-Seneca, De Quatuor Virtutibus, Ex Epistulis, etc. 

Paper, ff. 16, cm. 21.4 15.6, single columns, 25 lines, 3 quires of 4, 
except the 3d (8). No rulings. F. 160 blank. Leaves somewhat 
patched. Probably century XV. 

Label: wanting. The manuscript is without a binding, the leaves 
having escaped from some dilapidated codex. 

Contents: Seneca, De Quatuor Virtutibus, Ad Galionem De Remed- 
lis Infortuniorum, Ex Epistolis Senecae. 

1. Incipit tractatus Senece de quatuor Virtutibus, ff. la-7a, Incip.: 
Quatuor virtutum species multorum sapientum sententiis diffinite sunt. 
Explic.: aut mentem composui devitet insaniam aut defficiente con- 
tempnat ignaviam. Explicit tractatus de quatuor virtutibus Annei 
Lucii Senece:— 

2. Incipit Liber Senece ad Galionem discipulum suum de Remediis 
Infortuniorum: ff. 7b-12a. Incip.: Licet cunctorum poetarum car- 
mina gremium vestrum semper illustrent.—Explic.: quam domi sit 
ista felicitas. Finis. 7 

3. Ex epistolis Senece: ff. 12b-16a. Incip.: Ab alio expectes. 
alteri quod feceris.—Ezplic.: Avaricia est pestis Irremediabilis. 

Augustinus In epistola ad Medrigium presbyterum Fuge feminam 
te obsecro et earum conversationem fuge ut mortem. Nam earum 
conversatio quid aliud est quam diaboli ianua: pabulum iniquitatis. 
scorpionis percusio. muscarum morsio. et diaboli habitatio. 

The text lacks the interpolations found in some manuscripts of these 
works and seems to be good. The De Quatuor Virtutibus is in a 
different hand from the rest of the manuscript; the hand changing to 
a rounder and more open style with the turning of f. 7. Large mar- 

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ginal initials and some headings are in red. At the top of f. 7a, a finer 
hand has written amo and amor each four times. Nota bene appears 
occasionally in the margins of the De Quatuor Virtutibus. In De 
Remediis, and to a less extent in Ex Epistolis, a later hand has made 
corrections and marginal additions, and has freshened up what was 

Srervetus, De Trinitatis Erroribus Libri VII. 

Paper, ff. 166, cm. 19X16, single columns, 15-28 lines. 21 quires 
of 8, except the 21st (6). No inner margins left. Ff. 1b and 1660 
blank. Paper of ff. 1-80 fine; of ff. 81-166 coarse. In the margin is 
penciled a folio numbering, probably that of a (printed?) copy with 
which the manuscript has been compared, running from Fol. 2a on f. 2a 
to 119d on f. 1655. Hengstenberg? Probably century XVII-XVIII. 

Label: Servetus de Trinitatis Erroribus. Msct. Below in another 
hand and ink, 41. Full pigskin binding. 

Contents: De Trinitatis Erroribus Libri Septem per Michaelem 
Serveto (corr: Ist hand -tum), alias Reves ab Aragonia Hispanum. 
Anno M.D. ΧΧΧΙ, ἢ. la. Incip.: A et Q De Trinitatis Erroribus 
Liber Primus. In scrutandis divinae Triadis sanctis arcanis, f. 2a.— 
Explic.: et dedit nobis mentem ut cognoscamus ipsum, et patrem per 
ipsum, cui gloria et imperium in aeternum, Amen, Amen sine fine 
semper. Selah. Finis. F. 1650. 

A note on f. 166a, in a different but early hand, reads: Erratum. 
Ubicunque reperies Jehonah, tu lege Jehovah, per ou, non on. 

The date 1531, f. la, is the date of the first publication of this earliest 
of Servetus’ works, at Hagenau. The manuscript is perhaps a copy of a 
printed text. Manuscript copies are said to be common. 

. J. G. Wacutsr, Elucidarius Cabalisticus. 

Paper, ff. 104 (pages numbered (1)-208), em. 22.2X17.5, single 
columns, 17 lines, 26 quires of 4. The title stands at the top of each 
opening. Hengstenberg. 1706. 

Label: Joh. G. Wachter, Elucidarius Cabalisticus. Msct. Below, 

Contents: Elucidarius Cabalisticus, sive Recondita Hebraeorum 
Philosophiae Brevis et succincta Recensio, Epitomatore Joh. Georgii 
Wachtero Philos. Prof. Romae Anno MDCCVI (f. 1a). 

1. Epistola Dedicatoria ad Reverendissimum Praesulem Ὁ N. 
Benjamin Ursinum 4 Baehr, Regiae Majestatis in Borussia Consecra- 
torem, et Ejusdem Regni Episcopum Nec non Consistorii Marchici 
Praesidem Vicarium (f.2a). The epistola follows, ff. 2b-5b, pp. 4-10. 

2. Praefatio ad Lectorem, ff. 6a-17a, pp. 11-33. 

3. Responsio ad censuras iniquissimas, quibus hic liber a nonnullis 

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per triennium oppressus est, ex Clemente Alexandrino Lib. 1. Strom: 
ab initio, ff. 17a, ὃ, pp. 33, 34. 
4. Elucidarius Cabalisticus, ff. 17b-104b, pp. 34-208. In five 
i. De Origine Cabalae. 
ii. De Propagatione Cabalae. 
iii. De Corpore Doctrinae Cabalisticae. 
iv. De Consensu Cabalae et Spinozae. 
v. Quid de Cabala Sentiendum. 

Incip.: Ebraeorum Philosophi Mysteria sua ab Adamo usque 

derivant, f. 18a, p. 35.—Ezplic.: ipse medetur illustri sua de Divinitate 
Christi confessione. 

Tantum. Exarabam 
Berolini Anno 1702. F. 1040, p. 208. 

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(Gr. 1.) Basttrus Maenus, Sermo de Legendis Libris Gentilium; 
Atuanastius, Vita Sancti Antonit. 

Paper, ff. 71, cm. 23.8X17.2, rough edges, in 10 quires of 8, except 
3d (4) and 10th (3). The last leaf of quire 10 is blank. Three fly- 
leaves at the beginning. Single columns, 20-23 lines. Ornaments over 
titles. Titles, initials and beginnings of paragraphs in red throughout. 
There is an old leaf numbering, άτιθ. Berlin Purchase? Century XV. 

Label: [S. Bas]ilii Magni de Vtilitate capienda ex libris Gentilium. 
8. Athanasii Vita M. [Antonii]. 

Contents: On verso of 3d fly-leaf in front: 8S. Basilii Oratio de 
utilitate capienda ex libb. gentil. S. Athanasii Vita M. Antonii. Hance 
minime nancisci potuit qui grecolatinam editionem operum Athanasii 
novissimaliter fecit. Definitiones nonnulle. (Of these “ definitiones” 
no trace appears in the book.) Underneath, in a different hand: 
Exscripta per Gregorium Florellium cleric. Regul. 

1. Incip., f. da: Tod μεγάλου βασιλείου ὁμιλία πρὸς τοὺς νέους ὅπως 
ἂν ἔξ ἑλληνικῶν ὠφελοῖντο λόγων: (red) Πολλά με τὰ παρακαλοῦντά ἐστι 
ξυμβουλεῦσαι ὑμῖν ὦ παῖδες ἃ βέλτιστα εἶναι κρίνω.--- Explic., f. a: ὃ μὴ 
πάθητε νῦν ὑμεῖς τοὺς ὀρθῶς ἔχοντας τῶν λογισμῶν ἀποφεύγοντες: (οἴ. 
Migne, 8.G., 31, coll. 563-590). 

2. Incip., f. 6a: Bios τοῦ ὁσίου πατρὸς ἡμῶν ᾿Αντωνίου ovyypa- 
ges ὑπὸ ᾿Αθανασίου ἀρχιεπισκόπου ᾿Αλεξανδρείας πρὸς τοὺς ἐν τῇ ξένῃ 
μοναχούς. ᾿Αγαθὴν ἄμιλλαν ἐνεστήσασθε πρὸς τοὺς ἐν αἰγύπτῳ μοναχούς --- 
Explic., £. 70a: ᾧ ἡ δόξα, καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. ἀμὴν. 
τέλος. Underneath in fine script: γρηγόριος, i.e., the scribe Gregorius 
Florellius, ef. fly-leaf 3b (Migne, 8.G. 26, coll. 835-976). 

The parchment used to fasten the binding to the back has on it 
in red ink, on one side: Septembr. San{cti] egidii abb[at]i exul.; on the 
other: Nativitas sancti domini. The number 1 is penciled within a 
circle on the outside of the front cover; cf. no. 53. Watermarks: 
ff. 1-20: anchor (? or boat with mast) in circle; ff. 21-60: stag in circle; 
ff. 61-68: six-pointed star under anchor; ff. 69-71: six-pointed star 
within four-pointed star in circle (as on some leaves of Nicetas on Greg. 
Nazianz., no. 53, part of which was written by the same Gregorius). 

(Gr. 2.) Evangelia Graeca. 

Parchment, ff. 267, em. 2718, single columns, 19 lines. Originally 
40 quires, of 8, except the 40th (7), besides a prefatory quire of 11. 

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7 quires have been lost from the codex (17-23). Of the 33 remaining, 
four lack one or two leaves (4, 15, 16, 32), and 29 are complete (1-3, 
5-14, 24-31, 33-40). The quires are numbered on the lower inner corner 
of the first recto and the last verso. The hand is a large round cursive. 
Much of the writing has been retraced. Gregory, Textkritik des Neuen 
Testamentes, evv. 1290; Von Soden, ε 586. Special purchase, 1895. 
The rulings are in the manner usual in Greek codices. Ca. 1500. 

Label: Four Gospels in Greek. c. a.p. 1500. 

Contents: The Four Gospels in Greek, with the following lacunae: 
Matt. 9:36—10:10 (quire 4, f. 1); 12:15b-29a@ (4, 8); Mark 7:24b-36a 
(15, 1); 9:48b—10: 14a (16, 1); 12:1—Luke 9:2 (16, 8, and 17-23); 
John 1:1-14a (32, 1); 3:14b-27a (32, 8). 

1. Lesson-titles with explanatory paragraphs, the Letter of Eusebius 
to Carpianus; the Eusebian Canons, in red, ff. la-8b. 

2. Ὑπόθεσις τοῦ κατὰ Ματθαῖον εὐαγγελίου and list (in red) of chapter 
titles of Matthew, ff. θα-11α. 

3. Matt. 1:1—9:35; 10:11—-12:15a; 12:29b—28:20, ff. 124-976. 

4. Ὑπόθεσις τοῦ κατὰ Μάρκον ἁγίου εὐαγγελίου, and list (in red) of 
chapter titles of Mark, ff. 98a-99b. 

5. Mark 1:1—7:24a; 7:360—9:48a; 10:145—11:38, ff. 100a-1340. 

6. Luke 9:3—24:53, ff. 1354-1960. 

7. Ὑπόμνημα εἰς τὸν ἅγιον ἀπόστολον ᾿Ιωάννην τὸν θεολόγον and list 
(in red) of chapter titles of John, ff. 197a-198b. 

8. John 1:146—3:14a; 3:27b—21:25, ff. 199a-2670. 

Just before the beginning of Matthew, the following hexameters 
appear, f. lla: 

Ἱματθαίου τόδε ἔργον - ἀριστοπόνοιο τελώνου 
ὃς τόκον ἔφρασε θεῖον ἀπειρογάμοιο γυναικός: 
ἣ τέκε ἄσπορον υἱὸν ὃν οὐ χάδεν οὐρανὸς εὐρύς - 
χίριστὸ)ν ἀειζώοντα - θ(εὸὴν βροτὸν αὐτὸν ἐόντα. ἢ 
Before the beginning of Mark are the following hexameters, not unusual 
in gospel cursives, f. 99a. The verses are written as prose; the verse- 
divisions are supplied below: 
ὅσσα περὶ χριστοῖο θεηγόρος ἔθνεα πέτρος 
κηρύσσων ἐδίδασκεν ἀπὸ στομάτων 
ἐριτίμων, | ἐνθάδε μάρκος ἄγειρε καὶ ἐν 
σελίδεσσιν ἔθηκε | τοὔνεκα καὶ μερό- 
πεσσιν εὐάγγελος ἄλλος ἐδείχθη: --- | 
ἔργον ἀριπρεπὲς ἐκ μεγάλου πέτρου 
μνηθεὶς, | μάρκος ἔτευξε τόδε πν(εύματο)ς 
ἐν σοφί: 
The last two hexameters are repeated at the top of the following 
page, f.99b. There are ornamental II-shaped headings at the beginnings 

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of Matthew and Mark, and a few initial capitals. See Frontispiece, 
f. 1la, Matt. 1:1-4a. 

The codex was purchased by the University in 1895 through Pro- 
fessor Ernest D. Burton and Professor Caspar René Gregory, from the 
estate of a Greek of Thera, by whom it had been brought to Chicago. 
The text is Syrian. Collation and estimate by Edgar J. Goodspeed, in 
Journal of Biblical Literature, XXI (1902), pp. 100-107. Cf. no. 50. 

(Gr.3.) Grorerus Hamarrouus, Chronicon, cum versione Latina. 

Paper, ff. xii+555, cm. 46X34, single columns, 25 lines, 100 quires 
of 6, except nos. 1, 4, 5, 29, 81, 91, 93, 95, 96 (4), 15, 16, 50, 51, 77 (5), 
47 (7), 3, 100 (2), and 78 (8). In the leaf numbering, 132, 210, and 
550 have been repeated. A fly-leaf at the beginning and end. Rulings 
on one side, margin rulings on both sides. Ff. ib, iiia-ivb, xb, 1a, 
551b-552b are blank. Berlin Purchase no. 8. Rome, 1785. 

Label: Georgii Hamartoli sive Ioannis Siculi Chronicon MS G.L. 
Papal Arms (Pius VI) above. Below, no. 6, on an oval paper label 
like those on nos. 2, 6, 12, 14, 17, 18, 39, 54, 63, 65. 

Contents: Honori Pii Sexti Pontificis Max. Optimi Principis 
Chronicon Georgii Hamartoli sive Ioannis Siculi ab Orbe condito 
usque ad annum DCCCXLII, cum continuatione innominati Autoris 
ad annum DCCCLXXXVI. E Codicibus Graecis MSS Vaticanis 
descripsit, latinumque fecit Ioannes Elias Baldus Romanus Bibliothecae 
Vaticanae Graecus Scriptor. Anno MDCCLXXXV. F. ia. 

1. Dedicatory address, f. iia-b: Pio Sexto Pontifici Maximo Ioannes 
Elias Baldus Perennem Felicitatem. Jncip.: Honores, gratiae, et 
praemia.—Explic.: cunctaque tibi prospera eveniant. 

2. Praefatio, Incip.: Duorum Scriptorum Chronographiam.—Exzplic.: 
Et de hoc plurimas gratias eisdem semper agemus. ἔῤῥωσο, ff. va-xa. 
Baldus holds that the original Chronicon of Georgius Hamartolus has 
been supplemented by Ioannes Siculus from a Chronicon of Simeon, 
“Magister et Logotheta.” As to manuscripts, Baldus states that he 
copies from Cod. Vaticanus 153, putting in the margins readings of 
Cod. Palatinus 394, which sometimes differs widely from the exemplar, 
e.g., f. 3840, Codex Palat. multum differt hic a Vaticano. To this 
preface is appended a list: Scriptores quorum autoritatibus usus est 
Georgius Hamartolus in hoc Chronico, ff. xia—xiib. 

3. Table of Contents, ff. 1b-32a: Here and throughout the rest of the 
manuscript, the Greek occupies the versos, the Latin the opposite rectos. 
The Latin titles are usually accompanied by the fol. number. Greek 

Tlivaé ἀκριβὴς τῆς γραφῆς τοῦ βιβλίου 
πράξεις παριστῶν καὶ χρόνους στεφηφόρων 
πράξεις παλαιὰς ἔργα καὶ καταστάσεις. 

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συμβάντα καὶ πραχθέντα πᾶς μαθεῖν θέλων 
ταύτην βίβλον δίελθε, τοῖς γεγραμμένοις 
τὸν νοῦν ἐφιστῶν (πᾶσι suppl. mg.) μή τι που λάθοι. 
ὡς ἄν, παριστῶν ταῦτα τοῖς οὐκ εἰδόσιν, 
ἔχειν νομίζη πραγμάτων ἐμπειρίαν. 
Περὶ ᾿Αδὰμ τοῦ πρωτοπλάστον. 
Explic.: Tlept τῶν συγκεκολλημένων Β. ἀῤῥένων, τέρας τί μέγα φαινομένων. 

4. Prologue, ff. 32b-36a. Title: Πρόλογος Χρονικῆς Ἱστορίας Tewp- 
γίου Movaxod. The margin has a fuller title found ‘In Codice Palatino 
Heidelbergensi 394.” Greek Incip.: Πολλοὶ μὲν τῶν ἔξω φιλολόγοι καὶ 
Aoyoypdou.—Explic.: τὴν ἀρχὴν ἐντεῦθεν κατὰ τὴν ἐμὴν ποιήσομαι δύναμιν. 

5. The preliminary part of the Chronicon, ff. 35b-61a. Title: Χρονι- 
κὸν σύντομον ἐκ διαφόρων χρονογράφων τε καὶ ἐξηγητῶν συλλεγὲν καὶ συν- 
τεθὲν ὑπὸ Γεωργίου ᾿Αμαρτωλοῦ Μοναχοῦ. Greek Incip.: βίβλος γενέσεως 
ἀνθρώπων, ἣ ἡμέρᾳ ἔπλασεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν ᾿Αδὰμ κατ᾽ εἰκόνα καὶ ὁμοίωσιν αὐτοῦ. 
—Enxzplic.: Οὐ γὰρ ἤδεσαν εἰπεῖν : Ἔν ἀρχῇ ἐποίησεν ὃ Θεὸς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ 
τὴν γῆν. 

6. The Chronicon proper. Ff. 600-55la. Title: ᾿Αρχὴ τοῦ Χρονικοῦ 
Βιβλίου Tewpyiov Movaxod. Greek Incip.: a’. ᾿Επανάληψις τῆς dpxato- 
Aoyias ἐν ἐπιτόμῳ ἀρχομένης ἀπὸ τοῦ ᾿Αδάμ. ᾿Αδὰμ τοίνυν κατὰ τὸν 
σοφώτατον καὶ θεῖον ὑποφήτην Movojv.—Explic.: ὃ βασιλεὺς ἀσμενέστατα 
ὑπεδέξατο, καὶ διὰ πάσης ἦγε τιμῆς. 

Latin Incip.: 1. Repetitio historiae de rebus antiquis.—Ezplic. 
Imperator libentissime eum suscepit, atque omnino in honore habuit. 
Laus Deo Uni et Trino. 

This subscription follows the Greek text, f. 550b: ᾿Ετελειώθη 9 παροῦσα 
Δέλτος ἐν τῇ προεορτῇ τοῦ ἐνδόξου καὶ μεγαλομάρτυρος τοῦ ἁγίου Aavpevtiou 
Διακόνου, ἐν ἔτει ἀπὸ τῆς σαρκώσεως τοῦ Κυρίον ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ 
χιλιοστῷ ἑβδομικοσιοστῷ ὀγδοηκοστῷ πέμπτῳ, διὰ χειρὸς Ἰωάννου Ἡλίου 
Βάλδον Ῥωμαίου τῆς Βιβλιοθήκης Βατικάνης ἑλληνικοῦ ΓΠραμματέως. 

The last guard has a penciled pricemark in lire. The prevailing 
watermarks are a fleur-de-lis in a single or double circle, and vitTort. 

(Gr. 4.) Micuart Guycas, Epistolae, cum versione Latina, Vol. 1. 

Paper, ff. 406, cm. 43.4 27.9, in 88 quires of 4, except nos. 6 (2); 
26, 56, 65-71 and 88 (6); 60, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86 (8); single 
columns, 22-24 lines. Three fly-leaves and one leaf bearing title-page 
in front, 3 fly-leaves in back. Ruling on recto. A penciled line sepa- 
rates the writing from the wide margins. Folio numbering (except on 
prefatory ff.) in brown ink, from 2-384. Berlin Purchase no. 6. 1787. 

Label: Michaélis Glycae Epistolae Theolog. Selectae G.L. MS. 

Title-page: Pio Sexto Pont. Max. Literarum Artiumque Egregiarum 
Conservatori Optimo Principi Michaelis Glycae Epistolas Selectas de 
Quaestionibus Theologicis editas et ineditas Ioannes Elias Baldus Ro- 

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manus ex Codice Graeco MS. Aloysii Lollini Episcopi Bellunensis 
descripsit omnes fere in Latinum vertit praefatione ornavit et ob collata 
sibi beneficia Ὁ. N. Μ. 9. E.D.D. Anno MDCCLXXXVII. Under- 
neath are the arms of Pius VI, the papal keys and tiara over the 
Braschi arms (?), carefully done in pen and ink. The same arms 
appear stamped in gold upon the fine brown calfskin of the binding, on 
the front and back covers, as on nos. 49, 65; ef. no. 47. 

Contents: 1. Prefatory material. A. Dedication, Incip., f. ia: Pio 
Sexto Pontifici Maximo Ioannes Elias Baldus Perennem Felicitatem. 
Tertium hoc meum opus . . (The University owns one of these other 
works, Georgius Hamartolus (no. 47), but not the other, Nicephoras 
Gregoras.) In its first section the dedicatory address deals especially 
with former librarians of the Vatican and their labors, in the second and 
last, with the gifts of Pius VI to the library, of which the purchase of 
the manuscripts (chiefly Greek) of the monastery 8S. Basilii Magni de 
Urbe is especially enlarged upon.—Ezplic., f. iva: Te diu incolumem, 
beatumque conservet. 

B. Preface, Incip., f. va: Ioannis Eliae Baldi Praefatio ad Glycae 
Epistolas. Cum varias ob causas.—Section 1: Dignitas operi; 2: Qui 
Glycae epistolas edidere; 3: De Glycae Aetate; 4: Examen sententiarum 
de Glyeae aetate, ac nonnullarum earum refutatio; 5: De Codicibus 
Epistolarum Glycae in variis Bibliothecis (a very full description of 
Cod. Lollinensis 34, Vaticanus 1718, from which Baldus’ copy was 
made); 6: De Sententiis Glycae in suis Epistolis.——Explic., f. xvib: ut 
illos, qui non tam obvii sunt, reperias. Vale. 

C. Incip., f. xviia: Syllabus Scriptorum qui in Epistolis Glycae 
citantur. Acacius Caesareae. f. 32.—Ezplic., f. xixa: Vitae Patrum 
142. 222. 379. 

D. Incip., ἴ. xxa: Elenchus Epistolarum Glycae. 1: Ad Joannem 
Sinaitam.—Exzplic., f. xxiib: Ad Thedoram Manuelis Imp. Neptem, 
quae vehementer animum despondebat ob caedem quam perpetrare ausa 
est in quandam mulierem zelotypiae causa, f. 378. 

2. The Letters. Greek Incip., f. 1b: Τραμματικοῦ Μιχαὴλ τοῦ TAuKa 
ἜἘπιστολαί. Τῷ τιμιωτάτῳ μοναχῷ στυλίτῃ κυρῷ Ἰωάννῃ τῷ Swatry. Ei 
χρὴ συγκαταβαίνειν τοῖς πταίουσιν καὶ μὴ κατὰ λόγον αὐτοῖς ἐπιτιμᾷν τὸν 
προσήκοντα. & Καὶ τοῦτο μετὰ τῶν ἄλλων. Latin Incip., f. 2a: Michaélis 
Glycae Grammatici Epistolae. Ad Ioannem Sinaitam Monachum et 
Stylitam maxime venerandum. Utrum in peccatum lapsis condescen- 
dendum, an prout ratio postulat increpandi sint. Hoc etiam inter alia. 
Greek Explic., f. 383b: φαίνεται yap ἐντεῦθεν ὡς ἐκόντες ἡμεῖς εἰς θάνατον 
ἑαυτοὺς προδιδόαμεν. ᾿Ἐτελειώθη ἡ αὕτη Δέλτος διὰ χειρὸς ἐμοῦ Iw. ἩἫἩλίώ 
Βάλδου ῥωμαίου ἐν τῇ προεορτῇ τῶν ἁγιωτάτων Ἀποστόλων Πέτρου καὶ 
Παύλου ἡμέρᾳ € ἔτους αψπᾷζ.---Ἰιαἰϊη Explic., f. 384a: Hine enim sponte 
nosmetipsos in mortem prodere apparet. 

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Michael Glycas is well known as a Byzantine historian of the better 
class. His reputed letters (i-xxix) are printed in Migne, Patrologia, 
Ser. Graec., Vol. 158, coll. 647-958. The two Glycas manuscripts, nos. 
48 and 49, include the bulk of those in Migne, but preserve a much 
fuller collection of 93 letters (56 in this volume and 37 in Vol. II). 
These letters contain much unpublished material, and many quotations 
especially from ancient and mediaeval ecclesiastical literature. Variants 
are given in the margin. The recto of the last fly-leaf shows a penciled 
pricemark in lire. Watermark: On one-half of the leaf a fleur-de-lis (?) 
in a circle; in the other: Pietro Milano Fabriano. 

(Gr. 5.) MicuarL Guycas, Epistolae, cum versione Latina, 
Vol. IT. 

Paper, ff. 216, cm. 43.8 28.2, in 54 quires of 4, except the Ist (2) 
and 47th (6). 2 fly-leaves in front and back. Columns, rulings, etc., as 
in Vol. I. (no. 48). Folio numbering (except prefatory ff.) from 2-202. 
Berlin Purchase no. 7. 1788. 

Label: Mich. Glycae Epist. Theol. Relig. G.L. MS. 

Title-page, f. ia: Michaelis Glycae Epistolae Reliquae de Quaes- 
tionibus Theologicis Omnes praeter unam ineditae Collectae et in 
latinum versae A Joanne Elia Baldo Romano Ad Pium Sextum Pont. 
Max.—Arms of Pius VI here and on binding as in Vol. I, except that in 
this vol. they are above the date: Anno Christi MDCCLXXXVIII. 

Contents: 1. Prefatory material. A. Dedication, Incip., f. iia: 
Beatissime Pater. Etsi in superiori volumine Sanctissime Pater Glycas 
iste—Explic., f. ἰδ: precans quotidie Deum Optimum Maximum ut 
Sanctitatem Tuam diu incolumem, felicem, atque beatam servet. 

B. Incip., f. iva: Praefatio Ioannis Eliae Baldi In Reliquas Michaelis 
Glycae Epistolas. Utilitas quam literis—Ezplic., f. ixa: diximus etiam 
de Investituris Bonifacii VIII. corrige IX. Vale. 

C. Incip., f. ixb: Index Scriptorum qui 4 Glyca in praesenti volumine 
citantur. Actus Apostolorum. 140. 192. 199.—Explic., f. xb: Vita 5. 
Simeonis Stylitae. 47. 

D. Incip., f. xia: Argumenta Epistolarum Glycae In hoc volumine. 

1. Quid sentiendum et dicendum de horabili Christi cruce, f. 2. 
Explic., f. xiib: 37. Ad Nectarium. An dicentibus Sacrarum Scriptu- 
rarum lectionem nihil prodesse sit attendendum. f. 190. The last two 
folia of the prefatory quires are blank. 

2. The Letters of Glycas. Greek Incip., f. 1b: Ῥραμματικοῦ Μιχαὴλ 
τοῦ Τλυκᾶ Εἰπιστολαὶ λοιπαί, Τί δὲ χρὴ καὶ ἐπὶ τῷ τιμίῳ σταυρῷ τοῦ 
Χριστοῦ φρονεῖν τε καὶ λέγειν. ἃ. ἄλλ. Ko. Ei δὲ καὶ τὸν σταυρὸν.--- 
Latin Incip., f. 2α: Michaelis Glycae Grammatici Epistolae Reliquae. 
Quid sentiendum et dicendum de honorabili Christi Cruce. 1. al. 26. 
Etiamsi Crux.—Greek Explic., f. 201b: 6 ἡ δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας ᾿Αμὴν. 

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TEAOS.—Latin Ezplic., ἴ. 202a: cui gloria in secula. Amen. FINIS. 
The pricemark in lire, and watermarks, as in Vol. I. This volume con- 
tains 37 letters of Glycas. On Glycas and Migne’s edition of a part of 
his letters, see no. 48. 

(Gr. 6.) Lectionarium Epistolarum. 

Parchment, ff. 6, cm. 26.317, 1 quire, single columns, 39-43 lines. 
Probably the last quire of a book, for the last lesson ends with 1. 3 of 
f. 6b. Professor Gregory’s leaf numbering (1-267) of the accompanying 
Gospels manuscript (no. 46) continues through these leaves (268-273). 
Marginal capitals and lectionary indications are in red. Special 
purchase, 1895. Century XIII. 

Label: the leaves were bound up, in 1897, as an appendix, with the 
Haskell Gospels (no. 46), the book being labeled: Four Gospels in 
Greek c. a.p. 1500. 

Contents: Church lessons from the epistles, the majority for Lent. 
Incip.: πίστει ραὰβ ἡ πόρνη: (Heb. 11:31) ἢ. la.—Ezplic.: ἀφοροοῦντες 
εἰς τὸν τῆς πίστεως ἀρχιγὸν καὶ τελειώτην Ἰ(ησοῦ)ν (Heb. 12:2) f. 6b. 
The leaves preserve 33 (possibly 34) lessons, all but the first being 
complete. They are usually introduced by ᾿Αδελφοί. The texts are: 

1. Heb. 11:31 18. Rom. 6:3-11 

2. Heb. 3:12-16 19. I Tim. 2:1-7 

3. Heb. 1:10—2:1 20. Heb. 7:7-17 

4. Heb. 10:32-38a 21. Gal. 4:4-7 

5. Heb. 4:14—5:6 22. I Cor. 9:19—10:4 (a division at 
6. Heb. 6:9-12 9:27) 

7. Heb. 6:13-20 | 23. Tit. 2:11-14; 3:4-7 

8. Heb. 9:24-28 24, II Tim. 2:11-19 

9. Heb. 9:11-14 25. II Tim. 3:10-15 

10. Heb. 12:28—13:8 26. II Tim. 3:1-9 

11. Phil. 4:4-9 27. I Cor. 6:12-20 
12. I Cor. 11:23-30 28. I Cor. 10:23-28 

13. Rom. 5:6-11 29. I Cor. 8:8—9:2 

14, I Cor. 1:10-18 30. Rom. 14:19-23; 16:25-27 
15. I Cor. 15:1-11 31. Rom. 13:11b—14:4 
16. Gal. 6:11-13, 14-18 32. Heb. 9:1-7 
17. I Cor. 1:18—2:2 33. Heb. 11:33—12:2a 

The material is for the most part that usually found on the last 
leaves of lectionaries; cf. Gregory, Textkritik, Vol. I, pp. 360-364. 
After the lessons have been carried through the great Sabbath, how- 
ever, with no. 18 (Rom. 6:3-11), the remainder is a rather miscellaneous 
gathering of texts, some according to the Menologion for days of the 
month, others for various days of the movable church year. No. 26 

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(II Tim. 3:1-9) lacks a caption in the manuscript and is not found in 
the material printed by Gregory, op. cit., pp. 343-386. A modern 
hand has penciled in the margins Syriac notes, apparently indicative of 
the days for which the lessons are intended. Below the text, on f. 6b 
a more recent hand has written 

avée το στομα μου Kat πληροθη 
σεται πνευματος και λογον ερευξο 

μαι τη βασιλει - - 
mais παντελὴς εκ χωρίου 

κρα( ἢ) 

Below, in pencil, φύλλα [eval] διακόσα εβδομήτα διό 272 (that is, φύλλα 
διακόσια ἑβδομήκοντα δύο 272). The number of leaves in the present 
codex, including the gospels, 273, is probably meant. At the head of 
f. 2b, an early hand has written ὧδε ησὴν of ἀπώστωλί(οι) τὸν ὡρὸν τη 
ay(ia) Kat μεγά(λῃ) παρ(ασ)κευοί: (ΞΞ- ὧδε εἰσὶν of ἀπόστολοι τῶν ὡρῶν τῇ 
ἁγίᾳ καὶ μεγάλῃ παρασκευῇ). The manuscript was purchased for the 
University, with the Haskell Gospels (no. 46), by Professor E. D. Burton 
and Professor C. R. Gregory, September 12, 1895, from Constantine 
Mitchell, executor of Pericles Morades, who had brought it to Chicago 
from some part of Greece, probably the island of Thera. 

(Gr. 7.) NicrpHoras GreGoras, Historia Byzantina. Lib. 24, 
6. 5—Lib. 37 (38). 

Paper, ff. 477 and 2 fly-leaves, cm. 27.9X19.4 to 28.5X20.7, 
single columns, 20 to 29 lines. The left half of the page is left as a 
margin for notes and corrections. 50 quires of irregular size, nos. 7, 
17-26, 30-32, 38-41, 46-49, of 12; nos. 3, 14-16, 33, 35-37, 44 and 45, 
of 10; nos. 1, 8, 11-13, of 8; nos. 2, 9, 50, of 4; nos. 4 and 6, of 3; 
nos. 5 and 34, of 2; nos. 27 and 28, of 6; nos. 42 and 43, of 11; no. 10, 
of 5. No rulings; a fold divides each page vertically. Berlin Purchase 
no. 4. Ca. 1700. 

Label: Nicephori Gregorae Historiae Byzant. Tomus III Graece. 
—On the back a rectangular paper label, like those on nos. 1, 5, 11, 52, 65. 

Contents: Nicephorus Gregoras, Byzantine History, Lib. 24, c. 5 to 
the end of Lib. 37 (38 in the numbering of the manuscript). Incip., 
f. la: Νικηφόρου τοῦ Τρηγορᾶ κεφάλαιον ε΄. τοῦ βιβλίου κδ΄. τῆς Ῥωμαϊκῆς 
Ἱστορίας. Ἤδη δὲ τοῦ φθινοπώρου λήγοντος καὶ τῆς ἑορτῆς ἐπιστάσης. 
Explic.,£. 475: λάθωμεν ἀπολωλεκότες τὰ ἀναγκαιότατα τῆς δογματικῆς ὑπο- 
θέσεως. The manuscript exhibits a number of other peculiarities and 
irregularities indicative of a curious origin and history. A leaf num- 
bering, counting usually only the leaves written upon and uncanceled, 
runs from 1 (f. 1, quire 1) to 230 (the last leaf of quire 27). 2 blank 
leaves at the end of quire 19, and 1 each at the end of quires 2 and 23 

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are left uncounted, as is the case also with the first 5 leaves of quire 20, 
which are canceled. On the recto of the first leaf of quire 28 begins a 
page numbering (α΄, 2-12, ιγ'-μ΄, 41-132) running to the last verso of 
quire 33. There follows: leaf numbering (133-162), f. 1, quire 34 to 
ἢ. 9, quire 37, 2 blank leaves, 1 each at the end of quires 36 and 37 
being again left unnumbered; page numbering (212-244), f. la, quire 
38—f. δα, quire 39; page numbering (235-341), f. 5b, quire 39—f. 118, 
quire 43; leaf numbering (142-211), f. 1, quire 44—f. 2, quire 50, the 
last two leaves, quire 50, blank, unnumbered. The book number- 
ing, too, is irregular. The historical books, 24—29 are correctly 
numbered, no. 25 bearing the legend: Tod αὐτοῦ Ῥωμαϊκῆς ἱστορίας 
Adyos ιδ. ἤγουν κε. τῆς ὅλης αὐτοῦ Ῥωμαϊκῆς ἱστορίας. Of the 6 dog- 
matical books following, the first is left without any number; over no. 
2, a portion of the superscription, reading, ῥωμαικῆς μὲν ἱστορίας λα΄, has 
been canceled; 3-5 show no peculiarity; no. 6 is numbered 36 of the 
History, whereas by actual count it is 35. This is followed by two 
historical books, numbered 37 and 38 respectively. 

The manuscript was probably copied from several (at least 3) diff- 
erent manuscripts, and collated with one or two others. The margin 
of f. la contains the note: Ex MS. Codice Vaticano num. 1095, pag. 
95, and an occasional marginal note (e.g., ff. 60a, 616, 73b, 78b) gives 
the pagination of that manuscript from 111-117. In the canceled por- 
tion of quire 20 begins a new marginal pagination in the hand of the 
scribe who wrote that portion, which runs, following the hand of this 
scribe, from 1-33 in quires 20-27 and from 63-70 in quires 35-37, giving 
presumably the folio numbering of the original from which this portion 
was copied. In quire 38 a third marginal notation sets in, beginning, 
on page numbered 217, with 113 and running through quire 43 to 144 
on page 341. Aside from this, a hand differing from that of the scribe 
or scribes has supplied quires 24-33 with a marginal notation running 
from 156 to 205. These are the folia of Vat. 1095, and their insertion 
shows that this portion of our manuscript was collated with that codex. 
At least 6 different hands are found in the body of the manuscript, the 
first in quires 1-7 through f. 40a; quires 11-19, f. 59-146a; quires 
44-50, f. 142-211; the second in quire 7, f. 40b-410; quires 20-27, from the 
5 canceled folia left unnumbered at the beginning of quire 20—f. 230a; 
quires 35-37, f. 135-162a; the third in quires 8-10, ff. 42 through 576; 
the fourth in quire 10, f. 58; the fifth in quires 28-34, pp. a’, 2-12, ἐιγ΄-μ΄, 
41-132, f. 133, 134; the sixth in quires 38-43, pp. 212-341. Several 
other hands have been at work upon the manuscript, supplying, in 
marginal notes running intermittently throughout the manuscript, con- 
jectural emendations, the location of quotations,! the proper place for 

10f especial interest is a note on f. 1020, quire 16, where in reference to a 
quotation from Athanasius the scribe copied what was evidently a marginal 

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section-indentions, either as the reader found them in another manu- 
script with which he was collating, or, more probably, as he thought 
they ought to be, etc. The whole manuscript shows signs of hurried 
preparation. The work of the various scribes occasionally overlaps at 
the end and beginning of quires, and one of the duplicate copies is then 
canceled (quire 8, ff. 42a-43b; quire 10, f. 58; the first five ff. of quire 
20). The edges of some of the quires are roughly trimmed, some are 
left altogether untrimmed. The binding, pigskin over pasteboard, is 
loosely put on. The place of clasps is taken by cords of hemp or flax. 

The watermarks, especially those of the fly-leaves, which bear the 
name Fabriano, refer the paper of the manuscript to Italy as its 
place of origin. There is a penciled pricemark in lire on the inside of 
the rear cover. 

The manuscript was probably prepared for use in Boivinus’ edition 
of Nicephorus Gregoras’ Byzantine History. Boivinus was the first to 
publish (Paris, 1702) Lib. 12—Lib. 24, 6. ii, 4, of Gregoras’ History. This 
was Vol. II of his work. No one before his time or unacquainted with 
his work would have entitled Lib. 24, ο. ii, 5—Lib. 37 (38) of the history 
Tomus III, as does our manuscript, and that is precisely the point at 
which Boivinus left his work. Having carried the publication of the 
History in Tom. II through Lib. 24, ο. ii, 4, he promised to complete 
his edition by a third volume, the contents of which were to be “‘libri 
quatuordecim, historici quidem octo, dogmatici vero sex,’ and a fourth 
volume, which was to contain Opuscula. These last two volumes were 
never published. But Boivinus’ preface shows that he had collected 
considerable material for the third volume at least. For this he had 
copies of manuscripts from the Vatican prepared under the supervision 
of I. Vivantius at the expense of the abbot Camillus Teller covering 
apparently Lib. 25 and 26; a Paris manuscript containing apparently 
Lib. 28 to 32 or 33, and for the rest again copies of Roman manuscripts 
given him by Fr. Rostgaard. There can scarcely be any doubt that the 
material thus secured from Rome was based upon Vat. 1095. There 
is no record of any other manuscript of Niceph. Gregoras in Rome 
and certainly not of any which would correspond, like it, in contents 
(Lib. 18-38 [37]), in making Vol. II of the history begin with Lib. 12, 
and in counting 38 books, with the only Vatican manuscript of which 
Boivinus furnishes any adequate description, when he says (Migne, loc. 
cit., col. 11f.): Joannes Mabillonius . . . . communicavit mecum in- 
dicem accuratum librorum XXI, in uno codice Vaticano exstantium; 
quorum primus esset δευτέρου βιβλίου λόγος ζ΄, id est, Secundae Partis 
liber septimus, seu totius historiae decimus octavus; ultimus vero 

note in his source, Cod. Vat. 1095 (cf. Corp. Ser. Hist. Byz., Nic. Greg., Vol. 
III, p. 125, n. 16): “Ex τῆς ἐγκύκλου ἐπιστολῆς, and a different hand added: adde 
In] πρὸς ἐπισκόπους Αἰγύπτου kal Λιβύης. pag. 291, edit. Paris. 1698. 

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inscriberetur, Ῥωμαϊκῆς ἱστορίας Ay’... . . An examination of Cod. 
Vaticanus 1095, made by Mr. Sprengling at Rome in 1908, shows that 
the Nicephorus part of it begins with Lib. 18, reaching Lib. 24, c. ii, 5 
on f. 95a; it makes Vol. II of the whole history begin with Lib. 12, as 
the heading to Lib. 25, cited above, shows; and it counted, by the error 
above shown, 38 books, instead of 37. Just what stage Boivinus’ work 
upon this material reached neither he nor any one else has told. After 
him, however, work upon it seems to have lain dormant for over a 
century. His work was reprinted in the Corp. Byzant., Venice, 1729 
(cf. Migne, Patrol., 8.G. 148, col. 100, note [d]), but there is no record 
of any attempt to add to it at that time. Schopen, in the Bonn Corpus 
Script. Hist. Byz., 1839, did little more than reprint Boivinus’ edition 
in two volumes. He tells, however, of a certain Hasius, who seems to 
have promised to take up the work where Boivinus left it. But his 
efforts led to nothing. It was not until 1855 that Immanuel Bekker 
issued as Vol. III of Niceph. Gregoras’ works in the Bonn Corpus, that 
portion of the history contained in our manuscript. But it is practically 
certain he did not make use of our manuscript. True, the remainder 
of 24, and the whole of Lib. 25 and 26, and indeed (though he does not 
say so) Lib. 27 in his edition are based upon a copy of Cod. Vaticanus 
1095, which is the source of a large portion of our manuscript. But the 
copy he used was expressly made for him (see his preface) at the cost of 
the Berlin Academy, by a certain Henricus Brunnus, and the rest of his 
work is based upon Codd. Paris. Reg. 1276 and 3075 (the latter a 
portion, at least, of Rostgaard’s work), a copy of which he secured 
through Wladimir Brunetus. The text which he secured by these 
means does not correspond to that offered by the present manuscript. 
Indeed, had he had this manuscript, with its marginal notes, conjectural 
emendations, etc., his edition could not have failed to be considerably 
better. Since that time his work has been once reprinted, Migne, 
Patrol., 8.G. 148, 149. 

The most reasonable hypothesis, then, in regard to this manuscript, 
is that it was prepared either by or for Boivinus, as “copy” for his 
Vol. III. He may himself have had it (some of the work in the notes 
would seem to indicate as much), and sent it to Italy for correction (as 
he did with part of the material for the second volume), whence it was 
never returned to him. Or the whole of the work may have been done 
in Italy and may never have reached him. 

(Gr. 8.) Niceras SERRoNrvS, Commentaria in Orationes Gregorit 
Paper, black edges, ff. 399 and 5 fly-leaves (two in front and three 
in back), em. 32.7X22.4, single columns of 29 lines, 51 quires of 8, 
except nos. 1, 40, 45 (6); 48 (7); 50 (10); and 51 (4). Norulings. Some 

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ornamentation and initials in red or red and black. Calvary Purchase 
no. 3. Century XIV-XV. 

Label: S. Gregor. Nanz. Opera.—Above, written directly on the 
pigskin binding, the number 29, and underneath this, 162. Below, on 
a rectangular paper label: XXXII. Cf. nos. 1, 5, 11, 51, 65. 

Contents: 1. Ὑποθέσεις, brief introductory paragraphs on time, place, 
occasion, content, etc., of the various orations treated, ff. la-5b. Incip., 
f. la: ὑπόθεσις τοῦ λόγου τοῦ εἰς THY TOU χριστοῦ ἀνάστασιν: ἄκων εἰς ἱερω- 
σύνην ὃ μέγας οὗτος πατὴρ axGels—Explic., £.5b: καὶ οὐδὲ τῆς συνήθους 
θεολογίας ἀφίσταται:---. F.6is blank. The orations numbered 5 and 6 
in the order of the ὑποθέσεις are put in reverse order in the ἐξηγήσεις. 

2. ᾿Ἐξηγήσεις or commentaries by Nicetas of Serrae (sometimes called 
“of Heraclea’”’) on 16 orations of Gregory of Nazianzus, ff. 7a-399b. 
Incip., £.7a: Tod ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν Πρηγορίου ἀρχιεπισκόπου ναζιανζοῦ 
τοῦ θεολόγου λόγος εἰς τὴν ἁγίαν τοῦ χριστοῦ ἀνάστασιν: ᾿Εξήγησις τοῦ ἐν 
ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἥμων νικήτα σερῶν:---[Ακων χειροτονηθεὶς ἱερεὺς 6 θεῖος 
Τρηγόριος: The commentary is upon the oration given under no. I, 
Vetus Ordo XLI in Greg. Naz. works, Ed. Clemencet, Paris, 1778. 
The other orations commented upon are then treated as follows: Ed. 
Clem. XLV, Vetus Ordo XLII, beginning on f. 166; Ed. Clem. XLIV, 
Vetus Ordo XLIII, f. 846; Ed. Clem. XLI, Vetus Ordo XLIV, f. 1016; 
Ed. Clem. XV, Vetus Ordo XXII, f. 132a; Ed. Clem. XXIV, Vetus 
Ordo XVIII, f. 1496; Ed. Clem. XIX, Vetus Ordo IX, f. 163a; Ed. 
Clem. XXXVIII, Vetus Ordo XXXVIII, f. 178a; Ed. Clem. XLIII, 
Vetus Ordo XX, f. 200a; Ed. Clem. XXXIX, Vetus Ordo XXXIX, 
f. 247a; Ed. Clem. XL, Vetus Ordo XL, f. 267a; Ed. Clem. XI, Vetus 
Ordo VI, f. 306a; Ed. Clem. XXI, Vetus Ordo XXI, ἢ. 312a; Ed. Clem. 
XLII, Vetus Ordo XXXII, f. 336a; Ed. Clem. XIV, Vetus Ordo XVI, 
f. 3600; Ed. Clem. XVI, Vetus Ordo XV, f. 383a.—Erzplic., £. 399b: 
τῷ θεῷ, ᾧ ἡ δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰῶνων, ἀμήν. Of these ἐξηγήσεις 
there have been published: in Greek, nos. 1 and 12 of this manuscript, 
by Matthaei (Moscow, 1780; reprinted in Migne, 5.6. 36); in Latin, 
by Billius, nos. 1-4, 8, 10-12 of our manuscript (cf. Migne, 5.6. 36 and 
127).—On other manuscripts of the ἐξηγήσεις see the prefaces in Migne, 
in Greg. Naz. Opp. Omn., Ed. Clem., and Omont, Facsim . . des. . 
manuscrits grecs . . du IX® au XIV° siécle, notice des Planches, p. 11; 
Planche 52, and Appendice p. 20, no. 1314. 

The condition of the manuscript shows that it was at one time with- 
out cover or binding. A penciled pricemark in lire on the last fly-leaf. 

(Gr. 9.) Nicztas SzrRonius, Nonnus, Commentaria in Orationes 
Gregorit Nazianzent. 

Paper, ff. 43 and a fly-leaf in front and back, cm. 27 .4X21.2— 
31X 21.8, single columns, 27-44 lines, no ruling. The quires are very 

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irregular; nos. 1, 2 and 6 of 4; 3 (11); 4 (6); 5 and 8 (8); 7 (8). A few 
initials in red, ff. 10, etc. Berlin Purchase no. 2. Century XV. 

Label: Gregorii Nazianzeni Sermo de Resurrectione Christi: et 
Fragmenta de Historia SS. Apostolorum. Below are the remains of a 
paper label.—On the front cover: (2), corresponding to (1) on the cover 
of no. 45. 

Title: On recto of front fly-leaf: D. Gregorii Nazianzeni Sermo in 
Resurrectione Cristi Greg: Florellius Item In istoriam 8S. Apostolorum 
Fragmenta.—F lorellius is the scribe of no. 45. 

Contents: 1. Fragments of the Commentaries of Nicetas of Serrae 
on the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus, ff. la-19a. A. On the 
Oration, in Ed. Clemencet of Gregory’s works, no. I, Vetus Ordo XLI; 
Incip.,f.1a: Tot ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν Tpyyopiov ἀρχιεπισκόπου ναζιανξοῦ 
τοῦ θεολόγου λόγος εἰς τὴν ἁγίαν τοῦ χριστοῦ ἀνάστασιν:---- Ἐξήγησις τοῦ 
ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν νικῆτα σερῶν:--Ακων χειροτονηθεὶς ἱερεὺς ὁ θεῖος 
Tpeyéptos.—Ezplic., £.8b: ἐπιδιορθούμενος ὃ εἴπεν, οὐ μεγαλοψυχίαν, ἀλλὰ 
μᾶλλον φιλο-.---Α slavish copy of an exemplar containing all the extant 
ἐξηγήσεις of Nicetas, f. 7a-f. 14a, 1. 14 (cf. Migne, 8.G. 36, coll. 944—- 
961).—F. 9 is left blank. There was evidently a gap here, in the exemplar. 

B. On the Homily, Ed. Clem. XXI, Vetus Ordo XXI, λόγον εἰς 
τὸν μέγαν ἀθανάσιον. Incip.,f. 10a: μόνον ἔχει διαδοχῆς καὶ ἀληθείας.--- 
Explic., £..19b: πολλάκις yap aitove.—Copied from f. 3174, 1. 1, to the 
end of f. 327a of the exemplar. 

2. Commentaries, or scholia, of the Abbot Nonus or Nonnus on 
various Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus, ff. 20a—43a. 

A. Incip.,f.20a: Tod ἀββᾶ νόνου. ΣΣυναγωγὴ καὶ ἐξήγησις, ὧν ἐμνήσθη 
Ἱστοριῶν ὃ ἐν ἁγίοις Τρηγόριος ἐν τῷ εἰς τὰ φῶτα λόγῳ, οὗ ἡ ἀρχὴ, πάλιν 
ἰ(ησοῦ)ς ὁ ἐμὸς -:: πρώτη ἐστὶ ἱστορία ἣ τῶν γονέων τοῦ Aids: οὐ Aids 
ταῦτα γοναὶ, καὶ κλοπαὶ: Α τὸν δία οἱ δῆθεν θεολόγοι τῶν ἑλλήνων ἐκ 
κρόνου λέγουσι γεννηθῆναι.--- Ε΄ ρίϊο., f.23b: ἐξ ἀλόγου τιμῆς ἀτιμίας ἑαυτοῖς 
ποριζόμενοι :: (Migne, 5.(. 36, coll. 1065-1072). ; 

B. Incip., £. 28: Swaywyy, καὶ ἐξήγησις ὧν ἐμνήσθη ἱστοριῶν ὃ ἐν 
ἁγίοις Γριγόριος ἐν τῷ εἰς βασίλειον τὸν μέγαν ἐπιταφίῳ. πρῶτη ἐστὶ 

“ ἃ ἃ ᾿ {δ \ {δι Son \ -ς. α΄ 3 ΄ 
ἱστορία ἡ πέρι τῶν πελοπί WV, καὶ KEKPOTLOWV, καὶ τῶν συν αὐτοῖς ονοματῶὼν 
΄ « 

ἃ Οἱ τῶν ἔξω ῥήτορές τε καὶ cofioral—Explic., f. 274: καὶ θέασαι 
τὴν καινὴν πόλιν, καὶ τὰ ἑξῆς": -(ΜΊρτι, loc. cit., coll. 1057-1066). Another 
hand has added to this portion scholia, in Greek and Latin, consisting 
chiefly in quotations of and references to non-Christian writers. F. 275 
is blank. 

C. Incip., ἴ. 28a: Suvaywyy καὶ ἐξήγησις ὧν ἐμνήσθη ἱστοριῶν ὃ ἐν 
ἁγίοις γρηγόριος ἐν τῷ ἀ κατὰ ἰουλιανὸν στηλιτευτικῷ λόγῳ Ὁ λόγος ὃ 
στηλιτευτικὸς ψόγος ἐστὲ τῶν τῷ ἰουλιανῷ πεπραγμένων:---- Εἰ ρίϊο., f. 38a: 
χθιζὸς ἔβη κατὰ δαῖτα, θεοὶ δ᾽ ἅμα πάντες ἕποντο :- (Migne, loc. cit., coll. 

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ἢ. Incip., £. 38a: ’Opios συναγωγὴ; καὶ ἐξήγησις ὧν ἐμνήσθη ἱστοριῶν 
ὃ ἐν ἁγίοις Τρηγόριος καὶ ἐν τῷ β κατὰ ἰουλιανοῦ στηλιτευτικῷ λόγῳ:- | 
πρώτη δὲ ἱστορία ἐστὶ ἡ περὶ τοῦ ᾿Αριάδνης στεφάνου καὶ βερονίκης 
πλοκάμου, καὶ περὶ τοῦ κύκνου, καὶ τοῦ ταύρου, καὶ τοῦ λέοντος, καὶ τοῦ 
ὀφιούχου, εἰσὶ δὲ αὗται :- Ἢ ᾿Αριάδνη θυγάτηρ ὑπῆρχεν Μήνωος τοῦ κρητῶν 
Bactiéus.—Explic., ἴ. 48a; καὶ ἔστι φησὶν ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ μετὰ σκορπίου :- 
λογολεσχίαι, καὶ ληρήματα ἔμπρακτα, ἀπατηλαὶ δαιμόνων. τέλος. (Migne, 
loc. cit., coll. 1035-1058). The Nonnus material is in a different hand, 
much freer and somewhat earlier than the Nicetas.—A pricemark in 
lire is on the rear guard. 

(Gr. 10.) Procuus, Elementa Theologica. 

Paper, ff. 52, cm. 32.5X22.9. Single columns, 28 (27) lines, 7 quires, 
of 8 leaves, except 7th (4). Ff. 1 and 52 were originally left blank. 
Berlin Purchase no. 1. 1582. 

Label: Procli Elementa Theologica. Below, part of such a paper 
label as appears on nos. 2, 6, 12, 14, 17, 18, 39, 47, 63, 65. The same 
title appears on f. la (the fly-leaf), and, in a different hand and with 
the addition of graec., on f. 16. ; 

Contents: Πρόκλου Διαδόχου, πλατωνικοῦ φιλοσόφου: στοιχείωσις 
θεολογικὴ, κεφάλαια διακόσια ἕνδεκα, f. 2a.—Incip.: a Πᾶν πλῆθος μετέχει 
πῃ τοῦ évds.—Explic.: κἀκεῖνα τέλεια ποιεῖν, πᾶσα ἄρα ψυχὴ, κάτεισιν: 
Of 211 chapters, two (96, 202) were omitted by the first hand and later 
supplied, perhaps by the same hand, in the margin. Chs. 25 and 26 
are wrongly numbered 24 and 25. The lacuna usual in Proclus manu- 
scripts is indicated near the top of f. 5la, in ch. 209. There are 
occasional marginal notes in Greek. The chapter numbers usually 
stand in the outer margin. In text the manuscript shows some afhnity 
with Codex A (Argentinus) of Friedrich Kreuzer’s edition (Frankfurt, 

At the end of the text, f. 516, stand the following colophons: 

Τέλος, καὶ τῷ θεῷ δόξα : 
Χριστὲ δίδου πονέοντι τεὴν πολύολβον ἀρωγήν : 

γόνυ συζεύξας, ὑποκλίνας δὲ κάραν, 
χεῖρας ἐκτείνας, εἰς τὰς θείας τετράδας, 

τέρμα τόδε εἴληφεν ἣ φιλοσόφων βίβλος. 

‘ , 
τὸν δακτύλοις γράψαντα, τὸν κεκτημένον, 
τὸν ἀναγινώσκοντα ἐκ θείου φόβου. 

nr x. Ν “- EA \ id 
σῶσον καὶ τοὺς τρεῖς ὦ τριὰς πανολβία. 

Ἔν Παρθενόπῃ τῇ a μαρτίου μηνὸς 
ἡμέρᾳ δὲ πέμπτῃ α φπ BY ἔτει τῆς θεογονίας (red). 

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X(risti) corp(ore) primo mensis martii die vero iove 1582 
anno a nativitate d(omin)i. 
A.B. C. Ὁ. E. F. G. 
omnes sunt quaterniones praeter G duernio 
Creuzer in his edition (Proclus, In Platonis Alcibiadem, Com- 
mentarii, vol. 3, pp. xii, xiii), mentions many manscripts of the Elementa 
(or Institutio) Theologica, but not this one. 

(Gr. 11.) Procopius, Epitome Eclogarum in Heptateuchum et 
Canticum Canticorum. 

Paper, ff. 462, pp. 924, em. 41.528, 2 columns, 43-46 lines, in 116 
quires of 4, except the 39th (3), 58th (2), and 98th (5). There are also 
3 prefatory quires, of 2, 5, and 4 leaves, and a concluding quire of 5 
leaves, left blank. Ff. ia-viia, ixa-xib, and pp. 923, 924 are blank. 
After the prefatory quires, the pages are numbered, 1-722. Columns 
ruled in ink on both sides. After the preface the Greek occupies the 
inner column, the Latin translation the outer, until it ceases at the end 
of Judges, p. 782. Thereafter the outer column is left blank. University 
of Chicago accession 18981. Hengstenberg? 1696-97. 

Label: Procopius In Heptateuch: et Canticum.—Below, on a paper 
label, 83. The binding is pigskin, and is not the original one, since the 
edges have been trimmed since the marginal notes were written. 

Contents: Procopius, Epitome Eclogarum in Heptateuchum et 

1. Xopixiov σοφιστοῦ Ἐπιτάφιος ἐπὶ Προκοπίωι σοφιστῇ Γάζης, f. viiia. 

Incip.: ‘O λόγος (μΕ.: io. ἄρχεται) εὔχεται μὲν εἰς ἀνάγκην τοιαύτης 
ἐλθὼν ὑποθέσεως. τιμᾷ δὲ τὴν ὁσίαν τοῦ τεθνεῶτος ἐμοὶ παιδευτοῦ " (mg.: 
supple μνήμην) ταύτην αὐτῷ κατὰ δύναμιν ἀποδιδὼ ἀμοιβήν. 

Ἴσως μὲν ἄλογόν τι δόξω ποιεῖν.---Βαρίϊο.: ὅτι τὴν ἐκκλησίαν τὴν 
ἀττικὴν αὐτοῦ μὲν ἀπόντος σύγχυσις εἶχε καὶ ῥαθυμία καὶ ταραχὴ καὶ κόσμος 
ἦν οὐδεὶς τῶν ποιουμένων, f. viiib. 

2. ᾿Αρχὴ σὺν θεῷ τῆς εἰς τὴν Teveow τῶν ἐκλογῶν ἐπιτομῆς Προκοπίου 
Χριστιανοῦ σοφιστοῦ.---[ποῖρ.: Ἤδη μὲν καὶ πρότερον θεοῦ τὸ δύνασθαι 
χορηγήσαντος. Latin: Bono cum Deo Initium Epitomes Eclogarum 
in Genesim Procopii Sophistae Christiani. Iam antea quidem. p. 1.— 
Explic.: Latin: qui scilicet hac ratione Israelitarum peccata volebat 
puniri. p.782,col.1. Greek: ταῖς τῶν διωκόντων ὄψεσιν ἄληπτοι γίνονται, 
τῶν ἀρωμάτων δηλούντων τὸ εὐῶδες τῶν οὐρανίων καὶ καθαρόν. p. 922. 
Choricius the ‘‘Sophist’’ was a pupil οἱ Procopius of Gaza (a.p. 518- 
565). A note at the foot of col. 2, p. 782, gives the date of the manu- 
script: Coeptum hoc opus fuit d. xi Martii MDCXCVI. Ad finem 
feliciter perductum d. xvi. Iunii MDCXCVII.—The Latin translation 
does not go beyond this point; that is, it covers Genesis-Judges, but 
not the Song of Songs. A Greek “‘scholium ad p. 659” (14 lines) is 

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inclosed on a loose leaf. On fly-leaf viib, in the upper right hand 
corner, a later hand has written: cf. de hoc manuscripto (ex bibl. God. 
Olearii) Rosenmiilleri histor. interpretationis. part. IV. pagg. 222, 234 
sqq., 245 sqq.-262. The watermark is a leaping unicorn. 

(Gr. 12.) Ionannes TzETzEs, Epistolae. 

Paper, ff. 137, cm. 20.116, in 12 quires of 12, except the 12th (5). 
2 fly-leaves in front and back. Single columns, 20-22 lines, no rulings. 
There is a page numbering: 3, 24, 25, 48, 49, 72, 73, 96, 97, 120, 121, 
144, 145, 168, 169, 190, 191, 192, 193, 198, 216, 217, 240, 241, 264, 265, 
267 in ink by the original writer; for the rest another hand has supplied 
the numbering of the alternate odd pages 5-271, on the recto, in pencil. 
September, 1812. 

Label: J. Tzetzae Epistolae. 

Title: f. la: Lettres de Jean tzetzes, copiées par. Gr. G. Zalycos 
d’aprés le Manuscrit no. 2644. de la bibliotheque impériale de Paris, 
ce Septembre 1812. 

Contents: 107 Letters of Iohannes Tzetzes. Incip., f. 2a: Ἔπισ- 
τολαὶ Ἰωάννου Thérlov. ἐπιστολὴ πρώτη. To [eA] εὐλαβεστάτῳ 
διακόνῳ κυρίῳ ᾿Επιφανίῳ, τῷ ἀνεψιῷ τοῦ Σίδης. Πυνθάνομαι ὡς παρὰ σοὶ 
τινὲς ἐπιφυλλίδες.--Εὐρίϊο. (letter πο. 107), f. 271α: καὶ πρὸς θεὸν 
ἱλαστήριος ἔντευξις :-+ The last leaf of quire 12 15 blank. In the margin: 
from the same hand, variant readings of MS. 2750; pp. 190 (last line) 
—198 (1. 8) are shown by a marginal note to be from 2750, because at 
this point a leaf is missing from 2644; on pp. 218, 223, 227, 247 variants 
from 2750 are supplied on slips of paper pasted in the margin. There 
are, besides a number of marginal notes, conjectural emendations, 
markings of quotations, etc., in a different hand—On the inside of 
the front cover is written: (1) in pencil, se (2) in ink [Π. G. 
Hamaker|]. Underneath is pasted a slip cut from some_bookseller’s 
catalogue: Tzetzes, Joh., Epistolae, Manuscrit en grec, de 270 pages. 
d. v. 4to. Copie de la main de G. G. Zalycos d’aprés le manuscrit 
no. 2644 de la Bibliothéque nationale ἃ Paris, faite en 1812. Ajouté 
un écrit autographe de J. Geel sur ces lettres et une lettre de D. J. υ. 
Lennep ἃ ce sujet. (For these see nos. 82 and 87.) Johannes Tzetzes 
is well known as a voluminous Byzantine writer of the twelfth century 
(flor. 1180). 

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57. (It. 1.) Boccaccro, Il Filocolo. 


Paper, ff. 160, in 16 quires of 10, em. 2921.5, 2 columns, 39-45 
lines. Occasional column rulings on both sides. Quire signatures at 
lower right-hand corner of last versos. Berlin Purchase no. 33. 1456. 

Label: Bocca(ccio) I] Filoco(lo). Cod. Ann. 1456.— Binding, 
half leather, flowered pasteboard sides. 

Contents: Boccaccio, Il Filocolo. Five books. JIncip., f. la: 
[M]ancate gia en tanto le forze del valoroso popolo.—Ezplic., f. 159b: 
felicemente consumo li giurni della sua vita. deo gratias am(en) 
am(en) am(en). The concluding chapter is a sort of envoi; ff. 159d- 
160a. Incip.: o piccolo mio libretto ad me piu anni—Exzplic.: La 
cui vita nelle mani della tua donna amore conservi: 

Below in the same hand this colophon: Finissia el quinto 6 l’ ultimo 
libro del Filocolo deo gratias. amen. Iste liber scriptus est manu mei 
Angeli Blasii de gualdo in eadem terra gualdi sub anno domini millesimo 
iiiiclvi. Indictione quarta. tempore sanctissimi in christo patris et 
domini. domini calisti divina providentia pape tertii die vero decima 
octava mensis aprilis Amen (f. 160a). 

Callistus III was pope 1455-58. Gualdo in Umbria is probably 
meant, though a monastery of 8. Maria de Gualdo in the diocese of 
Beneventum may be intended. A catalogue clipping prefixed to no. 26 
describes this Angelo as a Spaniard in the Convent of 8. Croce, partly 
through a misunderstanding of this colophon. There are occasional 
notes in another hand. Spaces have been left for large initials, but 
these have not been supplied. The manuscript is well written. 

(It. 2.) Costumi e Morte di Papa Alessandro VI Contrario Al P. F: 
Girolamo Savonarola da Ferrara del ordine de Predicatort. 

Paper, ff. 12, cm. 1913.3, single columns, of 15 lines, 1 quire. 
The leaves are paged 1-21 (ff. 2a-12a). Appended in binding to Razzi, 
Vita di F. Girolamo Savonarola (no. 62). Century XVII? 

Contents: Costumi e Morte di Papa Alessandro 6° [[de’ Medici] 
contrario Al P: Fra Girolamo Savonarola da Ferrara del ordine de 
Predicatori, etc., f. la. Incip.: Costumi e Morte di Papa Alessandro 
6° [46 Medici]] Contrario Al P. F: Girolamo Savonarola da Ferrara del 
ordine de Predicatori. Certamente che a prima vista non pud recare 
f. 2a (=p. 1).—Ezplic.: rendendo grazie a Dio nel nome di Padre di 
figliolo e Spirito Sancto Amen (f. 12a, p. 21). 


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De Medici, following the name of Alessandro 6°, has been erased 
again on f. 10a (=p. 19) 1. 9. 

(It. 3.) Grecorio, Moralt. 

Paper, ff. 217, cm. 29.122, double columns, 34-45 lines, 24 quires 
of 10, except the 1st (prefatory) (4), 4th (8), 12th (2), and 24th (8). 
Most of f. 125 has been torn out. The quires, except the prefatory one, 
have been lettered with the Latin alphabet, ὃ, 0, v, and z being omitted. 
Column rulings at the top and sides. Initial capitals and titles in red. 
A pair of parchment fly-leaves (from another, perhaps a former, binding ? 
cf. last parchment fly-leaf) and a pair of paper ones at each end. The 
prefatory quire shows a later hand than the body of the manuscript. 
Berlin Purchase no. 21. Century XV. 

Label: MolJrali di 5. Greg. [Papa. These words are also written in 
print-capitals on the second paper fly-leaf, recto. 

Contents: S. Gregorio Papa, Morali, ten books. Ff.1a-3a. Notes 
(Notae) on various chapters. IJncip.: Supra notantur capituli istius 
operis. Prologo. Nota virtus obediencie (f. 1a).—Ezplic.: In capitulo 
xxvi Nota de condicoribus saevicie mundane et de simplicitate iustorum 
(f. 3a). Ff. 5a-237a, The Morali. Jncip.: Al Reverendissimo et san- 
tissimo fratre suo leandro compagno suo vescovo Gregorio servo di servi 
de dio, f. 5a.—Exzplic.: per questa divisione egli prende in se medesmo 
spacio di potere un poco ryperare.—A list of chapters precedes each 
book except the first. 

A hint of the history of the manuscript is given at the top of 
f. δα: Quisto libro ey del s(eno)re cola marino capece napolitano. The 
parchment fly-leaves exhibit various early notes in Latin and Italian, 
ff. 1b, 2a, 4a. Pmt. f. 1b, the Pater Noster, in 3 lines, without the 
gloria, and with the double amen. Below it, in the same minute hand, 
Ave maria gratia plena dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus, etc. 
Below, in a coarse hand, a note of six lines on financial matters, begin- 
ning: Adi xvii martii xme Ind(ictionis) M°CCCC°LX XXIII Jo andrea 
philippo di loffreda aio libre ad catarina di loffreda mia sor(ella), etc. 
On pmt. f. 2a, A lo capitulo 111] dilo x libro de lo . . . moralia. Below, 
in a later hand, MS joane HIS.—Pmt. f. 4a, Nota Virtus Hobediencie 
Nota. Nota de vicia R% Re 

(It. 4.) Papal Documents Relating to Missions in China, 1706- 

Paper, ff. 206, cm. 27X20, single columns, ff. 1-162a, 24-26 lines, 
ff. 167-204, 32-43 lines, 19 quires, of 6, except nos. 4, 19 (5), 15 (2), 
16 (8), and 18 (4). A second hand begins with f. 167a, and completes 
the text. Ff. 24, 86b-94b, 162b-166b, 196, 205, 206 are blank. Berlin 
Purchase no. 47. 1706-1709. 

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Label: practically obliterated.—Fragment of a rectangular number- 
label at the bottom of the back. 

Contents: Papal documents relating to missions in China. 

1. Cenno delle Controversie della Cina per commissione del Sig(no)re 
Cardinale Panfili, ff. la-4a. Incip.: Li Cinesi sono i piu cerimoniosi 
uomini del mondo.—Explic.: le quali sole da PP. della Compagnia 
di Giesu si lasciavano praticare ἃ Cristiani. 

2. Alcune riflessioni intorno alle cose presenti della Cina, ff. 40-23b. 

3. Copia di una Lettera in risposta ad un gran Prelato, ff. 25a-28a. 

4. Osservationi sopra la Risposta del Procu(rato)re del Sig(no)re 
Cardinale di Tournon ai cinque Memoriali del P. Provana Presentate 
alla Santita di Nostro Sig(no)re Clemente XI, ff. 280-650. 

5. Memoriale dato dall’ Inviato del Re di Portogallo alla S(anti)ta 
di N. 8. Clemente XI, ff. 66a—-72a. 

6. Osservatione intorno all’ esposizione de Riti Cinesi fatta alla 
sagra Congrega(tio)ne, ff. 72b-86a. 

7. Decretum Patriarchae Antiocheni, ff. 95a-97a. Incip.: Carolus 
Thomas Maillard de Turnon Dei et Apostolicae Sedis Gratia Patriarca 
Antiochenus.—Explic.: Carolus Thomas Patriarca Antiochenus Visita- 
tor Apostolicus. Publicatum Nankini die 7. Februarii 1707. Andrea 
Candela Domini Visitatoris Apostolici Cancellarius, et Missionarius 

8. Actus Appellationis Il(ustrissi)mi et Rev(erendissi)mi Domini 
Fratris Alvari Venavente Episcopi Ascalonensis, Vicarii Appostolici 
in Regno Sinarum, die 13 Aprilis 1707, 4 Decreto, et Executione Decreti, 
de quo infra ad sanctam Apostolicam sedem, ff. 97b-105a. 

9. De Praesenti Statu Missionis Sinensis, ff. 105a-149a. 

10. Sanctiss(i)mo Ὁ. Ὁ. N. Clementi Papae Undecimo, ff. 149b- 
162a. Incip.: Patres soc. Iesu Evangelii Praecones apud Sinas ad 
pedum oscula humill[liss]]ime provoluti— Ezplic.: Finis. Questo 
Memoriale, 6 Lettera é stato presanto (=presentato) al Papa nel mese 
di Maggio 1709. 

11. Incip.: Admodum Rev.? in Chr(ist)o Pater, ff. 167a-204b. 
In seven paragraphi. Par. 7, ff. 197a-2046, is entitled Querelae Illm 
Di. Patriarchae contra Patres Pekinenses. IJncip.: Admodum Rev.: 
Pat':—Explic.: Pekini 4 9's 1706. Antonius Thomas— 

A price mark in lire is penciled on the verso of the last fly-leaf. 

(It. 5.) Ore. 
Paper, ff. 138, em. 13.3X9.4, single columns, usually of 18 lines, 
13 quires, of 16, except 4th, 7th, and 9th (4), 13th (5), 8th (7), 10th (8), 
6th (12), and 12th (14). Rulings on both sides. F. 826 is blank. The 
upper half of f. 138 has been torn away. Berlin Purchase no. 42. 1439. 
Label: wanting. The manuscript has a parchment cover, much worn. 

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Contents: Prayers, hymns, and sermons, Italian and Latin. The 
contents are not numbered in the manuscript. 

1. Incip.: Gaude flore virginale que honore speciali transcendis 
splendiferum, f. la.—Ezplic.: Ubi fructus ventris tui per te nobis 
[est]o frui in perenni gaudio. Amen. 

2. Benedictiones mense ad prandium domini, etc., ff. 1b, 2a. Ad 
introducendum mulieres in ecclesia, psalmus, etc., ff. 2a, ὃ. 

3. Sermo pro pace, ff. 3a-13b. After the text in Latin, Ps. 33. 
Incip.: Charissimi signori. El preposito de lo mio parlare e recitado.— 
Explic.: a la quala gloria dio ne conducha in secula seculorum Amen. 

4. De elymosina sermo, ff. 180-140. Incip., after the text, Gal. 6:7: quale parole si ne amaistra. 

5. Bernardus De Misericordia hominis, De Elemosyna, ff. 140, 15a. 

6. Praedicatio de mortuis, ff. 16a—-17a. 

7. Miraculum, f. 16a. (The dying usurer’s unfaithful executors 

8. Sermo de gratiarum actio(ne) generalis, ff. 17a-. 

9. De elymosina subtracta tempore caristie cuius occasione sanguis 
de pane exivit, ff. 176-18). 

10. In consecratione ecclesie, ff. 18b—-25a. 

11. Sermo generalis i(n) xl®, ff. 25a-29b. 

12. In adventu domini, Sermo de evangelio, ff. 30a-32a (Italian). 

13. De illo qui scripsit peccata sua, ff. 32a. 

14. De dyabolo volente prohibere quendam ne confiteretur, ff. 32a, ὃ. 

15. De cruce quod fecit reverentiam cuidam diviti, ff. 32b-33a. 

16. In vitis fratrum praedicatorum, ff. 33a-34a. 

17. Ad ostendendum capud de mortuo in sermone, ff. 34a-36a. 
Incip.: Mirate pecadori la dura sorte, 1 aspera e crudile sentencia, la 
quale ne manda questa obscura morte. 

18. In die mortuorum sermo, ff. 36a-438a. 

19. In quadragessima sermo generalis, ff. 43a—49b. 

20. Sermo ad matrimonium, ff. 49b-50b. 

21. Sermo in sponsalibus et colatio, ff. 500-516. 

22. Iste sunt laude beate Marie virginis, ff. 51b-52a. Incip.: Ave 
del cielo soprana inperatrice. 16 lines of verse. 

23. Alia laus, ff. 52a-53b. Incip.: Ave del ciel Regina et de la 
terra. 60 lines of verse. 

24. Ista sunt proverbia vulgaria quorum medium tenendum est, 
ff. 54a-56a. Incip.: Ogna tropo sta per nos, pocho focho mal se cose. 
78 lines of verse. 

25. Various psalms and prayers, ff. 56b-78a: Dilexi, Ad dominum, 
Levavi, De profundis, etc. 

26. Notum quando aliquis iacet in peccatis scienter et dicit domini- 
cam orationem sua oratio minime exauditur, ff. 78b-79a. 

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27. De petitionibus orationis dominic(a)e, ff. 79a-80a. 

28. Septem dona spiritus sancti, contra vii peccata mortalia, f. 80b. 

29. Sermo generalis de penitentia, ff. 81α-82α. 

30. Latin maxims in couplets, f. 82a. 

31. Rules and prayers for the securing of visions, ff. 82b-83a. 

32. Requiem, f. 84a. The notes are mostly of the square character. 
The text runs: Requiem eternam dona eis (bis), domine et lux perpetua. 

33. Calendar, ff. 85a-90b. 

34. De Elymosina sermo (Italian), ff. 91a, ὃ. 

35. Various remedies, ff. 92a-95a. 

36. Edifying couplets, alphabetically arranged, f. 950. 

37. Incipit officium beate marie virginis, ff. 96a-103b. The chants 
are provided with music with square notes. 

38. Istoria sancti Allexi, ff. 104a-120a. In rhyme. Incip.: O re 
de gloria altissimo signore padre celestiale e dolze salvatore. 

39. Absolutio generalis, f. 120b. 

40. Directions for finding the golden number, and for fixing Easter, 
with calendars, etc., ff. 121a—134a. JIncip.: Hic retro in eodem folio 
tu reperies quod sit aureus: numerus omni anno incipias ad crucem 
ad numerum ubi sunt xv. et numera unum duo tria et sic consequenter, 
et ubi reperies numerum millessimi a christi nativitate talis est aureus 
numerus illius anni aut luna nova, etc. With the first geometrical 
drawing is an inscription beginning, Ilesus M CCCC XXXIX. hec est 
tabula pascae resurrectionis domini. 

41. Contra febres, vermes, etc., ff. 1340-138 (Latin and Italian). 
An acrostic with various scrawls occupies the last part of the last page. 
Short paragraphs of Latin occupy the inside of both covers. Inside 
the first, a recipe like those at the end of the book; 9 lines beginning: 
Ut catene vincule. Inside the rear cover, another recipe, in 13 short 
lines, beginning: domine dominus noster, quam admirabile est nomen. 
On the same cover is penciled a price mark in lire. On f. 84b, a hand 
later than the first has written a few words. At the foot of f. 120a: 
quatro sancti et sancte sono de una casa e per sancto alexio sono tuti 
salvi deo gratias:—yhs (=TIesus) stands at the top of a few pages. 

(It. 6.) Serarino Razz, Vita di F. Girolamo Savonarola. 

Paper, ff. 318, em. 2719.5, single columns 20-22 lines, 41 quires, 
of 8, except the 22d (6), 40th and 41st (4). Pages numbered 1 (f. 2a)— 
623 (f. 313a), nos. 413 and 498 being repeated. Berlin Purchase? 
Century XVII. 

Label: Vita del Padre Savonarola de Predicat. Del P. Razzi. 
Below, the number 164, which appears also on the corner of the last 
verso, seems to have been effaced. Below again is the number 1590, and 
below it 17[[3 or 5117. Αὐ the top of the front cover is the number 131. 

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Contents: Vita di F. Girolamo Savonarola Ill. Ordine de Predica- 
tori Scritta nel 1590. Dal P. F. Serafino Razzi Ill. ordine sopraddetto 
con ogni cautela, f. 1a. Opposite Razzi another hand has written in 
the margin, Priore di S. Domenico di Napoli. Jncip.: Al Molto Rever- 
endo Padre Fra Filippo Brandolini Priore meritissimo di Convento di 
8. Marco di Firenze mio sempre Osservandissimo. Grande certamente 
tiene oggi la Serenissima Citta di Firenze, f. 2a (=p. 1). 

Prologo Della Vita di F: Girolamo Savonarola, ff. 5a—6a (pp. 7-9). 

Della Nascita di F. Girolamo, sua adolescenza e costumi. Capitulo 
primo. Fu F: Girolamo Savonarola per origine Padovano per nascita 
da Ferrara, f.6b (=p. 10). Ezplic.: Lo reveriamo come martire ren- 
dendo grazie a Dio, nel nome del Padre del figliolo e dello Spirito santo 
Amen, f. 312a (=p. 619). 

Lines entitled Laude dal Servo di Dio trovate nel suo Breviario 
(ff. 3126, 313a), and Di S. Maria Maddalena (ff. 313a-314a) follow. 
Incip.: Tu sei dolce Giesu signore eterno.—Fzplic.: se del tuo lume 
santo fiamme accese. FY. 315-318, Indice. 

Inside the first cover is written Ex B. 7 (or T), and below it in another 
hand, Mayerhoff. At the foot of the last verso, Pobratto (or Potratto ?) 
is written, inverted. Appended to the manuscript and within the 
same covers is another, a small quire of 12 leaves, entitled Costumi e 
Morte di Papa Alessandro VI Contrario Al P: Fra Girolamo Savonarola, 
etc., which we have described separately (no. 58). 

Villari, in his Life and Times of Savonarola, says that Razzi’s Vita 
is a compilation from Pico and Burlamacchi, and that his works exist 
in manuscript in the Magliabecchian, Riccardian, and Laurentian 
libraries (I, xli, xlii). In pursuance of this suggestion we have examined 
the Razzi manuscripts in the National Central Library, in the Uffizi 
Palace at Florence, into which the Magliabecchian Library was merged 
in 1860. The Magliabecchian manuscript (xxxvii, 1, cod. 294) entitled 
Della Vita e Dottrina del RPF Girolamo Savonarola Difensione Gen- 
erale . Fra Serafino Razzi, begins thus: A Benigni Lettori Salute nel 
Signore. Perche importa assai con qual animo, etc., f. 2a. Like the 
manuscript under discussion the Magliabecchian concludes with verse: 
Di alcune Rime spirituali composte dal servo di Dio Fra Ieron(i)mo, 
f. 232 ff. In the same National Central Library is another work of 
Razzi’s, formerly in the Badia, entitled Vita e Morte di Fra Girolamo 
Savonarola da Ferrara dell’ ordine de Frati Predicatori e P? Reformatore 
della Congregazione de FF. di 5. Marco di Firenze. Descritta da F. 
Serafino Razzi, ... . 1590. This is a work in 65 chapters (ff. 553), 
and after an epigram (f. 16), begins with an address to Brandolini, as 
does the Chicago manuscript. The latter does not, however, fully agree 
with either of the Florence manuscripts we examined, and seems to 
be a different treatment of the same general subject by the same writer. 

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(Span. 1.) Breviario de Amor. 

Paper, ff. 233 (6+-cexxvii), em. 3323.5, two columns, 35-37 lines, 
24 quires, of 10, except the Ist (6) and 24th (7). After the table of con- 
tents, quire 1, the leaves are numbered in Roman. Column rulings on 
both sides. Berlin Purchase no. 35. Probably century XIV-XV. 

Label: Breviario de Amor. The oval paper label, found on nos. 
2, 6, 12, 14, 17, 18, 39, 47, 54, 65, numbered 17 has been applied over a 
smaller rectangular label. 

Contents: Breviario de Amor, o sia Trattato di diverso cose spirituali 
Teologiche. This title in a late hand, at the top of f. la. 

1. Table ‘of contents, with corresponding leaf numbers, f. 1a—6b. 
Incip.: En nombre de nuestro sefior ihu xpo sea e de la gloriosa Virgen 
sefiora santa maria Comiencgan las Rubricas deste libro llamado brevi- 
ario de amor.—Evzplic.: Sermon del advenimiento del spu santo ni 
por qual Razon fue embiado en tal manera. 

2. The Rubricas, ff. i-cexxvii. At the top of f. la, ihs+xps+. 
Incip.: ἘΠ maestro Ruega a nuestro sefior dios que le de gra de bien dezir 
ede la obra complir amen. A picture in pen and ink of a figure kneeling 
in prayer with another bending over him from the heavens follows. 
The text then begins as follows: [P]or quanto el se so 6 el entendimiento 
e el saber e la subtilidad el engenio procede e desciende de la sanctissima 
6 individua trinidad.—Explic.: e en tal manera vendras por tal camino 
a la gloria de paraiso donde estan e habitan los santos e hauras con 
ellos en uno gloria e bien aventuranga sin fin con aquel que vive e 
regna alto en el cielo por infinita secula seculorum amen. Finito libro 
sit laus 6 gloria xpo, f. ecxxviia. 

Several pages are left blank, vib, xxxiiiib, xxxva, xxxviiia, lxiib, xevb, 
exviid, clib. A price mark in lire is penciled on the verso of the last 
fly-leaf. ᾿ 

This encyclopaedic work embraces a body of divinity, concise 
treatises on astronomy, natural history, and ethics, and the articles of 
the faith, concluding with a sketch of gospel history. The Berlin list 
calls it the “original of the Floro del gay saber.” 

(Span. 2.) ALExo Sateapo Correa, Libro Nombrado memorial 
de Martires de Hespafia. 

Paper, ff. 390, (viii 239 - 148) cm. 22.7X16.7, single columns, 

usually 16 lines. 33 quires of 12, except the Ist (9), and 33d (8). A 

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printed plate has been inserted in quires 1 and 21, following ff. iii and 
238 (head of Christ), and in quire 33 following f. 140 of Part II (coat of 
arms). The leaves are numbered, beginning with the 2d quire, from 
1-238, then after the inserted plate, from 1-140. The first leaf of quire 
1 was left blank, as fly-leaf, as were ff. 142 and 143 of Part II. No 
rulings. Berlin Purchase no. 46. Century XVI. 

Label: wanting. The book shows no sign of having had one. 

Contents: Libro Nombrado Memorial de Martires de Hespajfia. 
Compuesto por Alexo Salgado Correa en verso Hespajiol, en estilo de 
Sonetos, que contiene dos partes. Quei en la primera se Refieren 
gloriosos martirios . . . en los tiempos . . . desde el emperador Nero 
hasta los emperadores Diocleciano y Maximiano. . . 

Y en la segunda parte se Refieren assimesmo gloriosos martirios 

. en la ciudad de Cordova Reinando en ella 105 Moros Arabes 

Abdarrahgman tercero, y Mahomat su hijo, Abdarrahgman su nieto. 

Fueron estas obras traduzidas de las autenticas scripturas que en la 
prefacion de este libro se Refieren . . . f. ia. 

1. Prefatory material, ff. ia—viiib, including a dedication, f. iia, A 
la catolica real Majestad del Rey Don Philippe Nuestro Sefior (i.e. 
Philip II), and two sonnets addressed to Christ, f. iv. Incip.: Imagen 
suavissima gustosa de mi Dios Ihesu Christo salvador; and the Pref- 
facion de Alexo Salgado Correa sobre estos memoriales, ff. 5a—6b, in 
which the author acknowledges his indebtedness to certain works, 
particularly of Ambrosio de Morales and Florian do Campo—libros 
impresos y publicados y venidos a mis manos y leidos en breves oras 
de la Recreagion de mis occupaciones publicas y studios de mi juridica 
proffession, f. 6a. These are followed by four preliminary sonnets, ff. 

2. Part I, ff. la-2396. Sonnets on the Early Martyrs, with an alpha- 
betic table of Martyrs treated, ff. 234a-238b. F. 239 (plate of the 
head of Christ) really forms the frontispiece to Part II. JIncip.: Pues 
Dios honrra sus sanctos grandemente.—Ezplic.: En perssonas de tantas 
qualidades de varias suertes, sexos, y edades. 

3. Part II, ff. la-141b. Sonnets on the Later Martyrs, ff. 1α-18θα. 
Title: Comienga la proposicion de la Segunda parte deste libro en que 
se trata de los Sanctos que en Cordova fueron martirizados, en tiempo 
de los Arabes Mahometanos, f. la. IJncip.: Nuestros martires sanctos 
gloriosos.—Explic.: agora y por siempre jamds, Amen. With an 
alphabetic table of the martyrs treated, ff. 137a-140a. F. 14la is a 
printed coat of arms, with the motto IHESVS SEMPER ET VBIQVE. 
F. 1410 is written over with Latin texts from Galatians and Corinthians. 

The book is still fastened with two brass clasps. At the top of fly- 
leaf ia, 80 . . is written. The edges are tooled and gilded, and the 

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letter A (Alexo?) is inscribed on the outer edges. The leather-bound 
covers are adorned with a double eagle under a coronet at each corner 
and καὶ surmounted with a crown in the center. The form of the manu- 
script plainly shows the influence of printed books. 

The manuscript would seem to be the autograph of Correa. Another 
work of his is mentioned in Antonio, Bibl. Hispana Nova, I, 1783, p. 9b: 
Regimiento de Jueces: printed at Hispali Apud Martinum de Montes- 
doca, 1556, in 4. 

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65. (Fr. 1.) ArmManD LE BoUTHILLIER DE Ranck, Examen des 
Reflexions du ἢ. P. Mabillon. 

Paper, ff. 508, em. 48.929, including 1 fly-leaf. Quires 1-11 of 6 
leaves; the others are too tightly bound to be determined. Single 
columns, 16-23 lines. A page numbering, 2-1012, runs from f. 3b to the 
end. Nos. 406, 407, 983 are omitted; no. 984 is repeated. Berlin 
Purchase no. 49. Ca. 1750. 

Label: Examen des Reflexions du R. P. Mabillon. At the bottom 
is an oblong paper label bearing the number VI (cf. nos. 1, 5, 11, 51, 52), 
and over this the remains of an oval one like that on nos. 2, 6, 12, 14, 
17, 18, 39, 47, 54, 63, which still bears the number 1. On the front 
and back covers are the arms of Pius VI (pope 1775-99), which also 
appear on nos. 47-49. On the front-paper, recto, the name Mont- 
faucon is written, as though he were the owner of the manuscript. 
But B. Montfaucon died in 1741, and the watermark is 1742. 

Contents: Examen des Reflexions du R. P. Mabillon. On the 
front-paper, verso, below a drawing of the sacred heart: 

Ainsi tendre Jesus, Pelican adorable! 

Tu nourris tes enfans de ton Sang précieux: 
Ainsi ton sacré coeur est un banquét durable 
Qui leur offre en tous tems un méts delicieux. 

F. 507a bears a similar drawing of the heart of Mary, pierced by a sword; 
above, Sacré Coeur de Marie: below: 

Voici du pur Amour le centre et le modelle, 
Approchons-nous de cet ardent brasier, 

Tl nous pénétrera d’une flamme immortelle, 
Qui de nos coeurs amolira l’acier. 

1. Avertissement. Incip., f. la: Quand le R. P. Mabillon eut la 
charité de me venir voir aprés la publication de son Livre des Reflexions. 
—Erzplic., f. 1b: Dans le fond, j’ai toujours eu du respect et de la charité 
pour lui; mes sentimens se sont augmentez dans les rencontres, et je 
les conserverai jusqu’a la mort.—Ornament below. 

2. Examen des Reflexions que le R. P. Mabillon a faites sur la 
Réponse a son Traité des Etudes. Incip., f. 2a, p. 1: Je m’étois 
imaginé, Mes Freres, que ce que j’avois dit sur le Traité des Etudes 
Monastiques du R. P. M. satisfesoit aux raisons dont il s’étoit servi 
pour en établir la necessité. An elaborate ornament precedes the title. — 


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Explic., ἴ. 5066, p. 1012: son Esprit, a qui seul il appartient de faire 
des choses miraculeuses. “Θὰ facit mirabilia magna solus.” Fin. 
In the margin: Ps. 71.19. At the bottom of the page, below a cherub: 
Nota, ce manuscrit est fait en coulée et batarde Angloise——The back- 
paper, recto, exhibits a price mark in lire. 

This treatise is the final answer of Armand le Bouthillier de Rancé, 
the founder of the Trappists, in his debate with Mabillon on the question, 
Should monks occupy themselves with scientific study? the Abbé de 
La Trappe maintaining the negative. Overcome by the personal charm 
of Mabillon, de Rancé never published this or any other answer. The 
watermark bears the name of an Auvergne maker, and the date 1742. 

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66. (Ger. 1.) Book of Devotions. 

Paper, ff. 188, cm. 14.29.7, in 23 quires of 8, except the 22d (11) 
and 23d (4). One fly-leaf in front. The paper guards in front and back, 
on which there was writing in a modern hand, have been partly torn out, 
showing underneath parchment with the lines of the musical staff. 
Over the parchment, above and beneath, are bits of red leather, probably 
the remains of a leather cover. Only the boards of the binding, with 
traces of a clasp, now remain. The manuscript proper is in single 
columns, 15-19 lines, no ruling. The beginnings of sections are marked 
in red, and an ornamental initial stands at the top of f. 153a (151a). 
There are at least two hands, the second beginning with f. 31b. An 
old hand (perhaps more than one, probably contemporaneous with the 
writing of the book) has inserted an irregular folio numbering, running 
from 1-32, 34-38, 38-68, 68, 39, 40-44, 85, 46-100. A modern hand 
has corrected the old in pencil, and continued the numbering of all the 
folia originally written upon throughout to ff. 163. Berlin Purchase 
no. 55. Probably century XV. 

Label: wanting. 

Contents: A collection of mediaeval devotional literature. 

1. Meditations, somewhat in the style of Thomas ἃ Kempis. JIncip., 
f. la: Deo caritas est got ist die liebe und wer da blybt in der lieb der 
blybt in got und got in im.—Ezplic., f. 112a (81a): O guder Jhesu ich 
will entphangen den kylche der heylsamkeyt und den namen des hern 
will ich ewigliche loben und gebenedyen. Amen Deo graltilas. 

2. A series of religious stories: (a) Incip., f. 1138a (82a): Der bose 
geist wart off eyn zijt gefragt war in er die groste freyde hett.—Explic., 
f. 1136: vorware man kan mir keyn groszer freyd angediine. (6) Incip., 
f. 1138b: Eyn exempel von eyn Coster Esz ist gewest eyn Coster Cistercer 
orden in dem Closter zu Calliz.—Ezplic., f. 119@ (88a): und der koster 
sagt synen apt wasz eme begenet wasz und der apt sagt ysz synen brii- 
dern umb yrs lebes Amen. (ὁ) Incip., f. 119b (880): Von eyner hiisz 
dyrnne Esz was eyn eynsiedel in eyn wald.—Explic., ἴ. 1240 (93b): 
dasz ich lone sall haben mit [[der der]] der die ferr und wit uber mich 
gewircket hatt. (d) Incip., f. 124b: Von eynen eynfeldigen beck|[g]]- 
yngyn Isz wasz eyn eynfeldiges beckingyn in eym gots huszgin.— 
Explic., ἔ. 129a (98a): so will ich eiich das helge sacrament nit versagen. 

3. Rules for the proper observance of Lent, ending with rules for 
the government of a monastery. Incip., f. 129a: Wasz dit bedrachten 


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salt und got dancken zii iglicher stiinden syns lydens vor dyn siinde.— 
Explic., £.131b: Aber wan man die cleynen dinge lasst vergen so ist isz 
unmogeliche dasz die andern die lenge blyben stene. 

4. Brief practical rules, perhaps those of some monastic order. 
Incip., ἴ. 1816: Die wile yzu(n)t so grosz spaltiing in allen Cristen ist 
weysz ich dir zii der seligkeyt keyn weg der gewiszer ist dan folge diszem 
biichelin festiglich —Explic., f. 138a: und es kompt die zijt dasz es ene 
selber riiwet und all menschen werden eine grame. 

5. Astory. Incip., f. 188a: Ich weysz eyn menschen der kame zit 
eyner stat da fiel béser geist waren.—Ezplic., {. 140a: vor diszer frunt- 
schafft behude uns got all Amen. 

6. Exhortations in allegorical style. Incip., f. 140a: Dasz hesselin 
hatt IX eygenschafft—Ezplic., f. 150b: wan eyn clostermensch miisz 
fiel liistes entbern dasz die werntlichen haben. 

7. A miracle story. Incip., f. 158α (151α): Eyn schone mirakel 
von der helgen frauwen sant Annen unszer frauwen miitter und ist 
kértzliche geschien. Isz wasz eyns gewaltigen raits mansz sone.— 
Explic., f. 1610 (1596): und III wieschen licht geyn ene dryn Jhesus 
Marie Anna und mit almiisen geben [[und sal sprechen yrem bilde mit 

8. A story. IJncip., f. 169a (160a): Eyn exempel. Es wasz eyn 
andechtig geystliche und sere eynfeldig mensche.—Ezplic., f. 172b 
(1088): darumb sollen wir got groszliche dancken dasz er uns dicke 
unszer begerung entziiget und uns dar durch behiidet vor sunden—deo 

On the blank leaves in the rear portion of the manuscript, the first 
known layman-owner has written a brief family chronicle with various 
memoranda. His hand appears first on f. 163a: Anno 1669 den 28. tag 
Aprilis. F. 163b contains a superstitious note of a murder committed 
on “Creutzerfindungs”-day, 1669, which in that year fell on a Friday. 
The rest of ff. 163-165 is taken up with memoranda of children at whose 
baptism the owner or his wife stood sponsor. F.173a, the family chron- 
icle. Incip.: Anno 1669 den 20. Dag Januarij. Hab ich mein frau zur 
Ehe. . . Ernst Lorentz Paulij Maria Magdalena Pauly geboren. . . . 
—Explic., after memoranda of a number of children with date of birth 
and name, f. 173b: Ano 1718 den 10 februari ist mein Vater sehlich 
entschlaffen. Johannus Pauli hat dis geschriben. The hand of the son 
is decidedly less fine than that of the father. F. 174a the hand of the 
father reappears. Incip.: Wasz ich Lorentz Paulij jarlich vor bes- 
chwarnusz und zinsen gebe . . . Explic., f. 175a: It(em). In dasz 
Hb. Hohenfelts Hausz Jarlich {[ein]] 1 vierdell Korn. On f. 1810, in the 
midst of a scrawl, containing pious maxims, etc., another member, 
probably of the same family, has written: Adam Paull zu Bamberg. 
In 1723 the book changed owners, shown by a note in the new owner’s 

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hand at the foot of f. 140b: Geschrieben den 8. T. abrill Henrich 
wejandt 1723. The same hand has inserted various scrawls, partly in 
bad Latin, here and there throughout the book. 

(Ger. 2.) Hymn and List of Books. 

Paper, ff. 4, cm. 19.515, single column, varying number of lines. 
Late XVI century. 

Contents: I. Vomgreulichen laster des volsauffens ein schoner Bergk- 
reye. The first verse is then written twice, once each under music in the 
base and tenor clef. There are 24 verses in all. Verse 1: Grosgunstige 
lieben Hern, Grosgunstige lieben Hern, ich wolt euch gerne singen, wens 
euch nit wolt beschwern. Verse 24: Soviel es Kan gesein, : || : wie er 
hierin nit zweiffelt, Solt ihr auch willigen drein. Finis. Ff. 1a—-2b. 

II. A remnant of a list of books, ff. 3a, b. 

10. Ein einfeltig bedenken aus heiliger gotlicher schrifft ob man in 
vnsern kirchen mit gutten gewissen einigerley Enderung thun muge, 
dem interim zu gefallen. 

11. Das nie néter gewest ist wider den romischen antichrist zu 
schreiben, vnd predigen, den itzt zu der adiaphoristen zeiten, Nicolaus 
von amsdorff. 

12. Eine freidige vermanung, zu klarem vnd offentlichem bekentnis 
jhesu Christi, wider die adiaphoristische klugheit vnd heucheley, durch 
Ciuilium einen italianer. 

13. Antwort Matth. flac: illijri: auff etliche beschuldigung D. Ge. 
Maiors, vnd D. pommers. 

14. Das D. pommer, vnd D. Maior mit iren adiaphoristen ergernis 
ynd zertrennung angericht haben, vnd nicht wir zu Magdeburg, wie 
sie vns schuld geben Niclas vonn amsdorff. 

15. Die rechte merckzeichen, dabey beide der Christ vnd antichrist 
eigentlich zuerkennen petrus arbiter. 

16. Eine schrifft der theologen zu Wittenberg Anno, 1540, wider 
[[di. . ἢ] die Adiaphoristen geschrieben, daraus zu vernemen das sie 
itzt wider sich selbst sind. 

17. Recusation schrifft der christlichen augspurgischen Confessions 
verwandten stende, wider das trientische Concilium, mit einer vorrede 
Matth. fla. 111}: vnd Nicolai Galli. 

18. Wunderbarliche gesicht, am Himmel vnd wolcken zu weisensehe 
in Déringen den 19. februarij gesehen Anno 1554. 

The missing numbers of this book list show that at least two, possibly 
four, leaves are missing from the middle of the quire. On the lower 
margin of f. 3a stands the number 767, the 6 being written with heavy 
stroke over another 7. F.4is blank. The paper is thick and of some- 
what coarse grain, but tough and of good quality. Watermark: arms 
of quaint design. 

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68. (Ger. 3.) Jon. Maturstius, Kirchen-, Schul- und Spitalordnung. 

Chronicle of the Rammelsberg mines. 

Paper, ff. 140, em. 3319.6 (20.5), in 12 quires, nos. 1 (14), 2 and 
3 (2), 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (12), 5 (10), 6 (4), 7 (31), 12 (17); single columns, 
27-39 lines. An old page numbering in ink, 1-61 on ff. 45a-75a. 
Hengstenberg? Mathesius, 1551; Chronicle, 1527-1583. 

Label: fragmentary, illegible. Underneath, 4. 

Contents: 1. Mathesius, Kirchen-, Schul- und Spitalordnung, ff. 1α- 
16a. F. 1a, title and dedication: Ein kurtzer Bericht, von der Lehr 
undt Ceremonien der christlichen Kirchen in 8. Joachimsthal gestelt 
durch den alten Herrn Johann Mathesium Ein Sendbrief an einen guten 
Freiindt, von der Lehr und Ceremonien in St. Joachimsthal Gonstiger 
lieber Herr undt Freiindt, auf eiier emsigs Begeren, und anhalten, hab 
ich eiich in vyl willfahren wollen, und mit warheit berichten, wie es 
dieser Zeit bey uns in der Kirch, Schul, and Spital gehalten wirdt, 
wie es sich denn (Gottlob) in Werk, und taglichen Wesen sehen, und 
erfinden leszet. Bitte ibr wollet mit dieser kurtzen schrift auf diszmal 
vorgut nehmen, und Gottes Wort, als viel an euch ist wie ein trewer undt 
warer Joseph, férdern helfen, so wird Gott ewern Ephraim und Manasze 
wider segnen, und sie auch zu Ecksteinen inn Iszrael machen. Gott 
undt seiner Gnade trewlich befohlen Datum in St. Joachimsthal, am 

_ tag purificationis Mariae M.D.LI Mathesius. Incip., f. 1b: Von der 

Lehr. Man prediget in dieser kirchen das Gesetz Gottes und Evange- 
lion.—Ezplic., f. 16a: Dasz soll mein lebenslang, mit allen Christen, 
meines Hertzen Wunsch und sehnliches Gebete sein, Amen lieber 
Herre Jesu Christe, Amen. Ff. 16b, 17, and 18 are blank. 

2. Chronicle of the Rammelsberg Mines, ff. 19a-140b. A. Incip., 
f. 19a: Rammelsbergsche bergwerck last sich 80 1527 wohl an. The 
last date in this section is 1583.—Ezplic., f. 42b: . . . Petro Adenero. 
Ff. 43, 44 are blank. 

B. Incip., f. 45a: Von Aufkommen der Bergwercke Steigens und 
fallens. Von Ambts Persohnen undt Geschichten der Bergstidte. 
Wir kommen nun wiederumb zu unsern.—Explic., f. 75a: dadurch die 
beschreibung zuriicke undt nachgeblieben. F. 76b bears the legend: 
Von etlichen Articuln so der alte mann nach Bergrecht und Bergord- 
nunge gehalten. 

C. Incip., f. 76a: Nach dieser Zeit und letzten auflaszung sind die 
Bergwercke eine geraume lange Zeit sonderlichen bey uns hier auf dem 
Hartze dieser jetzigen Bergstadte ungebauet beliegen blieben. The 
last date given in this section is 1568.—Ezplic., f. 140b: allen Bericht des 
Rammelsbergischen Berg- und Hiitten Wercks begehret undt gefodert. 
The lower half of f. 140 is torn out. 

Mathesius’ pamphlet is probably his autograph. The three sec- 

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tions of the Chronicle are in as many different hands. The last section 
is accompanied by Latin marginal notes in a scrawling hand. On the 
inside of the front cover, in a hand more modern than any in the manu- 
script, is the note: 9 Symbolis fol. 4. Interesting watermarks: a kobold 
over the letters A H HB on the one, a crowned bell on the other half- 
leaf; RW on one, a lamb within a wreath on the other half-leaf; a 
galloping unicorn of clumsy design. 

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(Eng. 1.) Jonn Liprrott, Collectanea Curiosa: Transcripts of 
Poetry by Different Wits. 1786. 

Paper, ff. 194, em. 19.6 15.8, in 12 quires of 16, except 1 (14) and 
5 and 12 (18). Written in various ways—sometimes across, some- 
times up and down the page, sometimes inverted (ff. 191-193). For the 
most part in the hand of John Liptrott. University of Chicago Acces- 
sion 263337, f. 2a; at foot of page, 46721 stamped. 1786-1825. 
Label: Mss | Poetry—Below, in faded ink, a number. On the 
front cover: 
5 Ῥ 9 R 
Sancte Pater Quare Rides 
Rideo Quia Papa Sum 
Collectanea curiosa. 
In English, 
A Collection of Curiosities. 
Thoughts that breathe, and words that burn! 

The last line is perhaps in another hand. 

Contents: Extracts of prose and poetry, besides some original 
verses by John Liptrott, written in his hand through a series of years, 
1786-1825. ‘Title: Transcripts of poetry (by different wits) Oct ye 
17th, 1786. John Liptrott. Incip.: Sir Thos. Wyatt of Allington 
Castle in Kent, the first writer of satire worth notice, f. 16.—Ezplic.: 
there is a diminution in its pressure of many thousand pounds, f. 1910. 
The extracts include fugitive poems amusing or ambitious, but of 
small merit; epitaphs, passages from works of travel, etc. A loose leaf 
in the same hand is inclosed, together with numerous clippings from 
contemporary newspapers. 

Notes: Inside the front cover is the book plate or label of Blamire, 
Bookseller and Stationer, No. 5, Strand, etc. Above: Archbishop 
Sancroft’s transcripts of Poetry are now in the Bodleian library. J. L. 
Below, Horace*—Laughing, to teach the truth What hinders? As 
some teachers give to boys’ Junkets and knacks y* they may learn 
apace. *Sat.i.i.24 >From Apol Smectym . . Prose works, vol. 1. 

(Eng. 2.) JosepH Spence, Poems, Latin and English. 

Paper, ff. 84, em. 19.3 12.2, in 11 quires of 8, except Ist (5) and 2d 
(7). Ff. 610-840 blank. Ff. 7a-61a paged 1-109. The handwriting is 

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very probably that of Spence himself. University of Chicago Acces- 
sion 263296. 1722 (p. 22)-1730 (p. 108). 

Contents: Poems, Latin and English, for the most part by Joseph 
Spence. The following table occupies f. 3a ff.: 

1. Ode 4 in Luem Massiliensem, ad C: Pitt.................. 1 
2. “ Epistolaris, ad eundem.................-222.0ee0e- 3 
3. “ In antiquam Britonum virtutem.................... 5 
4. “ Quinque Veneris gradus.............. 00. ceeeeeeees 7 
5. “ In obitum Cl: Poetae, M: Pryor................... 8 
6. “ Amantium mores............... 0c eee eee eee eee 10 
7. “ Inobitum Cl: Militis, D: Dormer.................. 11 
8. “ Ad amicum uxorem ducturum...................... 14 
(a) Philoctetes: a Speech of his from Sophocles... .. pak ae 15 
(6) Venus, a Satir on her from Guarinis’ Past: Fido......... 17 
(c) Horaces 16 Ode, lib: 2, paraphras’d.................... 18 
English Originals: 
(1) To Mr. Pitt: on his Plague of Marseilles................ 20 
(2) To. Mr. Jones on his Oppian.................2000000 eee 22 
(3) Epistle from a Swiss Officer to his friend at Rome........ 24 
(ὦ) Song of Deborah, paraphras’d....................0000- 26 
(e) David’s Lamentation over Saul & Jonathan............. 28 
(f) The Crucifixion: from an Ode of Mr. Masters........... 30 
(4) Epistle on Similies...............0. 00.0.0... cee eee 32 
9. Soteria ad Rev. Doctorem Cheyney, Ode............... 35 
(g) Horace’s 4 Ode, lib: 2, paraphras’d.................... 37 
(5) Epistle on the Mechanery of Brutes.................... 39 
(6) The Art of Beauty. In 2 Cantos...................04. 43 
Latin Originals: 
a’. Certamen Poeticum, Nov. Col. institutum.............. 60 
Bhs MMU εὐ νον sce acer estate Ps seis a dhe μευ ρος AE ogee SMe 62 
10. In obitum Cl. Doctoris Cheyney. Ode................ 66 
", Scenici Itinerantes.............0. 00.000 cee eee eee eee ee 67 
(h) The Vision: from Hab. 3............... 0.00. c eee eee 69 
(7) Ὁ. of Wharton’s letter to Mr. Floyd, Answered.......... 73 
δ΄. Tyro Reginensis........... 0.0... ccc ccc eee eeeeeeucees 74 
(8) Ode against Knowledge.............. 0.0.0. c cece eeeee 76 
11. Alter Georgius. Ode........000. 00000. e cece eee eee 79 
(ἢ Interview of Hector & Andromache, from Il: 6.......... 81 
(9) To Mr. Ramsay: on his Cyrus..............0..00000eee 85 
(10) The Charliade..........0. 00.0. c eee eeee 88 

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(The last four page nos. should be 80, 82, 86, 89.) Incip.: Ode Prima 
Lues Massiliensis. ad Authorem ejusdem tituli Poematis. Qualis 
minister turbinis angelus (f. 7a=p. 1).—Ezplic.: Mr. his 
answer to y® E. of The notes (f. 6la=p. 109). On a loose 
leaf, pinned to f. 2, is a paragraph of verse beginning Must lose in 
[[mood]] guise too hateful, etc.; tentative translations of Aeneid 1:251-3; 
265, 6; 750-6. 20 lines, somewhat scratched. 

On f. 6b, a note of 11 lines. Incip.: Poetam etiam—; quam bonum 
nihil ad rem. Inside the first cover, a note: Purchased at the sale of 
Russell Cook in the Isle of Wight. 

Joseph Spence (1699-1768) is known by his Essay on Pope’s Trans- 
lation of the Odyssey (1726), his Polymetis (1747), and his Anecdotes 
of Pope (published 1820). He was professor of poetry at Oxford, 
1728-1738. For some notices of him are we indebted to Professor 
W. D. MacClintock. 

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71. (Dutch 1.) Land leases of the Count of Holland. 

Parchment, f. 1, in 2 pieces, each cm. 1610.8, from the fly-leaves 
of a volume containing: 

(1) Pascosii Roberti Lamentationes Ieremiae . . . opus 
. . . nunquam antehac visum, nec typis excusum. Below, Coloniae, ex 
officina Eucharii Anno M.D.XXXII. Pp. (16)+334. 

(2) Albini . . . in Ecclesiasten Commentaria. Below, Basileae, ex 
officina Bebeliana, M.D.XXXI. Pp. 126. The whole in a stiff pigskin 
folder; number 722 on back and side. The pieces form the upper part 
of a single leaf, written on both sides. 17-21 lines. Both margins are 
double ruled on the recto; a trace also on verso. 1453-54. ΄ 

Recto: Lease of lands in Texel. 
An der ontfang [va]n mijns genad (igen) 
heren goeden en(de) rent[en] in Texel 
Van den kornthienden in Texel vian djen rentsoenen van d(en) 
lampthienden van den wintmole[n valn den val? geldel| 
van den meylanden van den vogely[ . . -] van den geersten 
Al welke parceelen verpacht zij[n ge]weyst al te samen 
mit allen horen toebehoren ailbr[ . . .] van raephorst scout 
van harlem en(de) thomaes van hog{doe]rp eenen t(er)mijn van 
XX jaren lang aen een geduernde [. . .Jaende en(de) begin- 
nen(de) “ 
tot Sinte Jans dage midsomer [. dulysent CCCChiii om 
die som(m)e van Clvii f. gl vlems glold] Clix Jars te betalen 

tot twee termijnen van den Jar[. a Sinte Jan midsom(er) 
en(de) kersmisse na wtwijs(ing) ina viors] genad(igen) he(ren) 

brieven die zij dar offhebben g[evlen onder tsegel van 
hollant den lesten dach in octobry ([MCCC]Cliii en(de) bij 

mijns vors(?) genad(igen) he(re)n brieven glevjen onder zijnen 
groten zegel binnen ziynre stede[. . .] brugge den xxv™ 

dach in april dusent CCCClv π|. incase dar mede 
hij belieft en(de) consenteert bij advis[. vaJn d(en) Com(m)is- 

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van zijnen financien in die verpach[t . .] vors(?) van welken 
brieven Copie oerdentlich . . . .[ 

Verso: Lease of lands in the Harlemmer-hout. 
Van den zodeslach i{nde] wildernisse van harle(m)mer hout 
welke zoodslach die [. . . }p Cruesner te houden plach zijn 
leven lang geduern[ . ᾿ς Inte dar off wtreycken(de) Vertont 
van assendel( let a . Jn lijne XXTX"* stilden t . . aers 
mijn genad(ige) here ail: . x tegens den vor(ige)n Jacop vry 
geleft heeft .e . . hf. dan weren bewijst en(de) gegeve(n) 
onder . ander daf . scolutaimbocht van westwoude mit 

zijnen toebehoren al. .] a bij des vors rentmeysters 
III** rekenn (ing) τοκοπα, -] folio XXXII int artikel mencie 
makende van den eo .]n ΕΑΝ ΚΘ Υ dar die vor(ige)n 
rentmeyst(er) bij . cs .Jreste dar v. gestelt gelast is 

mitten selven zodllacth fed selfs mijns genad(igen) hee(re)n 
meeste proffijt . [. . .] en Ende want binnen den tyde 
van des(en) rekenn (ing) de[. . vojr(s . .) zodslach nyement en 

heeft willen 
bewach(?) partijen mo[. . .] eye(re)n admits dat belet en(de) 
dat die her. . . bre[ . . .] dar in doet en(de) mantenert zelv(er . .) 
dar in gerech. . v[. . .] sonderlinge in zijnen duynen ende 

72. (Dutch 2.) Narrative and Documents of an Embassy to Morocco, 

Paper, ff. 241, paged 1-482 (including one half-leaf, pp. 287-288), 
em. 32X20, in 59 quires, 14 of 8, 27 of 2, 7 of 4, 5 of 1, 2 of 3, 1 of 9, 
1 of 5, 1 of 6, 1 of 16. The quires are numbered (1-59) at upper left- 
hand corner of 1st rectos. 1790-1801. 

Label: Embassada al Rey de Fez y Marruecos par Juan Enr. Torley 

1791-1801. ~ 

Contents: 1. Reijze van de Captein Jan Hendrijk Torley in eene 
Gezantschappije aan de Keyzer van Marocco, in’t jaar 1791 volgends 
(fly-leaf, a), pp. 1-218. To this are appended: 

2. A series of documents, some of them original, entitled Tratados 
de Paz entre Su Magestad el Emperador de Fez y Marruecos y La 
Sima Republica Batava. Annos 1791-1801. Colleccion del Capitan del 
mar D. Juan Enrique Torley, pp. 221-480. These documents and 
extracts are lettered Litt. A—P, still others following. Their dates fall 
in the years 1790-1801. They include letters, dispatches, orders, 

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accounts, etc., in Dutch, English, and French. Among them are 
orders of Admiral (?) Gardner, dated from the Phoebe in Cork 
Harbour, 1801; various letters to Capt. Bols, and an account of the 
goods and presents taken to Morocco by the expedition. Incip.: Den 
28 September gingen wy om, p. 1.—Fxplic.: Embuscade I. Vandervoort, 
p. 480. 

The front cover bears the book plate of Carl Hopf: Bibliotheca Caroli 
Hopfii. No.561(192). N.35. Hisname is written above, and on the 
fly-leaf (a) with the date Hamm. d. 1 Jan. 1851; his stamp (C.H.) 
appears below. 

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73. (Icel. 1.) The Saga of St. Olaf. 

Paper, ff. 544, cm. 3119.5, single columns, 26-29 lines. 68 quires, 
of 8, with a fly-leaf at beginning and end. Paged 1-1086. Rulings on 
rectos. Berlin Purchase no. 50. 1827. 

Label: Olaf Hins Helga og Orkneyia Sangur (i.e., Olafs Hins Helga 
og Orkneyia Saugur). 

Contents: Olafs Saga Haralldzsonar Hins Helga Og Orkneyia 
Tarla Saugur. E Codice Regio Flateyensi a Columna 310 usque ad 583 
(f. iia). On ἢ. ia (the fly-leaf) is an Italian title: Saga Canti o Relazioni 
Istoriche di Olaf Haraldsson detto Hins-Helga, e Canti de Iarli (Duchi) 
delle Isole Oreadi. Alla Biblioteca Reale di Napoli, Paolo d’Ambrosio, 
30 Maggio 1827—nomastico di 8. A. R. il Duca di Calabria. 

1. The Oléfssaga and Sagas of the Jarls of the Orkney Islands, 
(Olafs Saga Hins Helga og Orkneyia Iarla Saugur.) Incip., p. 1: Her 
hefr vpp Sogu Olafs konungs Haralldzsunar. Ῥά er lidit var fra hegat- 
buré uors herra Jesu Christi.—Explic., p. 1060: Orkneyinga Jorlum 
en sua sem ver hofum sagt. (Cf. Flateyjarb6k, Christiania ed., II. 
pp. 10-530.) 

2. Appendices to the Oléfssaga (Vidbeetir vis Oléfs sogu hins helga) 
[Haec quae sequuntur, pertinent ad Historiam Olavi Sancti, et extant in 
Cod. Flat: post Historiam Haquini Senioris, Columnis 750-51-52-53- 
ἃ 54]. Incip., p. 1061: bessir smdéir Articuli sem her eru saman.— 
Explic., p. 1086, vid kgin edr nockurraillenda. (Cf. Christiania ed., III, 
pp. 237-248.) 

The manuscript is clearly written. The name Paolo d’Ambrosio is 
stamped in red on f. iia. 

Watermarks: on the last fly-leaf, P GRELOV; on the quires, some- 
times A D S, sometimes G R surmounted by a crown, sometimes J 
Honig & Zoon, most often an elaborate one, which appears also in no. 
71, with the motto Pro Patria. 

This manuscript of the Ol4fssaga was copied from the celebrated 
Flateyjarb6k, one of the best of Icelandic manuscripts, which was written 
in 1387-94. In the sixteenth century it was in the possession of a dis- 
tinguished family on the Island of Flatey, west of Iceland, and probably 
since 1656 has been preserved in the Royal Library at Copenhagen, 
The Flateyjarb6k is described in the Katalog over de oldnorsk-islandske 
HAndskrifter, i det store kongelige Bibliotek (Copenhagen, 1900) (no. 18. 
Gl. Κρ]. sml. 1005, I-II, fol. Flateyjarb6k), pp. 10-16. The standard 


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text of the Saga is the Christiania edition, 1860-68, in three volumes: 
Flateyjarbék. En Samling af norske Konge-Sagaer med inskudte 
mindre Fortellinger. The columns of the Copenhagen Flateyjarbék 
were numbered in the seventeenth century, and to these numbers the 
present manuscript refers. 

The manuscript was once owned by Paolo d’Ambrosio, who seems to 
have given it to the Royal (now the National) Library at Naples, per- 
haps in honor of the Duke of Calabria. 

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74. (Heb. 1.) Tracts on Domestic and Ceremonial Matters. 

Parchment, ff. 140, cm. 13X10, usually single columns but some- 
times 2 or 3, besides one or two in the margins; usually 13 lines, the 
accompanying comment sometimes 21 to 40 lines. 19 quires, of 8, 
except nos. 12, 19 (8), 17 (4), 18 (10). Rulings usually on both sides. 
Hengstenberg. 1467. 

Label: wanting. The pigskin binding, which is not the original 
one, is in perfect condition, and has never had a label. 

On the first fly-leaf a modern hand has written: 

"8 “Ta dia ΟΡ M2 UBT pia NT Dw 
ws nwa 2.22 
Contents: 1. Sha‘arim. A series of 40 provisions as to meats, with 

especial reference to weights and measures, ff. 1la-91b. Sha‘arim 1-5 
are wanting. Incip.: 

“Dn “ps Cah “Jax (Ca)qw cnsaw 


Pp ΤΕ Ra pa ta owe Ὁ 
Jax ΝΘ. -wanwen 55 7 
2. Rules (p°"), 45 in number, governing conjugal relations, 
ff. 92a-127b. Incip.: 
naw "Neva. M93 ἘΣ Mwaww (7) 

—Explic., f. 125a: 
wind PR wpa PR or 

ὝΞ ovanbp wax pir xd “BION pinns pin 

pes ons on ΟῚ ota mds ronan. ow owns 
nwa Fan ὩΝῚ nw ἃ ora “wn Ind 

pro wap? 121 

A table of contents of this tract follows, ff. 1256-1276. Incip.: 

—Explie.: at 
pron po PRES ὉΠ ANS ὙΤῸ 


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3. A Tract on slaughtering, ff. 128a-140b. Incip.: 
ΓΤ Ἵ Npop 

son wera 

Since in Mishna, Seder 5 (ΘΠ), Tractate (M3072) 3, now 
Por, such subjects are treated as in fragments 1 and 3 of this manu- 

script, and the order of subjects there is (1) slaughtering, (2) clean 
and unclean, (3) varia, it is quite possible that fragment 3 in the 
manuscript is really an introduction to no. 1 (the Sha‘arim), a question 
which a printed text of the ἈΠ “uj, if one exists, would decide. 
—Kalonymus Ben Gershon is mentioned in the Jewish Encyclopedia 
(s.v. ““Kalonymus”), as is a bibliography to be found in Michael, 
Or ha-bayyim. 

The paper fly-leaves bear watermarks which show that the present 
binding is as late as 1814, and suggest its German origin; on one, after 
other royal monograms, GR III Deutschlands Erretter und Bfefreier?]. 
On the other, Der 30. Maerz 181[4. The date is that of the surrender 
of Paris to the allies. It is probable that this paper was manufactured 
within a year of that date. F.1 has been neatly patched at top and 
bottom with parchment, probably at the time of the rebinding. At 
the top of f. la, P. v. Bohlen has been written and crossed out, at the 
outer corner, and at the inner, Donum R. Iacub(?) Hamb. 1820. P. von 
Bohlen, the orientalist (1796-1840), spent much of his early life at 
Hamburg. He was professor at Kénigsberg, 1830-1840. The title and 
date of the manuscript (October, 1465) are written in a modern hand 
in pencil within the right-hand cover. Our date is derived from the 
subscription on f. 125a. 

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75. (Arab. 1.) The Quran, in Arabic. 

Paper, ff. 70, supplemented in binding with 8 interleaves and 16 
leaves at beginning and at end, ff. 110 in all. On the new leaves at 
the beginning a modern hand has supplied the text of Sura 1:1—2:55, 
probably from a printed text, leaving alternate leaves blank. Cm. 
28X19.5, single columns, 21 lines. 7 quires of 10. Old University of 
Chicago Library. University of Chicago accession 251137. Century 

Label: Coran MS. 

Contents: The Quran, in Arabic, Suras 2:153b—12:45a. 

The name John Hattersley (or -by?) is written on the recto of 
the end-paper. Inside the front cover are book plates of W. L. 
Andrews (three books, with monogram, and the name, in flourishes, 
below); of the Old University of Chicago Library (no. 5081. Presented 
by H. M. Thompson); together with the present book plate of the Uni- 
versity, and a printed slip from a sales-catalogue: ‘2781 Koran, folio, 
an early and well-written MS in coloured inks, in the African character, 
188 pp.” Inside the last cover is a cipher pricemark, and “J. 8. and 
Son,” in pencil. On the front-paper and fly-leaf, in pencil, 133. 
Mss. Arabic Koran. bxz. 94. 188 pages. £1/9/. On f. la of the first 
added quire, ‘‘Alcoran Pr” in pencil. The traceable owners thus seem 
to have been John Hattersley, W. L. Andrews, J. S. and Son (dealers), 
H. M. Thompson, and the Old University of Chicago. The total of 
188 pp. includes the preliminary quire (16 ff.), and the interleaving 
(8 ff.), which, with 70 ff. of the old manuscript, give 94 ff., 188 pp. 


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76. Baxs, Antiquitates Graecae. 




Paper, ff. 182, em. 20.8X16.3. 

Contents: Antiquitates Graecae. Prolegomena ff. 1-7; Pars Prima, 
De Rebus Sacris, ff. 8-101; Pars Altera, Civilis, ff. 102-130. Verso 
blank, except for occasional notes. Incip.: Statim ab initio hujus 
institutionis.—Ezplic.: mercedem de publico accipiebant. A student’s 
notes of lecture-dictations, now labeled Ch. Baki dicta in Antiqq. 
Graec.—Jean (Jan) Bake, born at Leyden 1787, became professor of 
Greek and Latin literature at the university there in 1815. 

Borcuarp, Letter. 

Paper, ff. 8, four, cm. 21.814.1, and four, em. 22.318. A letter 
in German, signed Borchard, dated Berlin, April 21, 1869, dealing chiefly 
with a problem in mathematics. The four larger leaves are filled with 
mathematical calculations. The address is missing. Berlin Purchase 
no. 53: “6. W. Borchardt, Letter to Baltzer, relating to the determin- 
ants, with Appendix by Kronecker... . . » (Berlin list). Four 
sheets of calculations, beginning Kronecker Det. fiir Crelle. J. 71., 
accompany the letter. 

Buppevs, De Statu Ecclesiae Lutheranae praesertim de motibus 
Pietisticis ab A(nn)o 1688-1714. 

Paper, ff. 148, cm. 20.5X16.5, single columns, 22-25 lines, pages 
numbered 1-296, nos. 124, 125, 204 being repeated, and nos. 181, 200, 
288 omitted. 39 quires of 4, except 20th, 21st, 34th, and 35th (2). In- 
complete, wanting concluding quire or quires. Hengstenberg. Century 

Contents: De Statu Ecclesiae Lutheranae praesertim de motibus 
Pietisticis ab Anno 1688-1714. Incip.: Das Vornehmste also.—FEzplic. 
alles zu verwerfen und daher entstund. Evidently the lectures of Bud- 


Antoine de Latour. 

Paper, 421 letters (originals), in Spanish, dating 1856-1876. They 
are of interest for the literary and political comments which they com- 
prise. We owe this note of them to the courtesy of Miss Elizabeth 
Wallace, who has undertaken their investigation. 


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80. De Die Crucifizionis. 

Paper, ff. 8, cm. 20.7X17.5, paged 33-47; pp. 1-32 missing. Early 
XIX century. 

Incip.: apud Marcum omnis sententiae vis ponitur in bis illud.— 
Explic.: Nos vero nune verbis finiamus: Loquere Domine, servus tuus 
audit.—No label. The contention is that Christ held the passover 
supper on the night of the 14th of Nisan, and was put to death on the 
15th, p. 42. 

81. Dissertation sur le Commerce des Anciens. 

Paper, ff. 34, cm. 19.7X15.6, in one quire, one column, unruled, 
the margin on the inner side of the page. Berlin Purchase no. 54. 
Century XIX. 

Title, as above, f. la. Incip.: on peut appeller le commerce une 
Sorte de communication que les hommes forment entre eux.—Ezplic.: 
de la plus grande partie des ouvrages que l’on a ecrit sur cette matiére. 
—FIN. At the end 6 ff. are left blank. 

82. J. GE, Over de Brieven van Tzetzes. 

Paper, ff. 6, in 3 quires of 2 each, another leaf being folded about the 
whole for a cover, single columns of 27 lines; pp. 1, 5, and 8 numbered. 

On the first recto of the covering leaf is the title: Over de Brieven 
van Tzetzes. Incip., f. la: De Chiliaden van Joannes Tzetzes. 
—Erxplic., f. 6b: zoodat de uitgaaf onder bescherming van det Instituut 
geschie dde. J. Geel. 5. Oct. 1826.—This little treatise, unbound, ac- 
companies the manuscript of the Tzetzes letters, no. 56. 

83. GzorGE B. Ipn, Record of Marriages solemnized in Springfield, 
Mass., 1852-72. 

Paper, ff. 42, em. 29X 21.5; 7 quires of 12, single columns. 

84. Le JEUNE-DIRICHLET, Theorie der Zahlen. 

Paper, ff. 72+-7+6, cm. 21.216.8. Berlin, Sommersemester, 1841. 

Contents: Notes of Wm. Gallenkamp, stud. math., on Theorie der 
Zahlen nach Prof. Le Jeune-Dirichlet. 7 loose leaves with trimmed 
edges, in the rear, are inscribed “Zahlentheorie.” 6 other loose leaves, 
with untrimmed edges, bear the superscription: “Theorie der complexen 
Zahlen Auszug aus dem Dirichletschen Vortrag vom Sommers. 1842 
(21 Mai 1843). The bound notes have page numbering as far as the 
writing goes. 10 ff. in the back are left blank. The seven loose ff. 
on the ‘‘Zahlentheorie” have a folio numbering. 

85. Le Jeune-Diricu et, Ueber bestimmte Integrale. 

Paper, ff. 138, cm. 21.2X17.5. Berlin, Wintersemester, 1841-1842. 
Contents: Notes of Wm. Gallenkamp, stud. math., Ueber bestimmte 

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Integrale nach Prof. Lejeune-Dirichlet, ff. 1-98; on Anwendung der 
Lehre von den bestimmten Integralen. Lejeune-Dirichlet, publice, 
f. 100-122; Anhang. Darstellung ganz willkurlicher Funktionen der 
Sinus und Cosinusreihen, von Lejeune-Dirichlet (aus Dove’s Repertorium 
fir Physik, Bd. 1, 1837, 123-138). Loose in the rear of the volume 
is a printed Verzeichniss der in Lejeune-Dirichlet’s Werke aufzuneh- 
menden Arbeiten und Notizen. 

Le JeuNneE-Diricauet, Integration der partiellen Differential- 
gletchungen, etc. 

Paper, ff. 16, em. 20.1X16.1. Berlin, Wintersemester, 1840-41. 

Contents: Notes of Wm. Gallenkamp on Integration der partiellen 
Differentialgleichungen und deren Anwendung auf Physik nach Prof. 
Dr. Lejeune-Dirichlet. 

J. VAN LENNEP, Leiter. 

Paper, 1 f., cm. 19.5X23.5, 24 lines. 

Contents: Letter relating to ‘Heer Geel” and his project of pub- 
lishing the Tzetzes letters, signed D. J. van Lennep. Without date. 
Probably 1826-1830. Geel’s treatise is dated September, 1826, and 
this letter was probably written soon after; cf. nos. 56, 82. 

Letters, with Odyssey scholia. 

Paper, ff. 2 (one sheet, cm. 34.5X 20.5, folded once). 

Contents: A letter in German, quoting two scholia in Greek on 
Homer, Odyssey, a, 1 and 371 respectively. Incip.: Ich schicke Ihnen 
hier eine Dissertation damit Sie sehen ob Sie sie bei Ihrer pythago- 
rdischen Untersuchung brauchen Kénnen.—Explic.: ἐμμελῶς (ἐμμελοῦς 
emend. Mai.) dppovias——There is no heading nor subscription.—The 
address, which corresponds to the letter in hand and ink, is on the lower 
half of f. 20; written at right angles to the direction of the lines of the 
letter, and reads: E.(?). Schleiermachert Nebst 1 Buch.—A note in 
another hand was written on the upper half of f. 2a, the writing being 
at right angles to that of the former letter, as follows: Ich soll Ihnen 
von Géschen sagen dasz das EHinliegende die griechische Probeschrift 
sey von welcher Sie wiiszten. (Signed) Catrina Géschen.—The names, 
carelessly written, are not altogether certain. The address correspond- 
ing to this note is on the lower half of the original f. 1b, reading: Herrn 
Professor [[G]] Buttmann. 

MarueInecke, Encyclopédie; NeranpeR, Anthropologie und 

Paper, ff. 172, cm. 23.119, one column of varying size and number 
of lines. Berlin, 1822-23. 

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Contents: Encyclopédie der theolog. Wissenschaften nach dem 
Vortrage des Prof. Dr. Marheinecke .... von August Friedrich 
Heese. Berlin im Wintersemester 1853 ... . Anthropologie und 
Christologie nach dem Vortrage des Prof. Dr. Neander.—Mar- 
heinecke’s Encyclopaidie occupies ff. 1-89; Neander’s Anthropologie 
und Christologie, ff. 92-172. 

P. MULLENHOF(?), Glossarium Germanicum. 

Paper, ff. 57, cm. 20.617, 2 columns, no rulings. Berlin Pur- 
chase no. ὅθ. 1800-1850. 

Contents: f. la, ‘Glossarium German.” With a table of contents: 
(1) Glossarium Ulfilanum; (2) Lexicon Alamannicum saec. XII; (8) 
Rhabani Mauri glossae de partib. humani corp.; (4) Lexicon Runicum 
Magni Olavi et Ol. Wormii; (5) Ol. Wormii lexicon in Biarkamal; 
(6) Lexicon Teutonicum; (7) Idioticon Ravensbergense. On the verso 
is a small (incomplete?) Index glossarum veterum. Swedish gram~ 
matical material is added on f. 56. The Berlin list says that these 
glossaries are P. Miillenhof’s. 

J. L. Nrerstrasz, Jr., Letter. 

Paper, f. 1, cm. 21.1 20.7, 18 lines. 

Contents: A letter, in Dutch, of J. L. Nierstrasz, Jr., the Dutch 
poet, dated Rotterdam, April 11, 1823. The address is missing.— 
In the same folder with the letter is a copper plate portrait of J. L. 
Nierstrass, Jr. The inscription on the folder makes its contents a part 
(no. 3135) of a collection of autograph letters, etc., ‘“délaissés par feu 
Mr. J. Baart de la Faille,” etc., sold at public auction November 3, 
1868, by G. Theod. Bom, dealer in antiquities at Amsterdam. 

PEERLKAMP, Historia Universalis, vol. 2. Lecture notes. 

Paper, ff. 192, em. 20.5X16.2. Versos usually blank. Leyden, 

Contents: Historia Universalis a divisione regni Carolingici ad 
hane memoriam a P. Hofman Peerlkamp Philos: Theor: et literarum 
humaniorum Prof: Lugduni Batavorum. Incip.: Praefatio. Post- 
quam in libros absolvimus, f. la.—Index Capitum, ff. 188a-189b.— 
Peerlkamp (1786-1865) was professor at Leyden 1822-1849. These 
are probably a student’s notes of his lecture dictations. 

SCHIRMER, SCHEIBEL, BERNSTEIN, etc., Lecture-notes. 

Paper, ff. 397, em. 19.8X16.2 (21.217), one column of varying 
size and number of lines. 1821-1823. 

Label: Schirmers Leben Jesu und Bild des wahren Theologen, 
Scheibels Jiid. Archéologie u. Jesaias: Passow, Virgilius bucolica. 

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Contents: Lecture-notes of Chr. Fr. Gottl. Singer ἃ. G. 6. B.; at 
Breslau? from the lectures of Schirmer, Scheibel, Bernstein, Dereser, 
v. d. Hagen, and Steffens, on biblical and literary subjects. 


Paper, ff. 202, cm. 23.5X18.5. Berlin Collection no. 51. Versos 
usually blank. Two printed plates (from Vaterl. Archiv. II) inserted 
as illustrations with f. 92; another (Der Wildstein) with f. 98. The 
manuscript is probably in the hand of Friedrich von Schlegel (1772- 
1829). Early XIX century. 

Papers relating to the Scottish Peerage. 

Paper, ff. 117, in 12 packets, 1 to 16 ff. each, cm. 2520.2. In- 
scribed sometimes in pages, sometimes lengthwise, as foolscap, in two or 
three modern hands. Once belonging to the Earl of Crawford and 
Balcarres, who seems to have written most of them, and collected the 
rest. Once the property of Carl Hopf, whose label (Bibliotheca Caroli 
Hopfi, no. 1073, etc.) is attached to most of them. 

Label: Scottish Peerage by the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. 

Contents: Genealogical lists and pedigrees of certain noble Scottish 
families: Ancient kings of Scotland, ff. 16; Stewarts descended from 
Robert, Duke of Albany, ff. 2; Douglas and Angus, ff.5; De Candela 
de Anstruther, ff. 4, etc. References to Skene’s work on the Highlanders 
of Scotland, and Douglas’ Peerage and Baronage of Scotland indicate 
the sources used. 

Supplemente zu Noesselts Anweisung zu theolog. Biichertiteln 3. 

Paper, several hundred ff., cm. 20.517, most of them blank, but 
containing here and there notes on books and reviews. Written soon 
after 1800. 

Contents: Supplemente zu Dr. Joh. Aug. Noesselt’s Anweisung 
zur Kenntniss der besten allgemeinern Buecher in allen Theilen der 
Theologie. 4*¢ verb. u. 5. vermehrte Auflage, Leipzig, 1800. 

FRIEDRICH VATER, ET AL., Notes, Lectures and Essays on Greek 

Paper, ff. 331, of various sizes, besides loose miscellaneous letters. 
Berlin Purchase no. 58. 1833-49. 

Contents: Curae Criticae in Scholia Vaticana ad Euripidis Rhesum: 
Berolini iii. Calend. Jul. MDCCCXXXIV. Auctore Friderico Vatero, 
Regimontano, ff. 22, cm. 35.2X22.—Vater, De duplice Hippolyti 
Euripidei recensione, ff. 14, cm. 17.522, dated November 1834; 
in an earlier draft, ff. 4. Vater, Miscellanea Critica, ff. 36, em. 1822; 
and ff. 9, cm. 26.6X21.—Vater, De Isocratis qui fertur Epistolis, 

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various parts and drafts, ff. 42, em. 17.5X21.5.—Collectanea Varia; 
ff. 195, of all sizes. Loose notes and scattered papers, for the most 
part by Vater and on classical subjects. The last 30 of these, in fools- 
cap sizes, are from another hand.—Mythologia Graeca. Lectiones ord. 
professoris Vateri. Pertinent stud. Izaaco Popoff. II. 1849 anni 4 Novemb. 
Kazani. Ff. 28,cm.17.5X22. A student’s lecture-notes. 

Peter WeEssELING, Dictata ad Suetonium. 

Paper, 340 ff., cm. 20.7X16.4, in 85 quires of 4, single columns, 
33-40 lines. Versos usually blank. Utrecht, 1746. 

Contents: Peter Wesseling, Lectures on Suetonius, Lives of the 
Caesars: Augustus, ch. 25.—Otho, ch. 12. On the fly-leaf, a: Viri 
Celeberrimi Petri Wesselingii J. U. D. Juris Naturae publicique, 
nec non Historiarum, Eloquentiae, Linguaeque Graecae in Alma Trajec- 
tina Professoris Dictata Ad Suetonium Altero Semestri Anno 1746. 
mense Jan. G.R. Probably the notes taken by a student at Utrecht, 
in 1746. 

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99. Regulae Grammaticae et Rhetoricae.—Ovipius, De Remedio Amoris. 

Paper, ff. 155, em. 2921.5, in quires usually of 10; single columns, 
32-36 lines; in the De Remedio, 25 lines. Quire signatures usually set in a 
vignette. Elaborately written in colors, with elegant capitals. Berlin 
Purchase nos. 16, 15. Century XIV-XV. 

Label: Gram. Rhet. Inc. Auth. Ovidii De Arte Amandi. Codex Cartac. 
The book is bound like Diodorus (no. 14) and has on the covers the same 
arms, apparently those of Cardinal Braschi (afterward Pius VI). Like nos. 
1, 5, 11, ete., it has the rectangular label numbered in roman, and over it 
the oval label which appears on nos. 2, 6, 12, etc. 

Contents: I. Grammatical and Rhetorical Treatises, ff. 1-145. II. 
Ovidius, De Remedio Amoris, ff. 146-155. 

I. 1. Regulae Grammaticae (first 11 ff. wanting), ff. 1a-107b. Incip.: 

Tractaturi de verbis inpersonalibus. Above, In individue trinitatis nomine 

2. Regulae Rhetoricae, ff. 108a-119a. JIncip.: Quoniam facultas reto- 


3. Tractatus Epistolarum, ff. 119a-133b. Incip.: Quoniam Dictamen 
tripliciter dividitur. 

4. Grammatical summaries and paradigms, ff. 134a-145b. Incip.: 
Quot sint artes liberales. Artes liberales sunt septem.—Hzplic.: Et hec de 
Verbis Personalibus et Inpersonalibus dicta Sufficiant. Deo gracias Amen. 

II. Ovidius, De Remedio Amoris, 1-472, ff. 146a-155b. The text is 
introduced by a long note in the hand which wrote the scholia: Incipit liber 
de remedio amoris. In principio huius libri—The De Remedio Amoris 
follows. Incip.: [Llegerat huius amor titulum nomenque libelli—Exzplic.: 
Quam posscam reddi calcas tutus ope accellis. Incomplete.—The latter 
part has been largely retraced. 


The Berlin Purchase included among its manuscripts three letters 
purporting to have been written by Raphael. The great interest and value 
of these letters, if genuine, led us to examine somewhat closely into their 
authenticity, and although we have been compelled to condemn them as 
modern imitations, and so to exclude them from our list, it seems worth 
while to describe and print them as instructive examples of skilful manu- 
script imitation, and because the grounds of our decision may be of interest. 
The Berlin List, no. 60, says of them: Sanzio, Raffaele, the famous painter. 
Three original autograph letters, 1515-1516. 


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It must be remembered that there are in existence but five letters of 
Raphael of acknowledged authenticity: those to Simone Ciarla, to Domenico 
di Paris Alfani, and to Francesco Francia, written in 1508; to Simone Ciarla, 
written in 1514, and to Baldassare Castiglione, written probably in 1515. 
The temptation to forge Raphael letters would thus be strong, and may have 
been given a special direction forty years ago by the identification by Alfred 
de Reumont,! of the “‘Canossa Madonna’’ described by Vasari, and long 
supposed to be lost, with the Madonna of the Pearl (La Perla) in the Prado 
Museum at Madrid. It-is to that picture that these letters, whether gen- 
uine or not, clearly relate. The ‘“‘Canossa Madonna” is described by 
Vasari in his sketch of Raphael, as follows: 

To Verona Raphael sent a large picture of no less excellence, for the Count 
of Canossa. The subject is the Nativity of Our Lord, admirably treated, 
the daybreak in particular, as here portrayed, has been highly commended, 
and the same may be said of the figure of Sa’ Anna and indeed of the whole 
work, which one could not extol more effectually than by the simple asser- 
tion, that it is by the hand of Raphael da Urbino. The Counts hold this 
picture in the highest estimation, as it well deserves; very great sums have 
been offered to them for it by different princes, but they have never been 
prevailed upon to part with it—Vasari, Lives of the Painters, III, 178 
(Blashfield-Hopkins ed.). 

It will be seen that the first of the following letters apologizes for 
the artist’s delay in completing the picture; the second seeks instructions as 
to forwarding it to Verona, and the third explains that Count Gerolamo di 
Canossa is to take it thither. 

1. RapHaEtto Sanzio(?). Letter to Lodovico di Canossa, Bishop of 

Paper, f. 1, em. 31.5X19.3, folded to a size cm. 6X11.7. The paper 
is old and fine, but has the look of a fly-leaf from an old book. The hand 
is much like Raphael’s and is identical with that of Letter 2, but is not quite 
that of Letter 3. The ink is the same as that used in Letter 2, showing a 
slightly pinkish tinge, unlike the yellow-brown to which sixteenth-century 
inks usually fade. The sheet has been badly spotted by damp at top and 
bottom, and where the ink has been washed out, traces of pencil marks 
appear under the letters. Dated August 7, 1515. 

Il(ustrissi)mo Monsignor Vescovo 
Ricevo in questo punto una letera da mio carissimo zio Simone de Batisto 
da Urbino per quale ho inteso come[fs.]] V(uostra) R(everenza) aspeta con 

ansieta la Tavola 
de la madonna certo li so ubligatissimo quanto che a omo che viva di essere 
stimato degno di servirla che ne sento molto onore. Io prego compatirmi 
e perdonarmi la dilazione e la lunghezza de lo mio operato che per le gravi 
ocupazioni come sa non ho potuto prima satisfare In per altro non sono 

1 Jahrbiicher fiir Kunstwissenschaft, II (1869), 250 ff. 

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finora lontano da fare fine che presto non le possa dare avviso. V.1la tavola 
non faro pregio staro se vuole che vada a stima e come suo antico 
servitore mi aricomando li vii agosto. M.D.XV 
V(uostro) raphaello sanzio dipintore 
in Roma 
Al I (ustrissi)mo Monsignor 
Vescovo di Bajus 
M(esser) conte Lodovico di 
In Parigi 

In 1. 8, Im has perhaps been erased. In 1.9, V. suggests Vuostra, but 
perhaps means Verso, ie., “regarding.” 

The date is unfortunately somewhat obscured by damp. It seems to be 
MDXY\V, but might possibly be read MDXIV or MDXVI. But the Diario 
of Marino Sanuto, the journal of a privileged functionary of the papal 
court, reports that Renato di Prié, who preceded Canossa in the bishopric 
of Bayeux, died on August 14, 1516. Either reading of the date is 
thus at variance with the facts as to the succession of Lodovico to the 
bishopric of Bayeux, for on August 7, 1516, Renato was still alive. A 
further objection to the genuineness of the letter lies in the extent to which 
its language resembles that of the Simone, Francia, and Castiglione letters 
published by Passavant, which is certainly closer than we should expect. 
Batisto is a mistake for Batista, and aricomando betrays another over- 
sight. On the whole this letter seems quite clearly spurious. 

2. RapHaELLo Sanzio(?). Letter to Count Galeasso di Canossa. 

Paper, f. 1., em. 80.19.8. Folded to a size cm. 6X13. The paper 
is much as in the preceding, but with a different water mark—three large 
capital letters triangularly set. The hand and ink are as in Letter 1. The 
sheet looks like an old fly-leaf. Dated April 30, 1516. 

Signor Conte 
Monsignor Lodovico marchese di Canossa Vescovo di Bajus mi ha scritto 
dalla francia che la tavola della madona laqualle si trova 
da mia mano conpinta voglia spedirla a vostra Signoria in 
Verona. inpertanto credo aura ricevuto notizia da monsignor 
V(escov)o come anche mi scrisse che fara avviso ora aspetto la 
determinazione di V(uostra) S(ignoria) a cui mi aricomando. li xxx aprile 

Vu(ostro) raphaello sanzio dipintore 
in Roma 
Al Ill(ustrissi)mo S(ignor) M(esser) Conte 
Galeasso di Canossa 
In Verona 

3. RapHaELLo Sanzio(?), Letter to Count Galeasso di Canossa. 

Paper, f. 1, em. 28.8X20.5. Carefully folded to a size of cm. 10.7X 
6.3, so as to constitute its own envelope, and addressed. The paper is old 
and fine, but has the appearance of having been a fly-leaf torn from an old 
folio. The sheet has been patched with paper strips pasted on the verso. 
The hand is very neat, and much resembles that of Raphael as shown in 
facsimiles of his writing, e.g., the incomplete sonnet on a Vienna sketch for 

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the “Disputa”’ (Knackfuss, Raffael, p. 63), and a letter of less certain 
authenticity reproduced by Deschamps in the Gazette des Beaux-Arts, I 
(1859), p. 109. It is much like the facsimile given by Pini, in La Scrittura 
di Artisti Italiani. It is less like the hand of the Raphael sonnet in the 
British Museum, with which Mr. Kenyon has very kindly compared a 
photograph for us, yet not hopelessly unlike even that. The fly-leaf char- 
acter of the sheet, however, the change of non to no, and the attempted 
correction of dipitore to dipintore in the signature, together with the evident 
spuriousness of the two letters which accompany this one, make strongly 
against its genuineness. Dated October 23, 1516. 
Til(ustrissi)mo S(ignor) M(esser) conte di Canossa 
Jo ho avuta gran ventura di parlare con lo Iil(ustrissi)mo S(ignor) M(esser) 
abbate conte Gerolamo 
di Canossa che con tuta conpiacenza onoro di sua persona la mia Casa 
e vide la Tavola che si trova finita come feci saputo da una mia scrita 
mostro molta sodisfazione per la tanta sua laude se io non sapesi qual nobile 
persona, che e mi crederei per adulato ma essa Tavola e come le mie forze 
sepe fare non quanto al mio giudizio desiderava ma, fu certo la sua bonta 
alla sua partenza da Roma ha deciso portarla con esso 1|’Illu(strissi)mo 
S(ignor) abb(at)e e 
pensare per fino a Verona e io stesso faro nel modo miliore che nel Viagio 
non abia dano. con la riceputa de lo prezio avuto unita a quattre disegno 
di mia mano. la Pregio di far li atti di mia servitu in ocorenza, col Ill(ustrissi) 
(mo) S(ignor) M(esser) 
conte Mons(igno)r Ve(sco)vo di Baius domandando perdonanza de ogni mia 

e sempre obligatissimo mi comandi li xxiii de viiibre M.D.XVI 
Vuostro raphaello dipitore 
in Roma 

Al Ill(ustrissi)mo S(ignor) M(esser) Conte 
Galeasso di Canossa 
In Verona 

In the date other letters (XX?) were written after M and then erased. 
In the signature dipitore was probably written, which the writer then sought 
to change to dipintore. 

The watermark is not clear. It is most like an Italian type assigned 
by Bricquet to the fifteenth century (no. 3726, Palermo 1476), though not 
identical with it. 

Passavant published the known letters of Raphael in his Life of Raphael 
in 1835; an account of the Canossa family, particularly of its leading figure 
Lodovico, appeared in Verona in 1845; de Reumont identified the Canossa 
Madonna with the Pearl at Madrid in 1869, and in 1869-71 Pini began his 
publication of La Scrittura di Artisti Italiani, Sec. XIV-XVII—a series of 
facsimiles of handwriting. Acquaintance with these materials would fairly 
equip a skilful imitator of the antique for the turning out of such Raphael 
letters. There is more to be said for Letter 3 than for the others, yet the 
ag we have mentioned tend to condemn this letter along with the 

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MS No. MS No. 
Aegidius . 22 Calderinus 11 
Alafrancus de Oriano 8 Camillus Brunellus ᾿ 15 
Alberti. 1 Carthusiensis Conventus Erffordi 16, 25 
Albertus Magnus . 2 Choricius Sophistes 55 
Albertus Theotonicus ‘(Teutonicus 2) 3  Clodius, Sextus 12 
Alexander VI 58  Columna, Ascanius 13 
Alexius, St... 61 Combefius, Io. Fr. 34 
Amarcius Gallus. 4 Correa, Alexo Salgado 64 
Ambrosio, Paolo d’ 73 Cosimo de’ Medici 5,15 
Ambrosius Camaldulensis 15 Crawford and Balcarres, Earl of, 95 
American Bible Union . 24 
Amos. 24 Diodorus Siculus 14 
Andreas de Ysernia 41 Diogenes Laertius 15 
Angelus de Arecio 8 
Angelus de Castillono 6. Erfurt 16, 25 
Angelus de Merianis 6 Eusebius 17,18 
Angelus de Perusio 6 Evangelia Graeca 46 
Anjou documents 41. Evangeliorum Harmonia 19 
Antonius, St. . 45 
᾿εδὶκῦν, τὸ poise ὁ Feltrius, Horatius 20 
: ‘ Fides Caietana 21 
Aristoteles 5,10 Ξ 
Athanasius. 45 ἘΠ ΟΘΌΪΘῚ Ἡ τὰ 
‘Augustinus 42 Florius, Ioannes 7 
‘Anverroes 3 Franciscus de Altergotis 6 
Franciscus Martin. 9 
Franciscus de Ramporibus 6 
Sara JE.. 47 48, Ps Franciscus Stea de Neapoli 40 
Baldus de Perusio . 6 
Baptista de Malatis 35 Gallenkamp, W. . 84, 85, 86 
Baronius, Caesar . 12 Georgius Hamartolus 47 
Bartholus de Saxoferrato 6  Girardus Senensis . 22 
Basilius Magnus . 45 Glycas, Michael 48,49 
Bellus Ser Angeli de Callio 32 Gregorio, S. : 59 
Benedictus de Perusio 8 _Gregorius Ariminensis 22 
Benedictus ΧΙ. 7  Gregorius Florellius 45, 53 
Bernardus Clarevalenis 9 Gregorius Nazianzenus 52, 53 
Bernstein 93  Guarinus Veronensis 35 
Bible: II Kings . 38 Guido de Monte Rotherii 23 
Gospels 19, 46 Gulielmus de Pernuo 41 
Epistles Ε 50 
Blasius, Angelus 57 Hebrew Tracts 74 
Blasius de Parma 10 Heliogabalus . 32 
Boccaccio 57 Hengstenberg 19, 25, 44, 68, 74 
Bohlen, P. von 74 Herennius . 22 
Boivinus F 51 Hieronymus 17, 24, 25 
Boschi 7  Honofrius de Perusio 6 
Brandolini. 62 Honorius IV 41 
Breviario de Amor 63 Hopf, Carl 72, 95 
Bulls, Papal . A 7,41 Horatius 27 
Buttmann : 88 Hours, Book of 26 

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MS No MS No. 
Iacobus de Belviso 6 Philip II 64 
Iacobus Bructicarius 6 Philip III eer 12 
Interdicto, De " ᾿ 23  Philosophorum Errores 22 
Iohanes Caminus (?) 19 Vitae 15 
Iohannes de Casali 6 Pius VI 14, 47, 48, 49, 65, 99 
Tohannes de Lignano 6 Plutarch - 35 
Isaiah. 25 Poggius 14, 35 
Isidorus Hispalensis ν 28 ~=Proclus 54 
Tuvenal 29 Procopius ‘ 55 
Prosper of Aquitaine 17 
Kalonymus 74 
Quran 75 
Land leases 71 
Laurentius de Pensauro 32 Raho, Antonius de, 37, 40 
Lectionarium 50 Raimundus, Valentiae episcopus 23 
Lentulus, epistola . 22 Rammelsberg ὅ ‘ 68 
Leo Magnus 30 Rancé, de 65 
Leonardus Aretinus 12, 31, 32, 35 Razzi, Serafino 62 
Liptrott, John 69 Receptarium de Medicinis 36 
Longobardae Legis, Extr. de Casibus 6 Riccardus, Celius 10 
Lucanus 33 Robertus Anglicus 3 
Rohis, Iacobus de 39 
Mabillon 65 Rubricae 8, 84,87, 39, 40 
Maria di N: argarado 19 Rufinus ᾿ 18 
Marracius 21 Rufus, Sextus 12 
Martial 11 
Mathesius 68 Saga of St. Olaf - 4 
Medicinis, Receptarium de . 36 Savonarola 58, 62 
Messala, M. 12 Scheibel, Lecture Notes 93 
Modena 23 Schleiermacher Ν 88 
Sebastianus Neapolitanus 41 
Narrative of ὦ Dutch Embassy to Segreti Antichi 36 
Morroco 72 Seneca, Pseudo- 42 
Neander 89 Servetus 43 
Nicephorus Gregoras . 61 Spata, Iohannes ᾿ 40 
Nicetas Serronius . 52, 53 Spence, Joseph 70 
Nicholas V 12,14 
Nicholo da Osino 23 Thomas de Argentina . 22 
Nonnus 53 Thomas de Vicentiis de Fano 31 
Torley, J. H. foe ot τὶ 72 
Olaf, St. . ‘ 73  Tournon, Cardinal di . 60 
Ossunae dux ¥ 20 Tzetzes, Ioannes 56, 82 
Ovidius 99 
Vincencius .. . de Neapoli 40 
Paganinus de Sala 6  Vincentius Paganus 34 
Passioneo, Cardinal 7 
Pauly : 66 Wachter, J. G. 44 
Petrus de Fundis Fi 37 
Petrus de Perusio . 6 Zalycos, G. G. 3 ἔξ . 56 
Petrus Veronensis 34 Zygmunt, Weclewski F 29 

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